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- v We were n .- .. ' n the tuor L , . . tght Oar .\attona] emblematic of me it against New York, 1. outs. r\'c“-ym.kl ‘ll YC-"It. _r\\' we left the El‘-“ll litsltton from scows


were told we would start in the En I man holding the rudder of each boat. Jog . . instructions. As we arrived at the gmic Us m”l'"'“‘l

_ , starti '- . . nounced. his decision to change the st Hg mm [M “"1"” “"'

. art. to one from - - .. ' H ive ou the wa ' __ . , v ‘1”‘m‘“¥"‘“V.\' hne. . I11 g Y ml”? RC3tl,\.' he bawled, “and then

the_gun.u As hf’: stood on the box‘. of thc Fmrwfi boat Shm 1. uBac‘k up Argos ‘C0216 up Detroitw ustmdv them New \_OlrLttH «Hd]d it, Mound Ctty. we heard his instructions, V boats?’ and thenfsplaslt, splash, splash «we loolccd there we were still at the Starting hnc Down at the other end of the course were five timers —t]n-cc H, watch the smoke of the gun——two to catch the Splitsh, was never fired. The race was off without it. ost.

P “Give her if“. b0}'5~” }_"CllC¢l .l‘~‘ll- Taylor. This meant ten. hard. fast strokes with everything we had——the famous Argo start amt finish. We leaned [0 W “L<"l)" 0” ll»), ."<‘llCtl _lEff and we leaned still harder. “Give her ten," again yelled Jeff, and we started on ottr third spurt with the best part of that killing mile and l|\’L‘ and fifty yards still ahead of us.

“Give her ten," once more—and \\'L‘ were up even with New York and we stayed i/ton‘, until we came in with the Senior liiglit Championship. ‘V6 won the Senior Fours the same day. and after thatjoe VVright again became a human being.

The big news in the rowing world in Canada to—tlay is the retttrn of Coach Joe Wlright who comes l)acl< to this country after eleven years at the University of Penns_\'l\'ania and the l’cnnsylvania Athletic Club. He returns witlt the greatest winning record of any college coach in America. His record includes wins by the [Tuner- sity of Pennsylvanizt over l'lar\'ard. Yale, Cornell. l’rintt-ton. Columbia and the Na\’y»«the grezttcst college Ll'(‘\\'s in the Linited Sta_te5_ His return bring: memories of the t1tlglll}'.‘\r}:\tll.tlll crews

liyes on the around and and the other crews away.

That gun \\ e were left at ll1c



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‘Vlttt f\s'e;>t the championships of North America year after year in Ill“ 5°""“' Ellllllsu .lunior liigltts. Senior Fours, junior Fours and Sltttzlcs--—w|ieii the fame of t.he Toronto Argonauts was known the cnntinent over.

The war played havoc with all Canadian rowing clubs, the -"\"fZ<‘>it;ttits lost fifty, and other.» in like proportion. Bin rowing is coining back again in Canada and we should soon see Canadians tztving the Americans merry competition.

At the last Olympic, the L'ni\'er.sity of Toronto coached by Professor “Tommy” l.oudcn, added to the fame of Canadian oa rsmcn getting second place in the Senior Eights, being beaten only hy '1 ale.«which Joe Wright describes as being in his opinion “the fastest crew that ever sat in the Senior Eights." Last year Lachine took thelntcrmediate Eight Championsltip at Philadelphia.

In 1926, Canada was unfortunate to lose the Hanlan Memorial Trophy, one of the greatest rowing prizes of America, to the \\yandottes of \\'yandotte, Mich. lt represents the Eight Oar Championship of Canada. lt has been lifted only twice by foreign crews. The year before last. Coach Joe Wright brought up a crew from the l’cnnsyl\'ania Athletic Club which won it for the first time; then Wyatidtitttes repeated last year.

This year it is the hope of all Canadian oarsmen to see it ltrttllgltl back to Canada. \\'ith the Olympics in sight. for I913. "Tontniy" Louden will have four of his Olympic crews back in the \'ar.sity lflight and this will give him a wonderful nucleus for a championship crew. Joe \\ right should bring out .1 great crop of oarsmen for the Argonauts and with what is happening in other rotting clubs Canadals cltances should bring the Hanlan .\lemorial Trophy back to this couutr_\.

With a new crop of oarsmen coming up. there is no lack of coaches in this country equal to any in the world. joe Wright will. ofcourse. coach the Argonauts again. Then in “Tommy” Louden Toronto University has one of the really great coaches ——a professor in Varsity. an engineer with .1 scientific mind. and a man who was coxswaitt for Joe \\'right‘.s Argonauts Senior Eight crew which still holds the world's record made at Baltimore in 1907.

The Lachine Rowing Club. which has for years turned out splendid crews, will have entries in all the senior ex ents. They will

See alro pagr 76

[tin of (‘uuurIiun I'tIll‘l"I/- 771!‘ rl"!l"’"'"f" 1"”! l'“"' T" H" Rnynl