I Wflfin
Chinmee costumes en. firmed tl_zc Chi1tese_ Festival umber m the wznter cm-- ml of the Gra-m'te Club, Tamnta. In the above g1-ou7;_ (muleft: Mrs. H. L. Walker, lln. D. O‘M a a r u, M,«_ ‘ 0‘J!eara, Mrs. J. B. Hall and Mrs. Harold Fry
in. km ho
F°"7‘eat n as a Cltinasn princes and '°;l‘”l. fllzlonded bu Mil‘
Jomt Pacoclr as a butter. flu 17' the Dream of Toy- laml inc frmtusu
Left: Jtutnitu Burg:-y und
Barbara Barret! an Rn!-
lmm. Girls in Hue Grunilc Club winter r¢-1vm-
. ‘ tale in Hm NW“ 2' Swinor
Mr. Adolph Yelin
WclI'K71o1un ‘Designer and Flttfi‘ fm'mc'rly with @reed's Limited and joseph 69‘ M1ltO11
has returned from the New York openings with a Very
fine col Sprin ally as
lection of the latest
g styles and will person- sist in your selection.
” Kmunlalt ' Km
95“ 096
99 Bloor Street West Toronto