my/(Hy, ]a1iuar)’, I930 1
. ?” i ' t 'BliV€l' paillgftclongk
icnb t tll:?§:3w::;_;l_ kid been {It I 1, w‘ i, ‘“.'In c'' “gwiv grad :11) Mick -'2. 5 to her sub“; . -balm ‘
ack~haii-e .' ». ‘ .Chai-Ia. 3.Cgun;=i.i, . ilin who Wu ‘hi. _Muniea_ she . ,‘ ime reside . .. ‘ I zen in Lhadfgmoi, Va Ightcrof a dim“ lb: :1 received for ‘iifllllnrl “rinse. the :1. 1?“ An. E, 13. lure "'““Y caller: n zen iVln_ Eimngnfi 3 irgnrct Min" 1?!‘- HI, Miaii Elsie B“ , i:Gricnion_ '1-he ml‘ it House. Mia: { bfightnua in 3 mi: °"1Y '°"‘8 and hit}, Wing Pink mm. ‘Connor, Mr. and1l[,._ r and Min Dgm, rig those who prgfmd ' half hour or to o[ yh concert. Picture: 54 mg.’ on the walln, my . time being by Mr, 3,3. National Gallery. in mm: ones who walk’: I. Dr. A. G. Doiigliiy, .rchivist went ahaain .y, dancing occninfiilh V ind there {or a clan. {ions ol omnmenugid
icy and his artinlik iment between iliniu inure: in the‘ lk - : a fortnight nu, _ ‘ ' ’ ‘V ‘ . ‘
, ‘ . - ‘~ N THI2 halcyon days of the Caesars
icy combined In
ks with afternoon“ a V _ - V — everyone of any importance built baths. :£°:;l:"d‘3x:£’; _ .i > v_ _,, v _ ’ ' .~‘._e;.It was a liobb)" indulged in. between ':in'pm;fi0“'“°,ma. " ' H V v ' " sessiniis of provincial tax—extortion_, mas- ». mimclitilebnnr V e saering the barbarians and assassinating fDow’alak=Il°“.‘p‘; - V, _ ambitious relatives and friends. 7 1° gm: gm » i ‘j \ But no Roman’s foiidest dreams cvereucom-
passed :1 glassed—r>ver plunge, sitting room
null and conservatory such as this ensemble of
been laid and 1“
bright-cycdflmlyfl . V §'°|:l:'vn’:‘e‘d_'; ' e ' ' , i . ‘ E. H. Watts, Esquire, '1 oronto.
c u a I . . Kl ‘ . zdoni: at tl1i|‘l““7; ‘ i ‘ , ' For personal pleasure and as a social asset ibutes. ll!’ "|i;:Wii, what could be finer! . w , Ii.’.‘.'i”';°a.ien« V5“ ' _ , We build smaiIci' pools than this, of course {Mi-a.j_.i\. H 1 ' _ . and larger ones. A_sking for sketches or 3' l5‘°“"“": iv do" estiimites does not obligate you in the least.
Id h w: e-i° : ' Li S: NH.“-Ii.1CFi;¢ llll”CtI):l\:‘|'E\ iiliyrcics 8 B C md“:fr:,|:nIUN - - I iiluiiv? Senil fur Q in:-verc hapD)- ‘ l ‘ our iiewcsi i||iis- liumlm n] Gm-nlumm and (.‘an:m-niarin . llmvcd Mun SALM OFFICE‘
M”.-"”Y“‘ "” ",}’,I1';,,..m 303 m\l(BOL.'R coiiiiissiox nrnc. = M, d, ]’f"j,’,’.5- 1\(i(il’l"5 TORONTO, ONT. E o ‘ I ‘ lin Ol kmumlh . » il|l|' I " "G" in Eastern Snlcs omu.
in Mount ()mt‘°- gzn (‘nsllc llhlu. Montreal, Que. acnrwilde "mg Dlfim mi Fntlory. si Cillhov-mu, Onfnnn