June 15, 1925

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MaeLcnn’s Magazine

Has your baby the vitality to resist

0 you know that your baby’s health ilepenils partly on the skin? Thou- sanils of nerves have their centers near its surface. They tell baby's brain of every itch, burning or chafing sensation. An uncomfortable skin means a "nervous" baby. llcciuise it speedily hanishcs itching, chafing and tormenting irritations, _]ohnson’s llaby Powder relieves the nervous fitlgetiug so harmful to llttilltll in summer.

04 Sufi: way to win Health- Buildiug Sleep

Above :1ll things, it is slcep—hours and hours of it—that stores the energy ncetlecl to keep baby well. See that baby gets plenty of it.

Physicians recnnnnend this safe, nat- ural method of inaiking sleep more reiétftxlz Every day after the customary warm water bathing, sweeten your baby's soft skin with a “powder bath." Dust plenty of cooling, soothing, coin- furting Johnson's Baby Powder

the many forms of s

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(it is not expensive and you can use it generously) all over the tender body, inas- saging it gently under the arm-pits, behind the ears and in all the folds and creases. The beneficial pow- der puts the skin at ease. Your gentle rubbing lulls the nerves. Baby is ready\ to fall asleep the minute it is back in the crib.

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Four reasons ‘why plnysicimis prefcrjalmsarfs

l—It is made by johnson & Johnson- makers of Red Ring Absorbent Cot- ton and 400 other articles for the medical profession.

?.—In their practice ]ohnsnn’s Baby Powder proves more cooling and soothing.

3—It was Iirst suugestetl by a nnterl skin specialist especially for use on tender baby skin.

4—_]uhuson's Baby l’o\\'(ler does not clog the pores or cover the skin with a shiny, moisture-proof film.

ummer illness ?

Strength must be stored by sleep and comfort

More babies fall ill in summer, according to physicians, than in all the rest of the year. Every ounce of their energy must be guarded if infants are to keep well and grow. Fiery rashes, chafing, sleeplessness, crying and ner- vousness-—-all these things which lessen so-ength—must be prevented. Ways of doing this are described below.

Powmsa ‘v~


Your Dnlggixt is [um 71.... a Mmlmz

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on. of me. hm 1......“ .. "Try the Drug W... uh... cvrr yun need and .m.i . ...... Inn." \'c.—,.n.r qua/u.,

Millions of Happy Babies

Our records show that millions of babies have on- joyed the beneficial com- forts of Johnson's Baby Powcler. And this summer, thousands of new babies will also enjoy skin-Comfort, thanks to Johnson's.


Use ]obnson's Baby Pow- der regularly fur a week. One generous mamage a (lay and several powderings. Dust it in the groin after each toilet. You will be re\'ar(le(l by :1 happy, sleep-loving baby.


Free to mothers, a helpful booklct—— “Summer Care of Babies." 'our atldress?

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B Powder

Best for Bub)-—-Best for You