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Once or (Witt: 11 “eel: — 11111 iippliculiun ul Buncillzi CIJISHHL will c11s|1r1- you ll clv.-.111’ cuniplcxiuu. 1111 1111111111 .1111 DR.\\\' ulll‘ ,;111111- .11111 1111 1 111111 1-.111-11» 111111111.-11.111 11..11111.11#11n1111111 11111 sI1.11UL.1\I1 -:111,1_11.1111 11.11.11 1111. 111111 11111111 11111 1111111111 111111.111 111111111.- 11111 1.11111 1111111111111 1111- 111-111-111. 111 11111111111 11- 111111111 11111 1111111111 11 11 1.1111111 11111111 111 111 11.1.1111-11 111111 I1.111- 1 11 11111-1 1.11 1111- 11.-.11 ..1.111 .1 11 I1-11~1» 1111111.111— 11111 11 111. 1:11.11 1111111 1111111111.. ..1:11.1111111..11111‘ 1.1111: u11.1111;1111111 1111- 111111 N11 1111- 11» 11111 1111 11111111111 11111 en- 1111111 111 111-11111-1111 1111.111 1 1.111 1.1 1111-11.. 11111 111111.-111.1 111 11111111 11. )'uul‘.uul .11u1.-1111:- 11:1; Hamill: 1-. :1 111111-11 1.1 11111111 -11 1111111111 111 111 1111-11111.1—.u :u11 1a 111- c111111111x11.11 xcsulls . 1. -1.1.- _11- 1.111. 11a.— 1 11 1 111.1111. 11: 11. 11- 11 1 1 1 1111 .1111. 11.. 11111111 1 1'11 111.1. 1- 1.111111 l'.uu1|L4n 11.111.-11L. i_1i>.111.1.1111s I 1.1. u.,1. M. 5911 X1... 2.1.11’ .1-..,‘,...\, pg in Your Face .’ (‘.|c.msL- Your Skin with $0226!‘/3 .1>1 forullmmibmfluxcfiijgt Ymmu: U1: puv.-11:111. 11111 115 “_=’*‘“"l.=*- nor-wk-ax 1u1..1.., 1111. 111:1-111111111 or 111111111,-, A ' W Irunns. 111411“: rc(1ui1'..h¢°‘.1$§_M' M21cLean’s Niziguzine June 1:3, 1921', 1 111 1111111111111 - 1.1.11.,111 111. 1.1.1. 1 11111111l1.11111-111111- 11 ..1111111111 111111 -.11111.1.1 .1111...- 11..1-111 1.11- 11111. 111. 111111111 111r 111- 1111111111 1.1.111. 11 11.1.1 _ 1111111-1 111111.111 111111. 1111-1111 11111 11 .1. 1111- 111. 111.11 111. .1 1.111111 11.11.1111 11.11 11111111111 11.11.1111. 11111! H1 .1111l \111111*11111i1H1 11.1 1 111 111.1111. 111.. 1111111111-111.111.1111 1111111111111111 1111 ..111.11.111111111.111; 111.1._111111.1 111... .11 1111- 11111111 1111 111.11 ..11.111..1 11.1111 11.. 11111111111111. 1111-. 111111111 11. 1111.111 111.11.. 11 1111- 111.1 .- 111 111. 11.11 1111111111 1.11.1 1111 11.111 1111 11.1.1 11.1.1. 111.. 1111111111 -1.1111111111- 1 1111.11 1 11.1.1111. .11 1.1111 1111. 11111111: .1111111.. 1 .11111111.11.111111.1.1.1. 1 1111.111 1111 1.1111 111'111.1111.1111 1 111.11.. 1 111111. 11.11.1111. 1111 111 11.1111.1’11.1111111.1.111..11.111.11 111..111...1 111 .1111 111 11111111111 11111111111 1.1- 11111111111 1 111.11 1111.1. 1111.1 11111111. .1111 . 1.111111111111.11.1111-.1 11.-1.111.111111 11.1111-11.111 11.111. \\..1 11 1a11111111.11.1..111 1111111111. 