lng hot (but not imih and add alternwnlil ., mt ingredients and ‘i"“i. are after each small r arll . 1 spoon vanilla ran stiffiy—beaten gm are square. cake mm inn,» , me layer, in a morlplm -r . nd require 50 to Gt) mi" i. ups fnflrshmallow trim, " ‘‘ icing, and over U"‘““rc — {ht irresistible eriel.l_ W ‘ ' ar, layer of the mellnll ;en for less tune-mm” , . led butter icing and r’ r rer ‘l " layers and over the tb£lll' ,, KING CLASS from page 64 ats make here is tlnrl em refrigerator, you mm rut these milks in quaru «» nd future time as \\‘lllllv.l,» pudding. ’ ' 7 3 T0 Sum “D, then r ,. up this manner the lb... .,, , rly turn a modern Cll3('il'll . est see that there is Ilrlll‘ lth the daily routine of r ltil We prepared more on. be or more successfullv l i no how we can effect __ , ;he‘ time and of money \\, ng served, more app:-u7~ r Jet foods. We learn Ll ' ;ed simple methods non, lrg. i he luxury dishes —anrl l ‘ay cheaply. We find lll. are hospitality opening in dy that the emergency ' 'th the meals of past gfllr necessity, dlflilplwar We find new l'1lca»-M our job of homo rr L])- can bring to it the h«- ll he to the home maker, ll‘ ts; refrigerator. ad The Home Bureau \' st. glad to give special hr" 2 Class member, in lhi sr, the most from her I'll ve And please remember ' in Class Supplement, lll ad special recipes touclru lip on topic, will go ks subscriber who rtlllllw‘ ;in we asked all old nlvln‘ :x- line renewing their rur‘ ve still desired to run he Supplement, with .l he information and fowl l» on reminder to any who Hi 118 to do so. And I hold «~ rt. tion to new mcmlwrv ed dress from your Crurrul... no and enclose it with thr- he be enrolled to rccr-1\'i‘ I each month. . THOMSON from page 20 I II tranquility in all l\|.‘i Ill‘ ', "1. his landscapes L)(‘1\l'9“l]\“ IE8 usually comes lrrtc 1“ :he Georgian Bay; M“ Of winter remain till l\lrI.\'- ‘ 0! adept in dcpiCi3l”L'1'll'L\m V 35: breaking up of the ion " ‘ rat the chill air of sunny -’\l res “April on Georgia" ml his and “The Stream V1", ‘ I sentially charrrcterr-.1 0 ton. One of the ml” ten ventlrely truthful ul ‘ . 98. “October Snow", slrn\"l""‘ lnz and dark Kreon of rrn““"” 3m mantle. But he is lll‘i¢l"1|'H ad vistas and has n srfll’ “‘ Of the vigour of trees- EID r -1)‘, 1932 BATHROOM JEWELRY BATHROOM ACCESSORIES WILL LAST A LIFE TIME Mclal Roll lorlel pspcr holder No. 337 u one all several in our range rrrdrly conslruclcd, ll sccornmodalrzs all run rolls lhc (umplcllz lrrrc of (HROMEX bathroom lewclll Includes all rlcms rn qerrcrsl use Made H’! a 1 cm: ol several styles In boll’: modern and convenlronal dctlqns CHROMEX bslhloorn rcwalry wrll hrmromzrz wuh any color rchemc Rrch in appearance and moderalcly paced, lhey cllrzr the rounded economy duc Io lhell laurnq qrralrlrcr Madr- ol Xolld brass, hcavrly chromrrrm Dlalcd, lhcy wrll nor lamrsh or urrl Emu boar rule a. allachcd Io ole or planer wnllx our dealer doc: not srzll gcmrrne ll