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‘Bear the stamp of quality and dis’
V Abova av , ‘ ‘_ _ I .111: nul n tmctton and carry with them an the W0; anEK%;a)1: ];)Ckftft7oc1<t1C’0m \iw,vIH \I4\.. assurance of style Correctness Rldeau - L. S C3111’ 171671 177 Iiml lH”\r‘\»xI1 dcs1gners seek mspimtion from the Elfin: hght wctght wool, llama Crapc, tr] ‘I!]\"L\\m1"l£”
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master fashion I ._ ‘Lt. wo p1occ fvockhas (L pull our top H“ . C, “ll
creators of the world of mgmll , ~h ‘” M A and ‘lfidcau coats frocks and gut 7 1c Jwscy wtt ct flat collcvrlc.ss \;,,..,H m.,,, authentic uemons’ f 1 15 me mcklmc and bow’ A Wpmsmmuw mm“ “M H L o He mode. Ridcau costume, priced at $29.30. “W ?""‘”
'|.! any A nun M. 'Hw \\.., 9 nwn hlw him. 49‘
TI c%M|1ED mun {l’Il(‘l'IHH.