111111..-.11111.111.. 111 11111111111111. 1.1.1111. 11111.11. 1 . 11111111111 1 11.1 1..1111~11..1.111 1.1, .11..- 11 .111 11111 111111111 .1 11111111111 .111--.111111111111.111111111111-11.. 1111111.11.11 11111111111.1111 111.1 1 1.1-11.111111111111111.1.1111.111.1. 1.111111111111111111.11 111111111111-11 111111.11111111.-1111...:1.1111111111111111; .111111.-111.-111.1111. 1 11- 111111111 1111 1111 1.1111 11.1111 1.11111 111 1111111 11111 1111-... 1.1.11111.111.11.1111111111111 1111111 1111.111 11.1111- 1111111111‘ 111.111 .1. 11-1_1 l\1rlLlI\11Il:|i..\ili lulillli ' (411.1 1111111111.-111111 1. u11| 1111111111..1.111.111-1.1111111-.111.1111111- 1 .1...11111 1.111. 1111 11-1111. 1111 1.1_ 111,111». : 1.1111-1.11 1..1..1.1111.11111.1111' 1.1111 11.1111; 14111.11111111111111.-.1111I1-1-11 111~1r111- .1\lL.1.r1.1 1.11111 I11111111, 111.1 11.1 1111. .1 11 1.. . 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If irh l.|1 11111 111» l1‘i‘1[|4:4i (since 1110 1j11I11 ni 11111111 11111111 guud limxllli 111111 11111111111111 f.>11111 ' - zmnl the hf-it of -1111111111" 111 11 vc-1-3 grunt -1-n1 H1 1 11111.11 1-11111.-1 111111 1111111.: 1111 1-11.11. 111111-.1 11y111111-1l111- 1-1111111111; 1111: 111-111 .11.111p1-11111-11 1.11 1 reziily 1111111111 11.-11111.-1111 111111111 A111 1111- e11111_11.11111.11111.- 1111111 11111111 111 11 111 1111 1 1- KAT1-11_1:E1\' R. STRANGE 111 1111111111-, .1 1111. 111111.11 11.1 1.111 .11‘ 1111- 1111111111.111- 111.11 11111111111111.1111 111.111.1111-1.11.1111 1.1- 11.1 1111. 111111.11 1111111111111. 1111111111 . . 11-1.11.1111.11..-11111.111.111111.1 11.11 1.111111 1.1111..1.1111-1111111111111 11.11 1 Lli !-11111 1 1.1.1. 111.11 111111;. ‘N11-:11_1r111.-111111,» 1111-111111 .1111zleiuu1— 11111111111111.1111 1111111111 11111111111 111.2111 1111 -1 -.1 ‘ ; ==l'r\M1rs1 h-.111 lu perform all 11! -lune-zl1u:~.:oII;u1Ll, lI1 nddi. , 11111 1111111 [he milk‘ I 1 - 1 - . . - iv 11 -11”.1| 111111 111111 1111111111111 smm. 111111.1111111.1111111 ;Aru1er.\" Convention, 1u111y 111111111 .11 1111 1111.11 1111.11-.11111y 1.. slngie hanvled, 111.11 1111.11 1.1.11111- 11.111. 111: 1111 111111 »l11- l1-1111 le run '1A Linn lurIm— 11115111111111 I11-r 111111, ‘"13’ bu|1_\1 and um: during -1111 111.1 1111-11 .11. 1111-11111. 1 111.11 1.1111; 11111-1-.1111111e1 g 1111111111 1, 1 11111 1 1..-111-..- 11. 1 111-11. 1 111-1111’: 11.11 1- 11111111- 11 1111-1111111 1. .11. 1.111111 1 1.11.1 111111 11.1 11.11 11. 1,1111 111111111-11 1111 11111111111 111.-11- 1 1111.1 1.1111}- 11.1111-Y111.111.111111 111111111 11- 111 111.11 11111. And, 1111-1111111-.1 11111111111 111111111-111.11..