1s;nnd Archdnat nu
C and d““Ehm.n-n
ihc Eitrdcns of E“ ‘E >0ut as ncangHE _ ,~. this earth. SD “aft”! v {ct immediately iyrfflfi iation from ,1 Di _“ . /here your tastg 1]“,
just returned from 3. ‘ :r way to C;mn;ngl '> nothcr, Lady Bard“, Trs. Harry ;\kKccr.,m um john visiting hm“ J \ D. I‘xHc_\'s, who‘ M‘ ntly return:-d {mm 3 V r The opening of‘ ns all sorts of prim: muons; alrc. y amn , made fern B gum 3f the Sold1crs' Hospiul d for a ]uniorT?L-d C :ccptior for Miss jcanlh Director of junior Redt, L1. Mrs. Tnllcy is dcvnni is and its interests and- spcl L when thus nhredn‘. K has given Itself am: this month to Lhr: inmvs munky Chest wlurh1_:ol Idid bcxjnmmz wuh ads‘ 3 from Mrs I'.zJuh Rxrl“ ngdcs, who was a mu ng the summer munlhs. xtcd itsc-‘f [0 [ha wurk ob}ec:Li\¢- with comrr I the sucrcss of Van has hccn the sub“ 5, even at lhmc dc} .1lT:1irs given m h0 rfmg wedd'|nL; Of W‘ to Mr. W. “v \‘ the most ch.1nni‘r|E 0m‘? urge M. lloward =. nmnm 'Irm!rInwnmI, dd“
1 .\’Icsd:unrs' V “ (y.1n,\\'. Hv M"l‘°'1 ' ‘urry, Dr Mrq" \\’nllcr Mitchel
-Lds. ndy plum
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‘cu Road from there :1 re cchoc-‘H rill occupy Old "H" A yn, Bun mod-‘V’ am I [he :uInounccnu- ‘mm; 1 Collcgg «'35 ’ hmv“ | dance 3" ‘ mac!
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