3 l E, . 2 l l l l l l Hm ‘""i:ih:l‘§:l:2‘:2"’ YBODY can do it«_ 0 heat Artie casmztlcsl Just sl ptherulr bar Kurlash pads over our lashes and press cntly. At or cc you have curlma ‘flies. spdrlli n5 ms. mm charm,grcatzr pevlsonality. No wonclcrHollywo9' malre-up artists use Kurlash on irlovic starsl Curl your own ldéiés today. A! mild counters Everywhere, $1.00. l(urlann—to grew lung, Iuxurlnnl lnllu. 5lIIdIIII—lnl:nxlfi:£ rm natural color. l.uIlIllnl—Dtrlum:d mmpmal liquid mascara. L.nl\pu:—Canw-ct wllh brush and luck ‘ Etch SI .00. Wnlcflzr bonfilzl "F¢.1a'naIii1g em and H... To Han rim." a....i,...m. ma l. prduru. M...l..l /m. The KURLASH COMPANY OF CANADA, ms ouzm mm W. rorouro mucard. Housework need not SpoilYour Hands , _.....l The regular use of Vaseline nun: Mum PETROLEU M J ELLY . will keep your hands smooth and salt in spite of the busy daily mum; Apply it at night and wear old fofion or silk gloves till morning. A .:*:.°.:l:’:;°‘~‘.‘° ="l:'= in l , r ' l?l'1[Kl:fingCl"nIIl’ls:,vcn[ “gums and Rjuse mutations. 111515; on thc main In Ouoho: lay CHESEIROUGH ”"l- '-"-I 9"--‘i-. cl--um Av... Monlroul l CANApl!t Con¢l""'d . . . - find h uVIll.ZI|l5l°nl they he“ 1°“ mill‘ lire that t*“'m iii: in their 0"“ way din theirs. Am". llnceaae to be somemng I childbearinl wekeeping somethinr 112"’. shameful. 110"’ W‘ - ~ ' the future. E".'cn SUP‘ But ‘::l;nW0mEH 0‘ gauadn rose imriiiiiri-ow in a 110']! ‘°,i'.lce the issue, 0 I» ‘ E a it would take alt, 19,391,. 9. quirterréent century for the ..Ew Woman 0 P thing herself. In thr_, meantime can no that he to hangs 5' aspended by the “'9” ° . me-r “h”'}e ever)’ Dmlflflnt “Pman 5 55,. ‘The answer is decidedly in the la motive. In can be brought to ream?-1 t r in when erwueh me"~"Y ‘P “M 3 ocghe should she is already ln labour. he diy consult the doctor as soon as S kfm (.,,,.e,.3 she is pregnant. . She canal! mm and get a complete Pl’|Y5l““l °f”?'"tn I”; She can have her teeth PU‘? “" “ch,” '1 shape. At intervals of not more dd“ d month she can have her urine teste an her blood-pressure taken. She can put herself under a careful regime as to diet, rest, recreation, excitement. By means ol such safeguards she Wlll side-step 3 great many of the causes of matemfll mortality. ND then women can insist .85. 3 body on better obstetrical training lll'l the part of their medical attendants. The scien re of nbstetrlm is still relegated tn tun unimportant a place in the cur- ricula of medical schools, is still regarded with a certain amount of contempt by the lnrdly surgeon and internist. As a result doctors are being graduated into practise who have seen not more than lrnm ten to twenty obstetrical cases, who have not conducted under super- vision more than two or three—if any» and who may never have seen a single abnormal case. In contrast to this in their surgical training they may have seen and asmisted at dozens of operations. A woman, requiring to have her gall- bladder removed would certainly not trust 2. recent graduate to do the opera- tion; aml yet she expects the recent graduate to be able to handle any obstetrical emergency that may overtake her, The refiult is the ridiculous paradox that the recent graduate is not permitted to do the surgery for which he is com- pnratlvcly well trained. but is expected to dn the ohstetrl in which his training is not no intensive. The organized woman- hund of Canada could stop this sort of thing in Ll year if they protested strongly enough in favour of better obatetrically truined medical practitioners. The Committee on Undergraduate Teaching in Obstetrics at the recent White House Convention at Washington located the situation as follows: “What,- evcr other factors may be operative in producing an wide a discrepancy in the maternal mortality rate of the United States cl’ America (the same is true of Canudll) as compared with those of Holland and Scandinavia, it is evident that lack of the superior clinical l|l(‘llll.lK~l nliorded by these countries nccrlunu; in no small measure fur our deplorable results. In the curricula of the median] nchoola of Holland und Svanrlinuvga ”b5l?l_"‘°3 5l1““’<‘3 Etlunlly with internal medicine and surgery, while in the United States until quite recently, the llmportiun of teaching hours in genoml SUYZEFY B-fl onmpared with obstetrics WM 4.6 to 1; it Is now approximately 2 to ] Furthermore. the facilities for cliniwi teaching in Holland and Scandinavia are vmltly superior to them: found in most of our teaching inatltutlana." N HOME .l°U “(NM 0; M4.