-.1 1u_»[ 11Lo111111l11.1- r1u1.11)ur muulr} l1 --11.1.1 111111.111-11 . 1 . 111111111.-11111 111111 e‘1lg11L1rl1‘2-‘1>12i'"i".1l§ “ ~1\'1-1.11-- -1 1 ,, 11.-1 s111111111;m1.- m"““1‘g"‘“"‘ "B W‘- hnr one day we I have us beaumul :1 place in my 111119-11111e 11111111111." Met another girl info 111111111 T111-11 1111- 1111- 1111 11 1111 world to my 11111111 (111.1 1 lune tmvuluri 11uit1- 1| 11111 (11.11. uifer iJEU.Dl' rliniutiu m1\'.n1!1\p1 lhzm dues Cuiiculn. I111 gm-111111.-11111111111.-11. 1111111 1.11111 1.1 111;1kucl11-11-l1un1ce11111111111 111111-x,11111111: In with nnythlml very pme 1111u~ 111 1111 may of 11 home. 1\Im-it of u. in fact, 1:11:11 mence 11111-‘elm-111111: 11111-1-1111111111 111 1111 5111111 11111111111-11 "s111111" 111111 111 11111111 which usually [urnul the |1\lLitu= 111' 11.1 111111111 permanent 11111111-1 111.1 11.11111: inducd one mm be within ll: four 1'r.u111 11.1111. As 1 11111 11111-11111111 11.11.11111111.1 go into initinl puynwxitel n11 l11111i 111111 §qui11xne11t,lenv1ng veryl1tLl1-f11r11r1~1u11— llous buildings and home furn1s)1in1z.1 any rate until such time 111: 1111- [r111 the 111113 begin :1 render 111 11.11.1111 11 1 somgumes only after years uI 1-Hurt 111111 the irninigrunt Km-mer can l11=11,rin in L|1111l1 °‘ ‘Wilding 11 permanent 11119111111; 111111.-. 111 111111111111 11111 adequate 5111-1111 1111 1111. stock. But flaw much more are cumf11rL- n_1Ile and pleasant surruundmgu 11111111-— “"“‘d ‘"14 Eniuyed when gum! l1o111-1:1 11111 has gone 111111 111111 1111111111 ‘W’ Venn; n 0 lurmera came in 1111- Wlgst with the an e idea of "getting rich ‘“”°k".b¥ menus ui growing ennrnmua quantities of nin, rnnkim; n _lnt of "“V“.9¥. thgn se in: out and spending the rest of their liviés enjoying this emly .1 mniiry in 1.1111111 -1111.1 "“m1°1111-.11-111.1»1.1111111111111111. ",..1-1111111-1111111 11111- .111, |i3L‘,,,g, T11-11-1111. 11- 11.11.1111: -1 P‘, 1111111 110 ~ .1 ‘1'1‘.(1‘1«'1'1”i111111. 11-1 -- 11- 1 ,. 1 11.11 ‘- ““‘ " 111.111.1111. '5‘ 11111111111 11. 11.1 1. 1.1.1 1.1111 111 11111 11111111 111., |‘l1111 -If ‘\\1 111-11 1111 -111 11 M[,11|1,cI1111u 1111 -11111 111111 1{1111n»1:1-11111.1111111 11.1111 1 1 w11,,1.111|111111. 11111111111... .11 1 ,1 1‘-"1‘1‘[f{H.11 11111111 1 -1.1 1.11 1. ,,.11.1,- |111l1~ 111 11.1 1111111111 11111111111111.-1111.1111111 1- 111111 WW1-111111.-11111. 11111 ' - --1.1 11.11-11-1 1 I11-rfnn-111111111 r ‘ ‘ 111111111 111111111 .1 111111111 .1,..1.111-1..11111111111-11 1 11 11 ,1.,_1..1111111111111-11 .111.11 11.11 1111111-1111.1111-11.11-11.11 .11 11111111111111 111111111 -111 11. 1.111111 111111111111 1111111111111 1111 -1 1111.11 11.1111 11. 