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Mayfair, May, 1927
.-y W fun, V i 1“ '”‘ ‘K’ rm NHL“ M ‘ A Shop Dm ntcd Solcly [O Drisses " ‘v 1 L. Coats Hi) U‘ ‘ \ uw M [, Dutrubiunvs of ‘ ‘ ‘ Martha Gowns H‘-A , H (iHH' .1 ‘N “Wflb ( irmj. L i A new nf «vi \_ ‘ the «H _.» \ Case Salon (Km \ .’HlHih . M \\VH\‘. i Confederation Life Bldg.
’. I v I V Yongc and Rschmund Sts,
/mi» / V V it W ‘ FOR THE BRIDE FOR THE GRO0./V M \ B1.’wilc1z.i1z,g Nrw Hwm/— _ _ , pm. V‘ (/,-my; HI: z1n.porIr1ncr«.’ \;.~ , ( I’1(II‘77107fiy Q1‘ Dr/mi for I-Ii: little '.‘£'(lI‘dF0l}z' W ‘ ,,,“.’/;"m’7 '1:/Ir.‘ my/_r/I of /ii)‘ V/apt‘/5 mm ordinmv 7/IL‘ /l(‘Ig/II or /u_r /mt ‘,‘,]'("\ ‘ Bridal 1.n},~m Hi: cmzv? T/H’ /V/‘I/I/HI}: F1115’ T/11' firm‘ frown: :1] (/15 ]]071I’_\777Ir)0)I plan: (IlI£/ M.‘/mug M.
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For the Bride
Life in Canada
Horse Racing, By DOUGLAS EPPES
Rowing, and Onrsmcny By ALECK SINCLAIR
and the Groom too.’
For the Shower
And all the Wcclilivigs you're interested in from Coast to Couxt
MAVLAHL HJJ3fllHuurMh Auuum '|i.mm., ; Humm- Fnu-ln.n| flu-l :~homn~ lII(|nI')'
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June Mayfair is for the Bride
For the Bridesrnaids
News and Wit
Golf in Canada, Bw IACK EVANS
Sailing and Yachting, By W. W \r1NDE\'ER