-r.»e.t.. i-.,..._,, no .- - 4__ __,_________,.-. .. . ....\,._..A.....-.‘,,..... I... for Bridge or Tea ,1 THEY FOLD up wneu NOT IN use A Card Room or (1 Breakfast Nook at a Moment’s Notice-— Anywhere! DORABLEI That’s what you’ll say when you see the new Moore-Bell Jiffy Sets. They are entirely difierent from the old-style bridge and breakfast sets — have quaint little chairs to match the tables, all upholstered with vividly- colored washable cretonne. The whole set can be folded up and deposited in a surprisingly small space and, important too, they are very reasonable in price. Moore-Bell Jifiy Sets make most acceptable wedding or Christmas gifts. Ask your dealer about them to-day. He has a splendid range of colors and styles which will delight you. At better stores every- where. Write today for interesting illustrated booklet “Jiffy Se: Bridge Hints.” Moore—Bell Limited 84 King Street STRATFORD - ONTARIO /or your Pi.‘ Valentine’? Party “'7 I Something doing every minute, _ new games and stunts, deco- rations and costumes, place cards and favors, refreshment suggestions. Dennison has prepared these clever new plans for your Valentine Party. vl, They are free! Just send the coupon. Use Dennison Party Goods Dennison's gayand colorfuldecorativematerials for parties will transform any room or bare hall into a Court of Hearts ora Garden of Valen- tines,with surprisingly littlework. Crepepaper, decorations, favors. place cards. everything you need forajolly party can be found at your local stationery. department or drug store. And for party ideas for every occasion, the Dennison Party Magazine is a treasure trove for the hostess. The current issue is on sale wherever Dennison Goods are sold. Send the coupon now for the FREE plans for the Valentine Party. And why not let us semi you at the same time a copy of the Party Maiz- azine, or the big Party Annual, filled with plans for parties all year round. or some of the new special books on entertaining? List in coupon. DENNISON'S, Dept. 106—A I 284 King Street, VVest. Toronto, Ont. rim: send me the I-‘REE plan: for . v.iemi..= rmy. ] Name _________________________________________________ _. I City . . .PTO(‘lYlCC ................ .. | Also send me the lmnks l have checked be- low. I enclose proper amount to cover all. I _,,,TIu Party Maginiur 25: _ , Cup: Paper Costume: 10: .___Clu'Idrrn’: Parties 10: rain. and I-‘my. lac I .. EIgag(rn:nIs9Sliown-x lllc _, __L'npr Paprr Flowers 10: Mom) Making /-mm 10: , Stalin: Wax Craft /0: I uaraliug Hall: QRMIIJ: I0: ,,, Lamp S/ind: Path! 10: /I: I'arIy Annual 31.00 _...Ropr Wmving I0: _.CaIlp/Ht Home Count in Crtp: Paper Flown /linking 5.’ l- I l l | Address ________________________________________________ . . l l l l I l ANNE Ei.izAiar.-ra Wilson Editor « H. NAPIER Moons, , Editorial Director I A Magazine tor Canadian women. GEORGE H. TYNDALL. Business Manager Volume II. JANUARY, 1929 Numb“ 1 ‘ COVER DESIGN BY A. R. WHEELAN I General Articles I Family Film Fallacy-—By Valance Patriarche . . . . . . . . . . . . 3 Illustrafed by R. W. Major ‘ The Peace Crisis at Home~—Editorial . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 15 Cookery and Entertaining l Canadian Dairy Foods—By J. B. Spencer . . . . . _ . . J. . ~ - - - 12 l Bringing July Foods to the January Table—By Ruth Damon Reid . . . . . 26 Keeping the Invalid Entertaincd—By Ruth Sayre . . . . . . - - - - 23 ‘l Meals of the Month-—By Margaret E. Read . . . . . . . . - - - - 53 E Interim Decoration We Resolve to Decorate~—By Anne Elizabeth Wilson . . . . . . . . . 8 Handicrafts Carving in Linoleum—By Joan Dee . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 5 Flowers for Curtains and Quilta—By Ruby Short McKim . . . . . . . . 32 T M othercraft Baby's Routine and Management—By Stella E. Pines . . . . . . . . . 19 Illustrated by Stella Grier Art Ste. Anne de Beaupre~—By Stanley F. ‘Turner. . . . . . . . . . . . i7 Canadian Art Album Educational ~. The Settling of Canada: Pictorial Feature-—Conducted by M. 0. Hammond . . 18 No. 8, British Columbia Fashions The Long and the Short of It——By Eileen Wedd . . . . 22 Some Actual Demonstration: of the Welbdressed Head Dressing for Evening—Illu.st7ated by Viola Thomson 24 Vogue Pattern Service Trim for Afternoon Wear . . . . . . . . . ' . . . . . . . . 