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‘-' brmnn Ross, nf Gmvrrmmul Hnmzr, Tn-

Wfiniisis iiiwlM1.s'-.s* fl,sin],,,,[ R'm_""' 1.111"/Ill’ il‘II‘x. I)nmIlrl lflrmx. .l!ius Smmn


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. The Lieutenan-t4Go\'er~nor of 0iiui.a..ri«o and _\'lrs. l‘-{ms lit-ltl their first receptions since occupy: vGn im-my t—tio,LM in H1 . V, Park 0“ APT” Zr alld ”-’6~ TllCVC it (1 great eruslri in “Ft mm- the'R05S€5 to their “f3‘V 0‘lllMl~fll film u(3.o~\trni'i~i-ei»it ll'lln»i.1~c n-cier looked more attractive at the SW’ 1-; . in. iimm Llumirx ihc rqoms were made beautiful i\'it‘h s“ -ing llll|f'l7¥ll.C'l'\X, the ~m,-mi, Swim“. being eompletely banl»:ecl‘ with l . 1,m.9k:[i i(‘;i,,,,c,m,,,.m\_ ‘\:]l] H”; COl'15¢l0“5lYv Perhapsa l“l1"5- R059 fl1'1~ ~ nlziinl liiare ll'\l‘0tll}‘_"lll .1 great note of open frieiidlline to their at eidll 'lliiie, ‘Siflvm»€0iI'1-C‘ alter seeing; them shake hands “I Eli] (‘ill laeart Dime tliunitzlxm-1u_l LY‘{[AQ\l§‘ remarked that they were just Stpfltlilul-l'tL4v3UI r i;jI'FCClllr1i‘_’ as when the first caller steppied into th-e-ir re , ''l‘rulIr this is a wonderful gift. One YR'D’l"1u€lI£‘f$ 1|‘ lloung it iI.tll’»'.es ii Ielrl-i1I"l in svucli .1 compelling public capacity as a lit -lil.k"l"1.’ltFtl'—vk,'iIWii nor. to relr.un from becoming lzard-Iaioi/rd.’

When the sun shines in tloii’-iimwri 'lll‘é'|IIT4“>II*1il'ir it act ‘l.'ll‘l‘}" -v'l:c;ii-ns pure gold in ROSC(lfllC. iltt l«C£t>t tlvizir has nsnr 1v i-on t‘l-1-cmlicr morning as I crossed the ‘la-r~i.(]gi€ , ,‘ilg\lvPVl-5 tilmc lli{n~ictl1:tl«u r.n'in-c. and I made my way up to (I/inr/xi Pm-A .\hr~. lRw.<s 'ili.it-l 7'I'f'v7l'T't‘l\"CLl part of a precious morning wvi-t’h line ;- ii-ilrizeii ‘ll arniriecl sli-L‘ “M studying the effects of new l,‘1[‘[i-1;[j1i\,, sl‘ri.i.u‘lie», |".V'tIl4s‘l‘llI\1Il'l~7. Ul‘l“&tPi£’\. tl1:1I

have been added to the il1Tl]li\l'1llM:! wl ‘li‘li~C W W1--I1.L' -'H‘1~v‘l "H" F"”'l"“‘ ml it}ni'L‘r1i—

'1-‘mix’-I1 -I l ‘h in M‘

l li L‘ i’ .1 r r: ll‘:-s-V L‘ll\ .1 I ml .11 the i-.u-nc I i ITIL‘ ill ‘\' li.t\L' tln,‘ Llilit‘-it‘? in-l l(‘3il’14 jmg ulu --n n the .l1I\l u*rv~i~n:s~ Ml [mi [gir"|‘.Il inn"- ni.rl|t \. ( iTl.‘-ll i‘li.ll*i-lllll-l ‘i-H“ \.H‘||i[u.p.iiiIil1Il iii-i\<'~.in-ln-1 J i‘~Il‘.|L‘il inu

M,,,,,,.WH.M W M V‘ I lrvltfc The .1li.~mrx ./nan I)oliIn'v. Gall‘ IMIIp».nM, TI/lllltllfl‘ .\It.~;~I/iii RUNK rtnrl Mary/Iirrl nfllllltflz

iflrrlll, .t1 M ' , . . , I I W “M” "‘ -‘ll’-V R"-‘?-'~' Irllli llll.’ LieHlminnf-Gnlrmumr

(l‘»(‘Cfil'flIiOI1S‘. Rcturnccl stildicrs supplied the lamp sliadcg. simple p.irchment affairs in clear tunes that shade into soft green thmuuh _\'cllo\\'. The light from them is mellow and in harmony \\ill1 the ovcrtlrapcs. Some of the fine portraits have been removed from the hall and brought into this room to replace still life oils and water colors. Nothing coultl give a more splendid atmosphere. J’\mong them is a portrait of Colonel The Honorable Samuel Smith. who €lS\'llITlCLl the acting governor-gcncralsliip of Upper Canada during the absences of Gmernor Simeoc. That was in June [R17 and March 1820.

.\lrs. Ross h.'ul an interesting experience, an almost unique experience, one might say, on the night that the Toronto Skating Club mcnihcrs and out of town guests were entertained atCiovern- ment House fI')llI'J\\'lIljz the Winter Carnival. Major Douglas H. Nclles was there from the Minto Skating Club. Ottawa. He talked with Mrs. Russ about art and antiques and Mrs. Ross told him of her plans for placing several fine portraits. She asked .\lajnr Nellcs' o-pinion and «luring the course of their cnnversatinn tnuh him in the rear hall where he cliscoverecl :1 portrait of Colonel The l‘lnnor.‘ll)lc Samuel Smith. Strangest of coincidences’ It \\.'i~ Colonel Smith's sister who married Lieutenant-C-vluncl Henry \\‘illi-am Nelles, the present Major Nelles' izraiitlfatlicr. The .\'clle~ i£lmll_\' kneiv that‘ this pnr- /”"" trail \\.is in existence and ' hurl ~e.irLlicd for it in all olirinns plilurx hut it um h(‘\‘um.l ll1(‘|l' lmpc that the lnni: l¢)g‘[ portrait sllfllllll ht‘ lhlllltl under -;tlLll £lll'~2t\iLL’\.


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M IN.’ N llllmflrlr ,1‘/‘ 1]nI—nlllH

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Ail/wll .'ly ll"

]‘.l 'rI\- 4-: [ill

.\'mmn Ii'II»~'-‘~"»*' ('l""""- JII.\‘.'<lI‘.‘l lirillilwvii Ihnl-imrl Oxlvi‘. ilIH'“ rm-I Sliviln LN’ “'11,”-

.‘ All _. wlrtlt IIu~i!4'rIri, /$'lI:u- In «I: I'-’mi:.e.- nml Jluiir-ii Jlwul