and compliments to the auditor and that we adopt the report;

wimbved by S. Carr seconded by T; Buck that we extend our thanks

CARRIED. 1 \ i J Discussion was resumed'upon the report on work in Canada by the


It was agreed that'the Conference adjourn at 5 P.M; and that

reports he received from the delegates of the rariousLooal Committees

upon the progness being made to assist democracy in Spain.

The following were mongst the reports made verbally,~ Montreal J. Norman Lee, Sam Melton o Winnipeg - ”IMrs. Elizabeth Soott,i JohnBoyohnh iNorth Bay ~ Mrs. Dora M5 were A ~ Hamilton Mrs. Esther M; Walker \ Finnish Organization of Canada ~ Peter Mertena International Cloak & Suitmakers'Union ~ ‘A. Kirzner

‘The Businesscommittee was then nominated as follows,- ‘T. Buck,

N. Freed, J. N. Lee, Montreal, S. Carr, Elizabeth Scott, Winnipeg, J.s

Boychul<,A';l{irzner,‘ G. Stinciqjtiist, Isms. Schaeffer, together with the

members of the Administrative Committees‘


Mr. A. A. MacLeod, on behalf of the Special Comittee formed to

draft resolutions against the sinking by General Franco of boats con~

taining refugees from Gijon, reported progress.

taken by Mr, avid Goldstiok.R

Discussion was resumed'npQn the Chairman's report, the chair beingx


» The report was adopted.

The meeting then adjourned at 5gOO P;M.A