18 fast heccming fiwistefi, and has explanation "my falks were all like thafl, awfully big for their ages? noes not anfiirely wqugre fihings with Uncle John, Birdie péctcnds tn feel anxiefiy aunt the non-return cf Dick. ma eoaxcs uncle ta gs mufi anfi leak ibr him~~«"somcwhere in fine park". %3aannhi1e minefite, moeti 3 flora in the §afik, gaingxfia kxngx on her way to fine "tr3§fiing” bench “ where she uufi Euyton 3 vve accustomea to meet in the radble, begs fiaxa to '5a hang in Ha? place, ana 10? her msthsr knew tha she has been delayca on same business that evmning. flora roluctanfily departs. fiinetto, 'in fact, fictcrmines fio meet Dayfian in Nora's ylaco. ané if 3333 ible break up the affair between him 333 Born. ' After flora aoparts, uineflte steals ova? ta the bench, ana sits there waiting as the night Gaacads. flora mwunfizile arrivifig at the ffiat is troublea to find neither Her mother nor the twins fihore, ana her fears are arousefi at tha dis- covery of empty gin battles under her mofihcr'a yillnw. Presently Hack, siighiigfiiysy, eamam thraugh the gawk, ‘anfi whims 3 line for fko bench where Ears uauglly awaitm fiim. Ric discovery that the occupant o£ the bench is ac a'a pretty Sficnch frionfi by no moans aiscourugcs him and he sifis flew: A elaadly bcaiac flinatte. She tells him cf hex éiscavcry fihat 2} ‘(H .-. 1'.\:\--Avgk. 3,7! -1;‘.-vy ya " 't'1_-::t7 .~.‘-,8 in ‘EH;-same mo wv-gxrinn h-ix} 1-6 1.0 1:»: (..L hi‘--.L-s. Iv»-4-.4.’ «.11-{L Ix.» K-iv -v— A---—-— 1; ”''~-- --» V cease yurmuing her frienu. Kc, hiacaughing declares he will t pramiscx her an: hing in the uorla she wiahas if she will just