\\xm xxutmxmx-m\iv.\nnunmmwsm


America’s first truly fine small car

Marmon now presents to Canadian tnotordom an entirely new and ad- vanced type of transp0rtation—a truly fine car made small. Performance, ease of riding and ease of control that have never been approached in any other car regardless of size. Its success is in-

eritable. Ttvo-prtasettyer Speedster . . . . .$2,£)25 Four-danr Sedan . . . . , . . , . _$2,925

Fattr-passenger Speedster . Coupe . . . . . . . , . . . . . . .. Two-dear Sedan . .. ..

Callriymiltlc (‘nnpe Roadslm

. $3,025 . $2,925 .$.‘Z/1'50 $3,075


, British and American Motors Limited l 77-B5 Avenue Road, Toronto, Ontario

Leggat Motors Sales Limited


In the illutat

Mumumpouralioii tlbfltlc in h'ft!)w7l the Little

r~Door S (In . B I , , with R9Wm7't,l0 weflritu, the Rnarbvlci

- 49 ¢ _ I ////,/ ’//»7A’///z'/// ,;,


% 1

not the soldiers in tllileig ~ uniform‘; the b“r.e'lmfl E “El” Hue v‘ ] markctiinz. Ill“ \V0'“"" laden Mi] 1 nr black capes beatded gcittlte‘irli:liLiinlo:ki£,-Hg like bunch and flat |‘U}l’lI| _M‘-the-swarm Ofstuden-N, ‘VOINKBDIJ an i \7 it is soinctliing Ill” H"), shops. '1 0’ thine one does dccpbr than all tl!lS;. some _ H‘

. ex lain. If clizirrn, I 0 "at “am to P .1‘ t cl it would cfficiency, could be issec e . wm'IIS'lie Canadian National has ino\ ed new offices under, tilt‘ representative, I learne I 1- i\Iax\vell, of Ottawa, W35 “I”; foil“ Paris to Berlin, and also from arisuo London. The C.N.R. bookedfia I20‘t]1“| - arable number Df\\‘cll-l{l'lO\\‘l‘\ Lana rain; for French travel? Mmc‘ '1”-"Con ‘mi daughter of Montreal. 5°"“‘0T GC""§k Gordon, Col. G. Patterson MurPl‘3' “W1 family to mention only a few. .-\nd French travel to Canada seems to lime been greatly stimulated through the activities of this Paris office. Man.“ reservations art: now being made for Canadian trips, principnll)‘ I0 l“‘f‘*“' Park.

At the Canadian Pacific office, a short distance away. one learns that “Sir Henry Drayton and family, .\Irs. \\ illis O'Connor and her mother, Mrs. dc Winton are touring through France. Also that the two daughters of Mrs. Nortliwood, of Winnipeg, gave an intcr— estini: exhibition of skating at St. Moritz. judge Turgeon and family, of Regina. are living in Paris for the sake of the children‘s education. :\ntlcrowds of Canadians are staying at Juan dc: Pins, a swagger resort lying between H) ercs and San Rafael, that has only recently leaped into popularity and the know- ledge of the tourist.

French tourist travel is, I think heavier from Toronto than any other Canadian centre. Winterini: in France seems to have swept that city lilte an epidemic.

E\‘Cl’_\'0l\L' in art circles particnlarl_\' is talking about Miss _\I.1r;.vari-t Irattie, oriuinally from Noni Scutia, btit latterly of Reeiiia, .\liss I"raine and her mother have a studio here and nut l(iltL' am gave a delightful “five o'clock" at uliicli the iziicsts were alloued .1 pr'it'ztte Sl10\\I!lL' of \li-s l"i'aiite'5 piclurt-<4 notably lier fnrtrnit rvf llie I’t'iiict- of \\'ale~, wliicli ll R.I'l. has been pl:-akeil in accrplr ||'l_\' in _\pril, an all C.'|ll-’|- dian ;\rt on will be held at the 'l'nill<-rim (u‘allerit»<_ li in In-iiti.r;trr.inued ht’ CIJWIVCL‘ Gfmltitlt, l(.C.i\.. and lutic

Bft'\\\Ut'C||t'.'|ifIr of the .\'.'tlinii:il Cztllei')', -it I)llZ|\\‘5‘l. .\lis~4 Franiti nlll exltibli llIt‘rl*.

Imulwaniz mfrx.

into handsome

lit this time i|CEO||l|I~' (1f.\II\viI'lL'lt‘llC R03’ R rr-iiiaiitic inarriaye will have Iran-lrtl all U\(‘l‘ Canada. She is the “l‘l"‘” llflllfizliter of C\'Ill!l'l]l1~\‘I(II'lt‘|‘ and \ll‘ l’llllll‘l‘L‘ R0)‘ and married ,\lr, /\llred‘n .\li-iia, Secretary of the Sziluitlitr IA'L’JlIf)ll after one week's eti;_v:u_r;-rm-“(V I l|-‘W Ho! been to La .\l:tisnn Cana- tlir-nne (the Hostel for students) npuit-Ll rt‘lu;r1(_’r-1«lu‘cno ‘off \\'ait~s, but flttl mm Nor (litl iltciii '}.',"' k”'““l°"‘“ ‘l“'“" l‘)’ .1 C£\Il(Ji(li'|I1‘1ct."| M U: “HUT PM L‘ Gunman" - ‘tin against luurnp n at ltiias held in the l’alai.~ de Gl“°"v “ml ‘W3’ smart. I’. eveniiii: drt'S\I.

