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A short Scene between Biek and his uncle ahouhld have previously been 810th, in which Dick telle his uncle t at the girl he hea seen him with in the park was not the one eecus- tomed to meet him, but had come there to aefehi her fTi0fifi from him.

Dayton is not so overjoyea at finding minette, and so desperately in love with her, that he mmxxza does everything in his power to win her. and tries to inauee her and florah to visit at the ranch. is the two girls desire to see Mrs. O'Rourke they are soon pursuedea to go, ahd Dayton orders Buck to bring Nora's mother from the grain ranch to the cattle.

The beautiful trip is made by automobile. The roads are fine here, being the great Benff highway. Mrs. O'Rourke is at the gate to meet them, and mxifimx alternately embraces

them and bursts into tears. Minette assures her that she is for iv:


on, and tells her of her trust an& faith thet"le hon fiieu" is caring for her children, and thlt in His gooa time they will he returned to their mother;

Chu Chin Chou is soo h&pfiy over the love t.et he sees between hfinette and the boss that he fairly runs about in Giroleo. Between him and Minotte e flrionflshiy aevelope. Minette tells him about her babies, and shows him the picture of them? Chu ru s into his hunk house and comes out with a picture of his eleven children, little Ghineoe tots, all in a row. Eoor old Chu has not seen them for valve-years, but he tells Minette all of his davings have gone back to China to core for the little

Chu's, and that the big boss has yromieed him a year's holiday