-,._!i_.. -4- -_..|.. __-,.
s I‘ 5 i l i l
WE ARE READY for the active serial reason will: a 110:}:
of Erelliu Shoe: which for iinriely of design and color, defines: a line, and Irim. jiumly shaping are mil mrpussed zmyuibere. And price: are always weekly mndenile.
OWENS-ELiVfES, LIMITED 89 Yonge Street, Toronto
GIFTS for My Lady
Situated at N. E. Corner Bloor and Bay SL5
Toronto (RAnd.-ilph 69,7)
(Suite 2,] 1)
Mayfair’ January
.ira.v/m'r» 1”‘
Cmizinurzlfroirz page 66
d .0 Toronto '°,il:,m;:ii1s at school b of next season. I5
i Oxford'“"d °"ly coiil
tie lslmgettv Boiilibee, ad «in. Walter S““‘°”' ""1
l » Gretliemi °f M°n”ca ' ii mbtorinr; tliroUEl1D°‘i°“; who crossed 0“ 1h“
. _ 5 whose purser ensure
that life El '
bright; h'Irl:i):fli \ak‘]‘i:li_y5 mm, . K. L. Mcfntosh, win ""}=a.,d daughter has bum on uimwithjq some months; and nun - _ and his wife and dfifgicacanbfii ;‘ says that the gardens °;r'E t .‘ one just about as near 891.1“ “ I can get on this earth. so .°“'!nu . ‘ book a ticket imn1Cdifl[¢l if ' ‘5 l recommendation from ay alltr
we know where your trisiehrbl“ igi
Coiirinimlfram page 54
“at homes" are traditional. r the “Rov
flnii[E:§:hi.ihndsor'5 E3!’ l‘°‘“'i.{°
" i dinner imf Ailiiii tiieiinc old Sam Slirk home ilicnil Mrs‘ Elliot Smith has this year V” l ‘ H my mind did wander ' hich the charming hostess of the me has pres:-n"ed the atmosphere of the old house, “'l"l‘_3 P70‘ during 2 modern comfort. if l_did slec some ghosts of} the Pasltl besijc tfic grunt open firep :i:e—sm.'i . won er ‘or here there is an association with Louisburg! It did not prevent an aipprcciriiioi. of the address gii on by George F. Graham, general mrii nrier of the most accommodating railroad in the world—the D.i\.R.—Lor interfere with mi J0)’ in hearing .\1rs. KcdCl\', whom I knew as A school girl. and now greeted as the wife of Dr. 0. H. Kerldi, it ho for a number of years has been and riill is, the .\l.-iyorof Windsor. Mrs. Keildy was milled upon to N.‘I!lY to the toast to the l£Il‘.lI(‘! by Charles Scott, heati- masleroflting s College Srhool. Always :1] Clcrcr speaker, Mrs. Kcddy was “"”““k on I is orcasion both in her reform cc to the benefit that llrifibiirtmi ‘VIII is to the iorial life of Windsor .'iiiil In hcr tnbulet h _ 0} Brim irlaied by the women of this | til - who are _ d I e town on the .\\oi., Th“ mdldnc “ll-“ffiible in hell doiiiii. dam: and I“) ‘Ill all whirled into 3 at evvtf)‘ Slwlmdcmd A-wily by myself- aflain Des lucrmmmg [0 mmc their no lcsilliaihlt mcul’ Kmvns, and 'I1y wcrrreis l c1rr' d aw. ‘ 3 - ic rm‘r'l1'3{:)“nCcII1irrJ|rlyui:ff la glowiiie oranize .1 ullrgundy mm-.. Hf ¥iTEEI‘l,‘flI[‘IUlllCl' in slalcly in its red-E “tic diniiie room With its many littl D 5 and dmllcrlcfii silver and Kim cdublu 5D'"l‘ll”L' ln imni; of ““_ its fine 01.1 side- ihe storied fii i - Kfnllfilallfwllil its lo up are H‘ U" u gh°m- Ptrilfricilils . f-tho loved hapmnmafifgninl §.1iii Slick, . - in iI5wr1l|(.lcr_
and ‘K since who it. in" mic ftaii.'iii‘If§ll1:(E‘E°"“l‘° \'anishcil‘l'cd ll“ l’l$.' soft 1‘ “mm” . lfllhc Eu‘ , int rind‘ Quite eaaunny Ill "lléllll
I tllicll/ml Niiil°nI;“"]‘{ tnrricd ‘mam ar:rilii\ mom run we at. where, 0‘ Hum J ‘Airs 1'. l’;ii1¢rlDn‘“(E‘V l.icii. ,m"_m ruin, who have b oomlis, “"1 their wctldin dill recently I Fflotoriny. “K mi‘. Wliich ‘lieu-11 eu“‘%‘ |’- Cooiiilis ‘ii; ~ llrrc, ID in the Nam} met Mrs.
W“ ‘Dent
. ""4 Cflllryg
Macoun, just return: and on her way [9 C:nLri°n'; Ei in join her mother, Lad ' we sziiv Mrs. Hurry r\'i’cl](3:fln'n' been in S.1ir.t John visiting ],:,W the L. P. 1). Tilleys, wim ,"‘ only recently returned froiii 30'. Vzirirouvcr. The opening “Ci . Hour: means all sorts of pd,“ public functions; already am A are being made for EL Biidge rid“ auspices of the Soldiers’ Hospiui mittce and for .1 Junior Red CM mittee Receptior for Miss jeaiin National Director of Juniorlied in Canada Mrs. Tilley is deem Red Cross and its interests anil time well spei t when thus diiecii-I‘. Halifax has given itself on! and soul this month to the inure the Community Chest whirh pl to :i splendid beginning with a of 52,000 from Mrs. Edith Ritli of Los Angcles, who was : iiiiiniii city during the sumniermonihs. has dew otcd itself to the ivorkol ing the objecli\'e with coin zeal and the success of variow vzisscrs has been the Sllbjut _ functions, even at those rlelifllld’ nuptial affairs given in l|Ul'l0|"'fii‘ approaching wedding of M V Simpson to Mr. W. ll- 5"” Among the most charming of Mrs. Ci-orize M. Ho\vard'5II|l tea at liauliinwonil, and ll” , - arranged by the L:i<lirs' C‘°'“""':._' Ashburn. Tliose present Elwy- iiicluded Mesdiiines l)- l4 ‘wt’ 1'‘. w. Ryan, W. ii. r\1rK¢=“-‘6- Alnii Curry. T. D. Fniqii any Liitle, wiiicr l\ll;‘CllCll' ll . rind W. li. Pntic. not 13-‘ _ tion was Mrs. W. hlcl‘; his“ dinner. The wt-ddiiiil “’l"° V to take place in St. i\ " will be very pretty. Miss Marjorie Dimotli ‘ hride's only nttendniit, Pickur, from GT-1""'l“° support Mr. Str.-iclinn. Mockny, of Saint clin- I'I.'ilif.'ix, the guest ‘ T"nrquli.1r, especia Y has been entcrtnillb old friends. - gi Alrendy plniiii for Cgilltd tniiiiuii are well fO|'“"" ml; the Post Road |’°‘“ the Dighy there are echDC‘: gun! ~’ A . n i ' that will occupy 0 H [HM . liolid.-iyn. But iodny “ [,|ial_t_ before the flllllouncamtnigiflf fl ‘ i
ii I
Acadia Collegc_ W“ hm!) 3- official dance In '-h‘ existence! i