very one wore

llie Ilnriic Sliow is Win‘: m he an



Cmitinttetlfrmtt page It}

l/fliv 1.1,], Ihltlyfzzir, Illa:

InICTL"slilIL’ event, I, and iiiiiriitu Ilium i“ Ctinatli:iii~f\1,., Rf i fm-merli \lIK\ \i[m,y,‘i-i \ \ Ne\\ Cltisunii, Xx \“l I 9L'\’CIZll[7i‘l7t1*~lEt‘~T rm, l i \ jitnipitig in l7illl‘LHl,1. ‘, mention. Rite in A ll1L‘Htlw“f (it riding cliili) an-l I i, if i the liiiiil. l'lrt‘ .tiutr‘i' ii I‘ oltl-iiorltl h.i\tn l-Vll“l]' ulijr/r rl'nr/, r:\tim,,-, ‘M l 1 \-:iIt- iVI'll7li— —,m ,,f M gm lent arl\aiit.i«,rt~ um paiielletl iiiillv. ll

Icfrtrmrs itgwrm l,,,,,,. i \ saw a loin; skull \, l

. _ il f|ll(‘L'l mc \\(lll |:(i'ii.i(.H,.,.

q\tiI'im~ \\t'I'4,‘ I|l\ll'lll|‘tl in . I‘ ,

affectitig: .'t loin: alum, L iltl'Ilt‘Ll mii in ii.» 0l1it'tIi‘Ll In iht cum ,, ll1\L‘l1iL‘LlIlIl\\l|1L'Fl|(t‘iilirt She ix \\L‘lc4\t]tt‘. If it,» _, it. .~‘ixlei‘~ , '

.. W,

i'Htit, _l mitl-\ itinriaii \\tt‘}7l

II1lIl\t' 1|l1lI\lVlL‘ it”, ‘._i V

in iioinenizx \lI't‘\‘x I)t‘tlLI', fullnexs (plenty imertetl i< .1 little ninrt tlriiiiiit.in' N.trrn\\ belts are tnmd ft

definiiii: a f.tirl\ Ion nut black anti \\ bite i~ inip .\Tl\il7' Suits, coatx and street wear, l'\'t‘[V dre<<e< I"nllSIl1Cl'ilt’tL‘lx fox is in fevcrisli tlcni

I haie ~‘~ei*ii a Lvrklihi L.’

white leavlicr Iriniiniin, i

it \\'ill be trin Cflllfflltl" It small checks, l7lfVltt‘!| in black and nliitt. \ - i pained l1\' iitarine J ili ' i that ii glow in Illl \l i f1\lH‘lI1(‘l’§V(il‘ ll|l‘t‘L IVltK‘t \\ > sliown in l\i|'§lltl skirt and f;iiie_\ mtrlvli i

anti i

FFCIICII l7('lltl' than C.ni.i-iii» L'rt':tt tledl of inmni.i uirlx l('Ill\ Limllg. In

\\itl]ll‘H -ii I

dnitlut t|i.ii .lll llW‘»i um unnltl c-Ill n‘nl:.v.\‘~ lw‘ V bertgfl Hi .i llllfillillltl l <Ci|l’L‘ll\‘ Hill at .ill ll‘ Ilti \t mu |- my Lu .l‘l\ v

afiri ilmi, I !u.n i“"l" 1{,,.,t,(V" _i, I Inf" Hi Hi“l“ sax tlirrr in lltitti iw» llk, HUI llt:|l iii rtwl‘ ~ Slniri l|t1lI' iiuiw ~.lim-» Inn]. ex nil}

(lL'L|!\liill-I - hi

we are l"reiicliin.in tltrl.irv~ eipni-r l\\ hi‘ slim '. hloci lI.lll' \llk‘~" V "‘ /r frimnn in th.- Hlilllll V price lit-inu lI)tltlI‘li4l‘~‘ t.tLiIii: A‘ clt.ttiiv , .\l‘.‘l ‘~ lmlllc ntmi-K lit\HHi4 H ).'l|I\l, Culi, llntliiui: l I‘ was puuretl out in!‘ iiiiu ll1t'*~(.|ll" ‘I ‘H H A it NL‘t'lIl iilinml 3“


\\f|\IIILlL‘Ll \lM|’l~«

xlrllffff 0/’ lhtrir .|l«]‘| pl.t}(Ll, ..iti.t...t'l~ ‘l" H 'l‘t-inple ix lltv rial HIJIHI‘ fur litvlll. 'rt.t: "**l"‘,i, iinn iu\\'Il‘3 (innalil M. .’I|’IIll(li|l Il(t\\(‘l*i, ln‘.n‘l“ eaixed imml ;iiit1lt.'H“ H I ilie way. innit) “I ‘IN N‘ .t\'t>itl nr.tp)*iHL' “ll A ‘i



alwz It prcsc crisp fr sweet it operatit ensure I ——tlic k Frigida the refr iiiterme liiglily ~ l“l'l,Qjl(lfI tiiiceof able sci three lit in use I l*‘i'igidzi for (let:

