June 15, 1925
~ , Ed money In Wynn npot tar diatom at; up areas all Hicir otiorcs, The", W“, mm 0,. non?! a luulrllc splrlcar hump mnldng, 'l‘o- II xiii Iecluuntryislierom. M more rml1|l_II_e‘ Illlil pith the intro- -dmiun oi mixer iirmin interacts- which mnkc l'Oll’ulII fl"lDl{e stab o inn-uinc»a new type or Em nu 2:, iping uttriii-tad, ll“. mm, with II iini Ly. lL real home nliikur. particularly aha‘ IE aiinirnlnllr fllltying 3 mac pail. yin is (l/‘Unit’ making Ilrnpmu. W, hi \\i.-st:-lrri llIl‘ll‘|IlI| iar rhi-y am wtilbllflllinll l_it S<l‘ll ‘iflllllilllillllw or “W”, gCnDl'l:L|0{llt‘l] ‘Anllu will carry an ii... splunrlld won 0 u Hui: up this uugliiy 3 PE.
nl‘ owcver inuilsrii tlic la-ginning. ii.,.,C. 5% Very little tliltllu oh-inoiic oi llic Ulll , ” “mp piniiacriiigl an in rho \\ on, an. [Inn P lse the nuwcuninfgriiif iiailiiivu in in... r.,.. liurdsliipii um irilii‘ ii iiios that co_iili-outoil licr ion.-inulllur. it’ tieriiid iil lllllll.-illlitlli. “hi, porliuiio l_io trrim-il It kind nr In ' adorn pID||Et‘T|IIK xilrril-iii-in, hm um ' oireiilliiirrlixliipii [Just '[‘|u.w[,men
ul|llIi! \V0sl. ln—(ll\Y lriiow many mviip' {AN GE
mo luxiiriis. oven on tho iruwi isiiiliiiurl ruriiui: riiilruail triinsiiirriiiliirii. iiul.1imi>- iilhs, ruriil man (lulu.-ry, tt-lI'pll0llL"«,
Liverpool, haiaiad her .. smiled t-iivi-lope with na- wliisprrcd lnjllll '
Inn‘ on . ,, . i laclric lixhting and i-ry llilml riinnIli- II. C. L. Md, ”,,‘I,.{:1'}.,l,”_"',','L'."'§‘L."’,‘; iyairr aari iwivugil lai-iliih-.i 'r..was nail sumpium ,m,m.y..,i,r;..L. cities liiivu ialiruniz up at not too iufn» /IMF P"'—’=’ you liuiilie" IlEIICVlllHi.lllICl*:O iriiin sari. uihur. w 1 M“ I,,my mm “M inei1'sinterc:it and iiutlvlti lilive siprrail and Mrs. W i,._L.. "urn, 1..."... mg ..,..i liroiiilcliutl an that now ihhy are our. . (l|[l1ln§(li)i1|‘,>rQe“].[L. ing ii very real part ln social and pulitlcal unazmgly enough in a...rrs..i her . llrc
p e licur lrillcll oi nrliai problem with her surplus ul y(iurII.' women out here in the \\’(-st we Iiiive ii surplus of oiin_g n\L’Vl Ii. si.-onisiio me that one solution In [ills problem. in lioih countries, has in the i-migrsiioii ul your wonion from Great Britain to Ciiiiadu yuiiin; women who are prnparcil to face a liL-w life and adlus tlicmseliles to new condi- tions in the right spirit of courage and optimism \\'lllL‘l| rapidly iJflflES its own reward, IL liiis lloun sirr-ssed that [lie possiiiiliiysad probability of making a good marriage is tire chief doll.-rniiiiliig factor in the emigration of young women lrom tlio Ol_rl Country. in was raped Canada justly been called ii "Land of Promise. There are so n._a_a young man, from good, sturdy arms stock. already settled but here, who are lookiiig for congenial WlVES from nmoii t their own counlrywo£nreri.t tlyiéli us ' tlil:‘1\Vfi15t it is Iin accepts ac u our ire gir " of to-day is our neighbour oi tirmorrow! There are openings in Canada for wo- men oi all ages and all classes. It will be remembered that. during the War. many gomen in Engluxnzll Yvenit on tfie l'lll‘nll5‘}l‘ll|d ECRTHE SUCCESS H i'll’l W0! El'S. GTE is no reason why they should not do the Iamein Canada. Indeed, many successful llrrna lll'| the “lat are run entirely by WOHIEU. There is undoubtedly a very crying need for domestics. I Pflgflil heard that many young women o as cass are deterred from emigrating because they View with apprehension the prospect of having to work unduly hard, eipcclally on gbe and} i‘-anchps cg ttliio “fut: ti-111%)’ ear is ossi iit o iaaii an rom ieir fellow bglnga; oily hold the idea that country life excludes all opportunity for entertainment and popular amus_i.