Jun“ 15,1925 I Ink )1‘-l1~’”’”“C 1\l:1c:<" ' ”—t00 " Your F OED ?{€5e’”e5 One um. . 1 mm Special model for Fords—CompIete with nickel locking cap—$4-50 HAT same protection against the dangers of overheafing which Tthe Boyce Moto—Meter has long afforded higher priced cars, is now available for Fords. This handsome new locking model especially de- signed for Ford use may now be had at all accessory dealers. THE MDTOJHETER COMPANY OF CANADA. LTD., Hamilton, Ontario The mini: "Mala-Mater" {A III: rnlslercd trad: mark and (In: “=1”-vlve nmurty ohm. comm,