l 5 presence. 7 sturbiilg 0 sound Ira togctller,riii H , no dmililil it to have r . it: beyond .\lLr ‘ ture. Wliav 2 n the mi«l:'.r~' Hie would Ff’ lluuni. Elli", ne time, 3"'“V iniv. Itwniillli. a of im HP’ Ili ‘ iintmenh red. raw‘ " ii iy wh i lltnu a sllnllffg .4 rlcili I nded tin Win. mm, ,.»ruli'fi- . ETA ELLEN BY EVELYN CA.\'.\DlA..\‘ I-Ir‘-.\il jiiiiiiyu, DOES ODERN CUPID BREAK? MACKIE illustrations By Norman J Fljlnldlng S MODERN life putting a crimp in Mr. Dan Cupid? This new independence of y0uth;—tlle liberty which a career gives to girls;«the freedom hetween the nuxel How are thae ullecting mm‘- ringe? A vital quation in tin erii when most girls leaving school, take jobs. When young couples insist on start- ing in with their air, radio, n prus~the-huttnn rnenugu, and perhaps :1 mllid. When the bride must llnve her gown {ar every occiuian—hi.-r permnnent wuves nnd beauty trentments~her bridge cluhs, late night partiu, dancing, rind even the occasional nrrlliriri. Enough surely, to put the kibash on nnything so fragile and elusive as this thing called love. But him it? F FIGURES do not lie, it in lxusinexn in usual with Cupid rind Co. _ To get on the inside of the marriage qunstmn, Iwent tn the license nirn-n. It was niirpri-ungly busy fur 1| mid and frosty morning; for It was during 51 chilly up In spring. Love rnnltirrg the ntmnsphere Irlslellll nr 1| reluctant sun. It looked enmiirnging. "Is marriage gciingnut of million?” I lwked the clerk in lrhnrge. He seemell u bit morbid lnr one who him in nlltimv lnb dispensing wedded him. Fixing n pmimlerin 93"‘ upon me, he i('l|n(‘(l across the tiihln nnd \'l'i1lV]3E‘79dr’ "Between DUl"EElV?N,!'lOfl'lEf7fiZi1E$f‘ ynung tiiingsxvt-ulrl dn hatter to keep nut or it," "Well, aren't they keeping nut of M" "Nat rmticenhly.” " in you give netuill liguresi" "E wit it xlmuny eye on the waiting line. 1 iurned nnd fnund to my tsmhiirriuzamont I wii.-x holding up flu‘ "wfiaiie mnrknt. Business being‘ RU llriair i|I‘ ml:-rrvd me to the Rezinlrnr. Hus mntrimuny gone out of fmzlilnn” Nut nl um‘ "'“""lmz rule. Dmplle tho vi:-ist-xiturlm or modern Illv .1 c Znvernmunt ntntiatim delmrlmnlt hnve it till rlriwn in blank and whlugiii-id there's no getting iiwiiy lrum Kum. NflLUYflily these ngurus viiry silinwirig 2| l'ii|l- "'3 “T "Y"! wnnpurhiips, then the nnxt yam’ llfmlvl. “P they lump Ilke nn lnflntrtl stuck mnrkri. ‘I. “'|'YlIIlt_ nml giving in mnrrinxe mien on with Vflfllglnz mrimitnvly. Ir "Love lllughsl ut in.-kl. e i - E . depnainlghr npsltlii snnpplnziu linizem nt rm mun And what one mm" nlmut the ages Inr rruirryinrr l.0(llI_\‘7 y cannludu-1 they have lulvilnu-rl. The ,':": “'’"¥ 0! xirls. taking jobs, are ltpt tn piiylprinv iin» gun in event. Mun, ma, gennrlilly wnit unirl oagilcnthelrfeetfinnncinllyr ly “meg enough than surlnce (‘nntlitinnll hiivn nrnm-— Wm" B; rliziiie nl (llffereneu. Thu nut-s cnlillnuv 11» hr‘ nut the iiume;«iwenty«rnn ynrini {or l,lir~ Mi:-B wtxanty-(our rnr the lirirlogroiirn, vwvn net { Perhnim thny hnvu l|liVllrlt‘!