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s M, of gc11c1-ul. Cm11uli1u1 .1-Rfiigggrael. 1U_ll8 the .1411_za1‘!1 111111. mm, wuddmg of Ma1a1'AIf1-czl Gt“,-5-nge Larter, of Hm 1?um1( canwdlawh Afmll S<’I‘111c1- 60795, 5011. of the late 181111111’! M, La/rtar aml Mrs. L1m.1t1-1-, of Tomato, and Miss Darts 1-1111. “-5; De I/e_be'r, only rI(111gI1m1 of Mr Wtllulm H. DcI1’11I1r,11 M“; the late Mrs. D11 V1-her 0',‘ St. John, N.B. 1_'l1Ia.8Icr Gvnr;/11 parkin was (‘rum bearer, ,1/11%. Edith Cudllih "f 1]Im111'c11I, maid-of-/10111311, 111111 111111» ,1/,;%. Daphne C/1113110 111110 111»-M11,-(1
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