-merits. Iiiifbdus the movie and i.llE1('lll‘|}:'||.‘E hall. ‘ , ori'l: deny that we a ‘live to WDl’i than does Canada. “Yd. Whether we come as wives or drain: I: is given to Iew women, who come to - Mic Workers. But‘ on the fB!‘m5- “'1 “EU raake their homes on the prairie, to start MICE. bnuaekeeplflll 15 El-WV“ °‘ "“‘“y "1 "5 in wig], gnythjng Very pwtentiuus in the ring; there is little or’ no lornll1l‘l:nti2r- way nigh!“-ne. Must D; “L nrut_wm_ mining and the ordinary routine oi melifie housekeeping operations in the h°‘Sl-lG1§VUTk ‘1IIIl'iIi9 Dfll){\\"tl“l‘°3e':]“‘l;’1”“_5‘;j5t Ifll wooden “shack" of house, . D ariis onemessis concern . which usually forms ChEt¥|I\JIEClE|ls oi the .9‘! farmer these dayfi “W115 "“ "““" luture permanent h0me- And illllll-W lnob la, and the majority ci_liomes boast indeed one can be within its four frame Plano. Krflmflpllune 01' “'5'” 39”‘ "mat walla. Asa is all available ca ital must . lnttlctalnclude a community hall. W719” so into in iiil payments on ‘land and - u iorme of Iaclal intcrcouisig and onion equipment leaving very little rar pretEn- “lament are enjoyed. vsimcmllv d‘“'"‘.E tlaua biiildla and home furnishla at v stlia winter months. As far iistliu domestic my rm until‘-ui-.h time as the rruiié of - . «warirsr is concerned there are little or “'9 llfld hezln to render an income It is 4 i no class distinctions. such as still uxisl: in ggmptimu only liter year: or error: that ~ »-‘$115’ 015 algugitry. mull Elle l5D§"|;"'°§‘s1 I mniimnt {Inner ona begin to think a wi er empp eh _ . oi hiindin , pm-mnuant dwelling [muse Illty, in the aocia activities of the - . . m Itnck.‘But tI.yl;‘iI’|ld'=el;1‘1‘ll‘|:|a’;l1|:19t:!iI‘iila]iiiE - Q “dill: own personal iutPE¥l'"‘°‘5 ““ able and pla‘uInt' surroundings appre- g elai-m I havo come to the conclusion 1°I"t.ed/‘i1i|§¢Bl0YEd‘Wl|5hKundbonattoil . iguana in‘ ii nnrtkulfl; "lone _to‘th ;ei-emagl . ,. you 0 women. wi . ‘map, is iii ’ or ‘Fdantliidsoriiill
using the domains [if
n’: artirlt that little smiled para.
failures to ‘ iaka good." aivionsst British girls at any rate. are numericallyunimportant.
For life out. here, where I am living in Western Cniiullu, lil- tliough ‘it differs very niatori ly from life in the Old Cauiirry— p ticularly in so far i.L\‘ women s av. villas in the home and in social life are conrlzrlled, '< vary on from being rs harsh and uiipleusimt as some people seem to believe. It is a (act that people who leave this country for more beautiful lands iiivuriulily re- turn lured back by the peculiar charm at the prairie which pos- 113325 a beauty Ilntl |l grandeur all its own.
I have heard that the burden or many complaints irom pra- pective emigrants is the cliiiiate. It is true that we experience extremes oi cold in winter time and extremes of heat in summer time but these disudvantageu— ll’ such they can be termed- (since the cold of winter insures good health and immunity Ii-om ' disease and the heat of summer to 1 very great extent insurai good crops) can always be com- bsted by suitable clothing and accommodations and is more than com ensated for by the really lorious weather of spring and! . And we enju sunshine long hours of it al the year round. There are few places in the world to my mind (and I have traveled quite a bit) that offer better climatic advantages
MacLean's Magazine 93
rum to ch‘ .
are mainly lI“fJlLIlil:‘ilnllry "' “"3 rliiht iipirit. mum mum W 1'11 slurceed. Thorels so many oppi.riuviii' “ H crimimiitiaii. so .m,,m xmE1mmioo_ No girl with health. llim can huh, .."‘;f|fI::lI1 mpjfratc nniLil-
), ,— _ ‘ ' K001.