‘4l ii eiiupln gnfm over thoila nf hrldn nnrl xronm in our l(rnni]— vnncedl. "5" But connider huw tlmn.-a hnve ml- ‘’,‘2'ulfhVERi 1! nrnim do not llo—hnw much til’ the do they dillelnsifl wine (in thny tell n! the axe miii-i-Inga-7 What do thi-y revs-nl “ll! MW and different viewpoints of modern bride and groom they even hint of manytridnyl Those old»l'.:Ls‘liwned humriurnu.-i stories and €:|r|0fl!lS iilmut niirrinmi'ri,, lug .\15lIi‘r'n llrnu, nr-re lint an inr- letched or exaggerated, ill1.ll'P(l they hit an xi vein ul’ trulth thut must have made mntrirnnny ii mtller 9[\Dl"|l- llxtive l.1L|SllneF—S (‘curt-Ihlp»tn use llle n](l»l'i'L-iliiiinril term»ser-med to be A game of cimlnullzlge rin l)I)lii 'ildES They murrled in uni unnuninturl, an in wpnzlk Rilre indeed tunlny, H the girl who (in n’! knuw liizr mun. Rllrr-r still, l< the girl who diic ‘L knmv mm, She hats played with i1n_\'S .'lIn(‘G they raved iri tlli-ir kirlriie cam‘ Ynuug Indii lruitnd in Ncllrml with her, rilrrylng her She pulled ilmulivl with (hem at |.ll1lVPV“~'I['y]—r dnnc-mg. mulorlilg. WiZ_\'l!\)Ill‘nI1l*4, h‘\\'lmnIIl'u!. They see each other at their he'4(— nml wrvl-:3! If they grow [rind of onn nnnthi-r, it ie in npiin 0l[l1|llL~I,l':|ihv,~r thnn i!l‘(‘:1ll.=(' they have l’Il:|lIl\|{I2f‘i til rnmniifliige them‘ Then iiniz day he l"il.'w|lr'Jily iignmls that Illey “tie the limo ulrl limit," in min girl‘! ninymllnw siilllr .rnrI that i)f‘llIl'I‘ ::vvur:il l)lill*P€ ill. n ivm-k-v-nil pllrlyi TllE_V um ||_v did mllrry. inn llllil WIIS iIl‘il|[l]'Il’ll1|L‘iI Lu 2. )im— prislil. Riillwr Lyplrzil (ll llle inlurmnlity ill’ yuiirli torlny. Ulirlor slich cunilitlrinu, miturrilly Llw \«'f'l|l.llY'L‘ is lllkvn nut til the great i'ILi\'I‘l||.|ll'K‘ Ailll :ill.lliiugh, we l‘n|l'r lulu ll mum liuliily reiiliziiig Mini nnrilnnli nu lnllgvr I‘llI“Hll-t n [iI|IllU(i(7 Ur iii Dun (‘upiil uelllnu llll vwvl lirvllk in rrniirinirirn i~' ni vilrv" —irnrn those ni n deemln ilgul Du the (ll|TL’l'(-Ill nppmii-~li tmvnrds lTl:ILrl- 17 QC STION AlRl§N‘lIi,UlIii£In'lUlll£34l‘\'Fl’IllIllll\‘Dl‘- .*lil)’r'lllliiIU‘-‘|l1[>'»Z'l .-inri lnrrirnlnn, nllnhlt-Iiilllz. Nni nnly su, hut Hie rniillua nrn ru- ri«~~iiii-in;,v—prm~nig ihiii, nllllll ni UIPAP yilung ]lr‘ii|'\lI1 lune their innt un tlw grliunrl vvvn ir yninir-i linrirl I24 sllilpliwd ll) hn i=r)arln|( in Lhn (‘lIlllf‘l“». Prrrr-ilrnily awry nvivlrrn girl nnnm to mlirryr Z|f‘f‘Ul‘Eill'lg ill the malivrlly ill the Hfl5\\‘El'H. As: Uh!) «if tllnnl puts lt— "lliv mlllulf‘ JI zlrl lnlltl in lime vnth .'i nmli. who Lllilikn nf nIl|rrin);r( unrl llll mrlsl fall in iIl\’P,‘1()lIll\"T nr Intnr; wlulllly -munnr " Snnrcaly tiny nlilimu lam prnlnr n mrr-r»r tn lnllrrlzlgv‘. "I ‘llllflliri any nlir —" l‘l rlw l'n\]ll\I\ll{‘ (lvnlnl, nxilrmulniz llin rlplnllln nr lllri-xl Til the rillv.--1IIll\\.l-II " llI‘.irV1l5|b‘-]\l\I'l'lR ‘ LGIX i de la nnriiu i-*""""”“"‘ "‘ l Tomnrm- ' lmznch 0 ‘ nnniign -lrfirnvn T: i iwriyneii ‘ winai I Llrtilxa I Tllr: Lllll ‘inn ME.’