1 11. 1111-11111 111111111111 11111 1- 11111111111111 -11,111., 1111 1.111- 11111.111..1- 111111111111 1 11111111 1111111111. 11-1111. 1 111111'111111111>1 1- 111111 1 1 111.11 1111.11.11 11.11 111 .1 1111. 11111111111 111.11 111111 .1. 1. ,1 H1111 111111 11111111 11 1 1111111111 11111111 111 .111 , 111-11» 111 111.1 11.11 ,1. . 1 y111111g 1111111 11 11 .- 11 11 sul11i1‘11111111111—111’111l1111 ‘.1 Mm 111 1111- 11111111111111. 1 1 i1-11n1 L'1r1~111 |\r|11111 11 1 .- 111111111111 11111. .11 111111.111 1 1111- 111111 11111111 111111.. 1 Lion-:11: 1111 1111111 1111111111-111 11111111 111111. 11 n*\\‘1mi 11 11.11 111111 1-1. 111311111111; .11111 11.1.1..11..111 111.111 11111-111111. 11 11.1 1 itivtnrln 111111-11111v_1.1111111 11 -1 ir1m1(iwUl11 \11r111l1_\ i11 (:1111.11i11I1:1 1-11.111 11.-11. 1.1111- PruiIil'-L-" ‘H11-1'11 .1111 11 1111111, {rum 1:111111, 1111111 11 11111-~111y 1111111111 11111 1111.. 11.111 1111 1-111111.-111.11 11-11.-. 111.... .11 (1\\ncu\1l1Lry\\11111u11 \\.1 11 \I\:1\|1;.\unu]1\cr1i1\1Lii1.i111.1 0|’ 11.—1111y 1-1 11.11 11111111111111.-1 There :1 11111111111: 111 1'1 111111 11111111111- l’|?|Il(‘l|Ii.l(’H'li 1.11.111 1111111 v~e1m>1-1111 1111131111111 111111 1111' lvecanlv 11 «mi limii 11.111 15 no l’(’iXSDil 1\|111‘ 1111-), 5111111‘. sum»: In (‘un1id.i [111i1>L-1l1 111.1 {arms In H111 \\' L .1“1 V1111 wr-men! Tliare 15 \.1111i1ml1‘11-1J1_\ :1 need in)‘ dmne-.1111; 1 1. many young 1-.111111111 111' 11 deterred irnm 31111131111111; | \rie\v with 11111111-111-11-11111 1111 lmving tu wurk u11dul1' 11.1r111 the farms 111111 n1n111 .11 111 i'em-tl1e1mss1I1ilit_1 111 1:111-.111. fellow 111111;. 1111-_11 11111.1 1 country 1111- 1-1 11.1.-1 .111 1111 encurtninnwiir 111111 1111111111: suci1n:1I.|1c- 111111111 11111 1111 1 1 1111111‘: 1.lu11:;L11.1:1-1.1 1 hard, whether 111- 1111111- . ustic “'Di'k|1!a. H111 1111 ‘111 1 rnte.l1uusekc1=11111111~' ~’1111r11- Irilis;th1:rn1sl1lr]1- 111‘ 1111 l 1111111111; 11111 111.1 11.-111111 h0|l5E\VLIl'i(\'1’|l’l|‘\ 1111131 111111 1 SD Inr us iUllL'ill'1(‘* 1-1-11111 every iurxm-r 1l11-~.- 11111,. 111 mobile, nnri 11111 n111111111:- ‘T n_plnno, g1-nn111111111111- 111 1.11 districts include .1 11111111111111! 1111111115111. .11 1111111111111 tmnmcni um 1-11111 1-1!. 111111 the winter 11111111114 .\- 1'.-r 1 Wurkcr ‘111 u1111c1-111111 11111111 no class distiI1ct11111-1, 1u1l1 -1 the Old Cuu11L1-y1 111111 -1111 1-. share with her 1111111111111’. 1 equality, in Ll11- 1111-1111 1111 Cummunlly From my own 1111 1 1111- .111 1 the 111111 1 1111111 111.111.1111 1 1111 there is 11 11111111111111 three 1111111 111 11111111111. --.11