the entire kingdom. On every hand gorgeous flower gar- dens exhibited their wondrous multi-colored beauty, and . everywhere beautiful fountains plashed theirwaters in the sunlight, in public places, in the courts of public buildings, and in the courts of private homes. T T T These Moors wore clean linen. They taught our Christian European ancestors to wear clean linen. They were dis- tinguished by their cleanliness. Cordova alone had nine hundred public baths, and private baths were everywhere. These people had one of «thefinest educational systems the world has ever kn‘own,with thousands of excellent sec- ondary schools and many universities. The women were free, and highly educated. Manyof them were able writers. Some of them’ were advisors to the caliphs. The government guaranteed absolute toleration of re- ligious opinion. Even-handed justice was administered. The Jews, «persecuted everywhere else throughout Europe, were welcomed and kindly treated by theseSpanish Moors. They occupied high posts in the educational world. They were outstanding men of science; they were leading and able philosophers, physicians and surgeons; theyheld im- portant governmental positions; they flourishedin every branch of commerce. , A T . These Moors translated the classics of the Greeks and the. Romans into Arabic, and they produced a magnificent native literature running all the way from beautiful and delightful poetry to encyclopaedias extending, some of them, into more than a hundred volumes- o Glorious was the. architecture of these Moors. .The mosque of Cordova, the mosque of Seville, the Alhambra, the royal‘ palace of the kings of Granada, these and a num- ber of other wondrous marble structures were among the most magnificent buildings earth has ever known. And then there were literally thousands of .magnificent marble palaces, the homes of the wealthier people. The homes of the common people, hundreds of which ; still remain, were furnished with beautiful carpets many hundreds of years before even the reception room of Queen Elizabeth was still littered with straw. Their walls were adorned with silks and mosaics and arabesques, and in nearly every home there was in the living room a beautiful marble fountain. Such, in bare outline, is the story of the astonishing civilization which the Moors. created in mediaeval Spain; a civilization that created vast wealth and Wondrous ob- jects of beauty; a civilization in whichthirty millions of 4 .