IV ill: cuiiu era is than attached to Ls siifiened.
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erally s
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Mayfair, May, 1930
ELLOW candle light
. . . so kind to beauty, so unkind to the eyes! Yet candleswere long consider- ed to be the ultimate in illumination. The past cen- tury, however, brought us kerosene and the modern oil lamp, then illumination by gas. Surely these would
remain supreme!
But this swift age of science finally harnessed electricit)’; and with an endless suPPlY of power flowing C°“‘i““’
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rnm Nmtlicm Elccmc Company
manufactures thz tclcphonc and us
accassoncs wives and cablcs for tile
trmmmssxon of pagan» W” :"l€“"’|’:‘
systems, Plll)l)C a rcss sy .
mlkmg 7"‘"‘°” l"m‘"v' Cqmpmcvll.
and also distributes :uel1'l(’""”"
brands of clcctncalliouschald aPPl" antes of all l("‘d5'
ously in her rivers, Canada can become the best lighted country in the world.
The Northern Electric organization contributes to the better lighting of the Dominion by manufactur- ing in its plants many of the miles of wire and cable used to convey the current from power plant to elec- tric bulb; and by distribut- ing through its branches, :1 large quantity of electric lamps and fixtures of re- putable makes
COMP“... |,1Mv'rLD A National Electric-I Scvviu