characters contd: At Grain ranch Foreman and £hrm.hand. A1: Calg arg Well dressed street crowds, xugaukx Types peculiar to overgrown cowtown; Adventurers. gamblers, racing me; yankee speculators and get-richsquiek types. Feat women anfl men; confidence people; remittance men; booze fighters - and besidea these distinguished fb1k.£rom all over world, travellers and agrioulturists &c. At the Stock Yards Breeders. horsemen, cattleman, aa the usual types. At the Fair grounds Typical arena that fellows horse and cattle fairs. Beside above types. neighbora. farmers and ranchers, .the "ralnohing" tyge and remittance men and the gardworking pioneer hemeeteaders. A touch of color in streete of Galgary shown in the Indiana, and also the red coated Canadian Police, the mounted men. Distinction in dress markefi bwteen men on cattle ranch and those on grain, the fox-emer wearing chaps, large hate and gaumtlete, and the usual get~up and the letter in overals ad any old delapidated huts and shirts.