Characters to draw from:
McKinley Cameron
wittichen (Get in hunting episodes &c) Mayland, ‘
Jo Pricu
(Get others as I. go aiong)
Cfx ~a¢\_, ‘vr
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Jessie Kerr
Mrl. Anderson
Mrs. Hobeon
Mro. Stewart
Mrs. Sharpleo
Mrs. Widney *
Mrs. Wiittichen
And the rest or the gang.
Besides my friends who will figure throughout the story.
Cameron shown as bombastic garrulon, disgusting. covered with sickening pimples drunk halt the time. Started as a barber,
becomes champion lawyer tor women or the demi monde and under
Work in incident or bet with F. Work in his borrowing and us using Hrs. lill to get money from F. his wife also borrowing and pulling F's leg.
Witt chen double crossing son or bitch, sneaking to F9: enemies and 1 hing up with them. while cultivating F. His wife the viiest sort or a slut.
Mrs. Wldney one of mrs. H93 toolc Ditto old dame Kerr.