\rERN'T" from P‘-l9¢ 9 ta and got it. Wormen demanded tllervzhis infinitely ' t . demand ° rndri imP°'l-‘ml’ thing? ‘ better ' wuntry mun“? Most lgiiemwlli “”.if§1ef§l'Z"lii$t we *° 1-egulflI‘lY llflfillfiedlir and are Perhaps do obstetrli311l_ war. ’it than the average eveéi;<11|:B§::;:_ 1;]-ape!‘ nursing Inlays 1118 I - be safe an irnllmtant part llxtoiiiytllrie tcare oi - critica d infant (:lJ.]|"lin%m‘3:: can be ]ying-ill PE"l°d' Ifisiilg Thisis afact: done here ll)’ Md 11 d ‘ many women of W}“'°h i havebiilsai have yet to hear lnsigiiliyit uP 35 3 ’‘‘“'‘t‘''' M or anized action. 1 Biza- gl‘hereui]siI:iI“‘3fl:’:5l:;“; igggiilli iniilltliaers in 50“ °° .0 ial workers “'2 °°;"::;:;*:::g.$.‘ll'::l:..:‘l.°... an sin 5 , my in nursei. In Pflctlcany every- C poor women can go for a vlcrhat many while in the pregnant state. f the op‘ do not “ml tilemselves li {act that "°“““i”” i‘ ‘M "1 pm to i all h nefit may are ignorant of them, or t e ethat obtained. It has often aeemedto me] _n the good souls who new so aslnduous y I11 order to cover the nakedness 05 t 9 heathen with red_ flannel lmzht d0 ‘is much good by taklng up this matter. 1; might prove a more arduous form _of service, one over which, because Of Its pmplnquity, they could wax las sen- timental, but which would surely have the approval of Him who said: “Sufier the little children to come unto Me.’ We care {or the mentally defective, we have clinics for the victims of social diseases, but we continue to leave the poorer pregnant woman to ‘dree her ain weird’ in ignorance and poverty. THE Mabemity Hospital has done :1 lot to lower maternal mortality. On the whole the mortality rate in these hos- pitals ia less than half the general rate for the community, this in spite of the fact that many cases are admitted after they have been badly handled outside, some of them in extremis. Women have not been slow to recognize some of the benefits of having their bnbia in mater- nity hospitnla and an increasing number are making use of them. More and more women are coming to the small rum1 general hospitals for their confinements. This is good. I b 1' th stetrics ofltbe iutuidmirfill ii: the ob. every '.’..“.§.lf ‘"2’ ‘~“‘ ‘“‘"°'* 9‘ immediate disposal in cage tifuelaiiilirgdniclys 1v. "To ah ti. . been ncC0°r:p]is:e:0l;f1<)tfh:liLng that hus maternity hospital Dr. F‘ (3 eIa:.(§YDe of Deputy Minister of Healthilorl SE12? HAVE ' ' indicated here only the lmmm; outline I New “WM; t‘hV:"ll3 might a done to i: b... :l;‘ll‘:‘l- ut what I h 9 '“ - clear is that woiri,dnll;§‘,3,':n.t“;l5;lI‘3‘aKnltu tl’l'éll1l:(! "5 II is Beautilul She snft, vclvulv in ii‘ with .m .lllllrill. .1ppc.1r.lmc llml mi‘ 51301, rub all Ur xllrlui of pcrsplrnllim. GOURAUD'g hold their SZCW EN STAYin lovn Willi ii.‘ the must of lwr l: l Blorldex, thv pn\vilr'rV in hair aglnw \VIl.l\ llmv in nu. golden-briycllt. zlml \‘.’lll..lllll back reallllmlrlvmlnril i ’ _tvithnut. irullrluuz: l lu ml. instantly into :1 fr:-Ll * ruuts out l_'V('I‘y lull. nl‘ hair rootkz. Ll-' Vl" l’ BlOnd(‘.‘{1l12]l(l‘ yr . Try it tmlny nml _.m~ llw ill.‘ nnd KlE]',\ltl'll‘l‘lL'Il|.F1l_Ut'C‘». If rm. I-.'..,‘.»_,» lea.../.n 1'.-ii lnur Iv.-..-nu [ll ‘ C0l(i|'.’lln comb this famous Llml. ‘ through it. Only sin ll.» ‘ color colnca: l1l.'ILl£. lW"‘ “’ Leaves hnlr nolt. lmlrm|‘l/ wnvcd. Countless wmntri ‘ (or gray strcnka in lI.llF 0' full-slzcd bottle from kll’|lr back “‘MARY T. GO‘! 9211 Guldmnln llltllrvv “ Nnmr Stru-I . ox}, .: Ullle IE 5.. White, Flesh and R2: i< How BLOI‘\i’ll1'l?...;. Ev“ Y°‘"' h thi- , l gunmntcc. Or in it " Test it FIIEE»-' wn »nn.l‘l"Y‘ \ Pnckajo. Tryll on Hll1illI\IurllW‘l“H . rcaulla flrlIL luul mull cu|ll'""‘ la iilllll ml xi... nrgzlr r llllll rrler ll mrly ll taking =i\l\‘ \\i l i'i\lllZ \Vlir*rl ‘ lr mill ‘ puilltl lL*l'('ll_V l'll~ lll llr _\il\ll ~lllV.’|ili ulzni‘/.0 \ /'3‘\Vll.lt 1 ill r-age .. ‘ltlfjllly ‘You V‘ 3:111! ,- rl~..m lr will ~rvlllln lm lll-l - lnul 1. lm. ill-' "llflll \ .. . l'w- lw lrlln-.. rl 'l‘ll ll‘/rrlf .\.:l\ ull 4‘lI] nu ll r If lilii llil"r' rvlill 7 ‘\l ,»r_r lll \ \ C\Ni\l)l\\ ll’ lll l ,]()['lt\\‘ «l l H‘ mm 1 ill ll \wl lw ll» ll ll \‘ .| llllil'l ill, «or r. \.nn 7 rnltll film] ml 4» zlml l‘ l..l<|i rlll my (4 ‘hrs ll! wluyi ~ lmrr / hi rlmlg l l , .,u V.‘1\ J