62 The Modern Interpretation of the Yoke . . . . . . . . . . . . . 63 Three Distinctly feminine.Sty1es . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 66 Softly Clinging, Gaily Flanng . . . . 67 Home Planning An English Cottage for Springtime . . . . . . . . . . . 54 Designed for The Chatelaine by Maurice D. Klein, Registered Architect Fiction I"IandI—By Beatrice Rcdpath (Serial) . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 6 Illustrated by Harry Fisk The Prodigal‘a Gift—By John Hanlon (Short Story) m Illustrated by W. L. Caffrey V Jane Stands By—By Virginia Coync K-m'ght,(Short Story) . 20 Illustrated by A. C. Valentine ‘ Children 5 Feature Peter the Pixie—By Shirley Sampson . . . . . . . . . . . . . _ 14 Illustrated by Mabel Victoria Leilh Poetry Hcaven—-By]. H. Mitchell . . . . . I5 Illustrated by Giff. Baker _ i . When Folly Danced by Candle Light—By Mona Mc‘l'avish Illustrated by Val Granthame Regular Departments Starting Over Again—Ou1 Problem Page The Chatelaine‘: Patchwork The Promise of Beauty The Domestic Workshop What of Your Child? The Family Purse SUBSCRIPTION PRICE: In Canada, Great Britain and British Possession: (except India), $1.00 (4/2) per year; United States and Possessions, and Mexico, $1.50; other countries, $3.00 (12/4) per year. Single copies, 10c. Note: I! correct amount not remitted. we will bill for diflerence so as to avoid delay in 111113; ox-dun Copyright, 1929, by The MacLean Publishing Company, Limited THE MACLEAN PUBLISHING COMPANY, LIMITED 143-153 UNIVERSITY AVENUE. TORONTO 2, CANADA JOHN BAYNE MACLEAN, President H. T. HUNTER, Vice-President H. V. TYIIRELL, General Managea- Publlahers of: The Chatelaine. MacLean's Magazine. Canadian Home: and Gardens. Masfulr. The Financial Post Hardware and Metal, Canadian Paint and Varnish Magazine, sanitary Engineer. Canadian Grocer. Drug Merchandloln ' Dry Goods Review. Men‘: Wear Review, Bookseller and Statloner, Canadian Machinery and Manufacturing New? Power House. Canadian Foundryman, Canadian Printer and Publisher, Canadian Automotive Trade. Bus and Trucli Transport in Canada, The General Merchant or Canada. THE MACLEAN COMPANY OF GREAT BRITAIN, LIMITED, 65 and 66 CI-IANCERY LANE, W.C. 2, LONDON, ENGLAND BRANCH OFFICES: Mont;eal, Southam Bldg., 1070 Bleury St.: Winnipeg, S10 Confederation Life B ldg.: New York, Room 556, Graybar Bld;z., 420 Lexington Aye.; Chicago. Room 905, London Guarantee & Accident Bldg., 860 N. Michigan Blvd.: San Francisco, 246 Monadnock Bldg. 1 The Chatelaine, January, 1929 ,;.-_,.,.~ w.~.-.-,_,.--A, n<‘$v.‘$‘.:;- '., nurses /mow Capable — and careful —— the trained nurse administers our comfort. If there ‘, is pain, she gives a tablet to relieve it. .‘ That tablet is Aspirin. Experience has taught her it is quickest. The doctor has told her it’s quite harmless. So it is safe to use in everyday life, any time you have an ache or pain. Take Aspirin _- at the first sign of a headache, cold, #- neuralgia, etc. Don’t wait until the suf— - fering has become severe. Be sure, though, to get Bayer. There is only one genuine Aspirin. S i DARKENS I IIII BEAUTIFIES EYELASHES and BROWS ‘ IN$‘l'AN1’l.Y.makes them appear a naturally dark, long and luxuri- . ant. Adda wonderful charm. beauty v and expression to any face. Perfectly harmless. and by millions of lovely women. Solid form or water-proo HQ- f uid. B_LACK.oi- BR0WN..75I= 68 VOW‘ d‘“"' ' Distributed in Canada by Palmars 'Ltd.. Montreal ‘_,H_ .._, ,,, .45 4.. When You Catch Cold Rub on Musterole Just Rub AwayDanger Musterole is easy t9 apply and works right away. It may D1‘eV_ent a cold from turning into “flu” OT Pneumonia. It does all the good work of grand- mother's mustard plaster. _ Musterole is rec- ommended by many d i ii Try Musterole for sor%ctt(l)iri'SozEil1,dcrdl1dS'(3)Sii the chest, rheumatism, lumbago, pleurisy, I’: Stiff neck brc‘ chitis asthm - ' ’“‘ v 3. neuralgia, ‘23l‘r’1’(1ig]§‘—§itI1‘Ct>;!. pains and aches of the back » Spfams. sore muscles, bruises, chilblains, frosted feet——colds of all sorts. B “‘,\|.|- ’Qv,~' E D ETT ER THAN A MUSTARD PLASTER ,,,,,,,,,., _,__fl,,- .- ». .mir*-* .. i