Krfgh ?ru"i;1H:["'1‘DE]llll1)‘rl"I\|flK~ untrained iiirl. U“ me mu-mm V left an-maaywumen “|m‘||‘_5'“V]u”.‘(.|Efiilt“i small but growinll yet who mm nmmclittra piiirol hands,
wu '&l . , _ sh. ..*.".“.:,.‘t..l.:.:li"‘ M 'u to . . .
{pin .-i-..‘.’.l'i‘..".l3§fi3f'li°lirfil'li$l'...§fi“ll?
so. mi 1
mum mm” I‘: Kl‘lClI wages W1‘ '1 Lzirl ln \\'onIern fart M ii" .mmii "°“«*t’kw-niai: iiriiciius-r iiinfm W’ "" _|il'(iVl(lL‘tl Llie ciindiiliil i‘:1lln\VDrl)i1$nr\'D'r M3’ mlvlhlioaca and Lidurililillit' sl‘cu ‘mill ll" mndy lo llemiiml a rilur)n)rt~s‘ o“‘ml]l~ position zit. liighi-r wa Eu Tip M ’ L thousands ..i in‘... wilmr-n ..1.“.i° oil’? women too, for that mailer,’ waiting tn Qccelvo ilu-V riiw miituriiil and as many pirrgtlfikzlglllllllll to rlliliilre the iiniiilicd _ Tlicn there Is a v - v . In wn.nr.. c....r..i§'ia§‘iiln"T{'$§§i£l3;.i liiiuselrecpcr al iaaiarsr yelirs "rlirre lira anriiingi {or her on the big rnnulirs and iarnis, where several liirlzil niuli lire I-mplil ed iill [lie year round with the lug "“""‘3lH“l! outlils that neeil a capable woniliri cook to trike charge ul their cook cars; and on the liaclielor lini-iiootcuds. The marriail mu lo. who intend liner to farm l'nr tlicniale V0.1. \\'|ll altcn be well a<l\'isi:il to accept some such position whilst looking around [or ii sultallll: loca- llun. They are thus alile to earn some- thing whilst aequaintirig tlierriselvcs with existing conditions. and they liliyc an opportunity Lil becoming conversant witli Wistcni iurm practices under the guld- lince, and at the expense. oi experts Indeed, under the new settlement scheme, where settlers arc iissislerl linanniully liy the Government. this is part or the programme nisettlenleni.
The "trained domestic" will also find ii place, but she must realize that condi- tions and requirements diller in Canada very niiiteriiilly from those existlligin the old Country. Sometimes. even. liar previous training renders her [or ii time the least satisfactory oi all classes of help and she ‘is caiisequenily apt to suitor some disappointment at [below wages she may, at lirst, receive. It should be remembered that a trained damask in the Old Goun- try usually specializes ri some particular department of her work. She may have been a cook. or ii arlour mold, or a house- maid, or a laun y maid. Her work,‘ in any case, wiu bounded by the require— menu: of her particular job. When she comes to Canada she nnds that she must combine it knowledge of all these various dut:i5~in fact. become a "general aer- vant" in a very literal sense of the word. But once she becomes conversant with Canadian housekeeping practices, she quickly becomesinvaluablc. V _
Now what has been the elicct. of life in Western Canada on British woman who came out here in earlier days and who endured far more hardships than present day immigrants will eier be called upon to face? ‘ _
I would answer in tin: wiry.
Tlie Wt is iull oi 'Bri_tisli women oi high character. oi sterling worth. of indomitable and independent spirit. keen minded and of robust health, happy and contented as the mothers and Hand» raaihuis oi‘ lusty rnrnilios olsturdy ariusii stnck. _ _ ,
I have no hesitation "ranging that the opportunities lot women in nnada—and
articularly in the lYl:—are golden. ll‘hlu is a great and glorious country and I am happy and proud to be a citizen oi_it. To all girls and women, contemplating emigration to Canada. I would give this mossa 9. Come‘. ‘ \Ve, who are already settle here are waiting to welcome you, to help you. We izrtcrid to you our l‘riend~ shi , our BIN) oration in whatever you lln ertake. T ic gates of the Wu}: are wide upon. and it you will enter in the rl vht spirit of courage and optimism. you will reap the reward in happiness and contentment which this clear. iidopterl lurid of ours offers abundantly and in good measure.
to pay the lilvh crl help deiiiavl a gladly pity a small
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