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“I-‘Pointed in his ‘ougll for mam 11, follc-\\in;; hf; pper Canada College nnil Im- I al courses at TorontoUnivcrsiu~ wide circle of friends in tIu~§.,: self and his charming uifc rominent then and later in the I life of Toronto.

was for :1 long ]’JL'rir>({ my _nto, and is :1 grandson of Sir owat, one of the num ..l»|c 'of‘0'ntnrio. Dr. Big;:;|r'< L'[ the equally WC“ hnmun M. Biggar, who mu uml ,1 chief electoral officer uf me ‘Government. Bath hr!-Ihv r: ad. in Ottawa since lhv \\u, iggar, before nssuminu Em on, was Assistant Dm - vi ir I Services in the Dcp.:rIm- wt liliera’ Civil Re-cstnhli~|mmI " iggar has had :1 long cr1nn-- :i in ' ry matters in C.-m.id.: '1' both the South Mrimn t Wars. In his umlc1')!"xl“" \ Vent out with thu ‘I1-nth I 4}" ‘ggld Hospital, which \\ |_ "“ diéal unit C:n1.'|d' win In 5' V"' " 'uring the Grc.'ll\Vn1', Iii W" Hm as J\'Icdit.'li 0m~ ~‘ . ttalion, in the Brim-In \‘

Eiadian EXP“! i""""-‘ i "U :: IZCII the 13th C:ln;uh.nn 1 ~31» fihe to which he “'35 ‘”"

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