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liy mm and W6! lwn lnml he pttlllit: twnvnged ivlmulltw l Ilnuslde dtflirtllly

ttltltl in nnrl Juhfl l'ill1I‘l W \\'tll| U" lllluns rt" 4 Itmsep ,,. MI’ I" Tim: Inn! wrlu iii! to I

My 1952

t’s so easy to ceep your Sl<iI1 0V6 y at home...


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/W’ ./011/v DA I/[S ZOD GE

New York society leader shows you how she gives herself a beauty treatment . . .

EIEII and flawless as In ten rose, 5.15:1 ' complexion is as uniquely lovely lilter lurigggolden hair, like Mélisumle’s.

She gives herself her daily beauty treatment in her own home.

"Clramirtg, first." she emphasizes, "Yes, nnd hue‘: wlrat gets the skin rcnlly cle.-m—~Pond’s Cold Crc.-rm. No mutter what price you pay, nothing else cleanses so marvelously!

"livlax . . . Now wipe uway the cream. How? Will: I'ond's Cleansing Tissuesl They are much uftrr, I’ancl's Cnltl Crrnm tltttl Cleansing Tissues are all you need for exquisite cleanliness.

”llut the skin needs stimulating, too. At least ilyuuwnnt to kcvp it looking fresh and young —am.l don'tuc nil? Pnt, put with Pond’s Skin iitslmncr, To rclinn porc5—pcp up your color.

"Fini.=lrrrl?Not yell No fzrsticliuus womnn puts pnmlcr right on her fnce without is protecting inundation. Prutcr1mg— that's what our skin nreds—Io krcp it fine nncl smuothr

"Fund's Vanishing Cream given just this nec-

, 2%”


Ti-N r

I\' . l”‘imm J M ,l'”"’ -‘ "‘".V /"H":/rt» ~ I“ 0 Ionlt


4 twin "‘ - "AVIS ~ . gill.” "W511. AFTER uzn rumurr -rnrnmz.-4

., W /mil, 1: /is. mum; Ilunrr mu m f/t_\‘Ilnm'1/fur m-/imtdnnmip. mt (W1/1.; ()rrI:r.rIm—Il'l;'.'II" um] NJ) C. Nu-.-wt-.

cssulry prntectinn against winrl and sun‘ Invin- rhly. It gives the lovrlrrxt pr-:iclr-lilnnm finish, and you neerln t powder again for hour..

"Tlmt‘s nll. _]u9tprJ\\'d(‘r and lipqick _ “Thgrcl I'm beautiful? Ah, you’re too kind. Pt-nple sm fluttering tluug=——hut the credit is Ponrl Alli do ts«never ucglr-ct this simple routine. Ami nlwnys repeat it after c.\posurn:.

.A.n‘D, of course. at hrtltimrl Tlmt‘s uspccinl n'tu.1l, Clmnsini: nlnnys \\'llll Cnltl Cirnm and Tt5§tlL‘,=. Tho:-u smnulli in frrsh Cold Cream to snfteu nml Iulirimtu. Leave an ovtzrmglit.

"You arc, the slun tt(‘rWl5fn\Irll\II1galo keep it lnvely— Cleansing, Lulmcntmp, Sluuul.\lIng_V. Protecting. Just tluwn fnur prvpzirtrtinxis arr: all you need Its an CtIs)‘—just in your own hnmv l "

For 25 years in the nm<t svinrrtihnnlly vquip- perl lnlmrntnrrrc, Fowl‘: has lwrn mnking zuul testing prepnmlmnstti lirnulily I1w=km. Tln=urr‘ that you get t‘muI‘s Cl’E‘t1l|1<—llt\")'.'|rt.‘ the mat relmliln that your mnncy ran lvuy<)m| tflfl trust Pnmt‘s nullmrity rm In-nunrying the skin,

A. . _; 1- . I‘Ann-p«,Ar i, n.n.:.. .14.. ,

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M114 1.nnrn:n elm applws Cult! t'r:mn on r lncr nnxl nu 1; Int». 1; intopnrt-sinllmunnl .l..mmi,m..,r,. Wryvrnztwrn \i1llrt,Iv,rii~=iIiu .r llttn

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