seye; :16 better able to care for _ - e ore you can reach for a ll:‘V‘fku:eC:l1efbto remove a bit of dust they wash it “Z £81-In their emergency efiorts to 13“. Th _ cm“: Y0“! teeth are utterly help- not Pmteeztth not repair accidental damage more, th Aihemselves from bacteria. What's - Eli. ‘—"° 110 way to let you know th I . "7" l“ trouble until it's really serious. Even tf::f'd7fi110wr when tee!/J go bad WlIh.ll|OW theigaize ii‘ good condition to start e yem 1 p > elplessness more and more In 1”“ b)’- This accounts for the ° ‘than half the teeth lost by cums 01' pyorrhea. Pyorrhea cover, silently, so years may pass . sazied eye can detect it. Once {I5 Is no alternative to a P‘-"1511 course of treatment. ’ 5331'! filced with the tragedy igpuiln will . llllll ‘mites always bring hours 0! embarrassment. Your Y skillful in reducing all but the most beautifull_y OUGHT ABOU made denture can never fully replace one's natural teeth not overcome the blow to one’s self—respect that follows their loss. Your dentist would much rather prc1=e=m‘ pyorrhea than make good its ravages. His preventive measures are infinitely more satis- factory, but they can be effective only if he has a chance to use his skill at the first sign of trouble. That means you must be Con- scientious about letting him examine your teeth every six months at least. Em: r/rm; ml/J not always mfc Even clean, white teeth are not always safe, for Pym-{lien goes much deeper than surface cleanliness, Dr. R. Iiorhan worked 26 years to develop his special pyorrhea treatment which is used many by thousands of dentists both here and abroad. Wliile this treatment %/ TEETH AHEHELPLESS ... cam? mée cm/L Zféoflvxlrellxuvwl ” is provided solely for the dental profession, Dr. Forhan has made its active principle available for home use in the toothpaste dmt bears his name. This extra safeguard extends the value of Forhan's Toothpaste beyond that of a mere cleansing operation. Use it every night and morning on but/J teeth and gums according to directions. Gin‘ )w/r /(If/J f/Jr mn- r/JL} nmllof gin‘ I/ll‘/IiJt'Al1'C5 Your teeth need your help——and you need your dentist's help and advice. See him every six months at least. Use Fothan's Toothp.Lste thoroughly, conscientiously every night and morning. You cannot hope (0 prevent trouble if you \\' for it to appear. 50 begin both these important preventive measures now. Forhan’s Ltd., Ste. Therese. P Q LEADS TO T TEETH THE USE OF FOR}-IAN'S