
that will have to be left for another occeeion. lnterepereed between the long, supple linee epehen hy lnee, a Epenieh Republican fightenjand her eon, the journeliet and editor Guido, a traitor to the goyernment,the

. . neeti* .0 . . drama unfolds =.~;1tn short %,~,cx§xA E%8§‘i%}~§§ like this one «_

Ynxxankxmnxxkx who can eey why hnxxnenanxnntxfiiexx Ofir eone must die? who can eny fihy?

Some say for bread we give theee deed Duet ie their bread

and the answer comee at the climax of the tele:

You eeh me why Qur eons must die ihie then, ie why:

To stand up etnaight In the nerrow gate, Once to etend streight.

Xe that ell, then, Once to be men? That is all, then! The stark simplicity of theee linee, interwoven with much more com» nliceted rhxgyme end imegee euggeet that the poet Kenneth Leelie

had been deeply movedLhy horce'e passionate lyriciem; end that he,

more thmn eny other Cenaeien hoet had eeeimileted the leeeone of “r

politics and made them one with khexhnmanxxnnfiitien art. Lorce's influence of oouree hee continued tn he felt by Canadian poets: during those deye following hie denth I wrote a noee for him, and so have other poets more recently: Dudek,mfinnxknn end othere . Young ectiviete today are putting on hie pleye end einging hie eonge. It is true that in the narrow eenee horce wee not e politicel noet : l believe hie eeeocietion, ee friende’eith men of both eidee led to hie hetreyel ene execution. however, it wee heceyge of hie deep roote in hie own country, Qrenede) that he was a people’e poet. As he has declered:

If by the hrnce of God I beome femoue half of that feme will belong to Grenade, which formen me and made me what I am:

a poet from hirth and unable to help it.

How many Canadian poete, I wonder, have had the maturity to say