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The parlrtxlla by Juim inmii oiuu '



Ottawa, Semcmb“ l 0]i[ii::1l wheel eflects the fortunes of Ottawa

THE mmltod iltceiit. Now that the Conservatives are in theasm‘

ma mar C '- troduced to tlte Capital from Cliilerentpa '‘

new elements will be in look forward with plcasumblc amidnivtr

wlmuyl sonctliitelie-lsltinfi newcomers. \Vltile the country diszimz

. 1 e . . . »

of the various Cabinet Ministers. Ottawa liazai-dsfl as to their wives. _ . ,_ , ,-

Th" D”"‘Vi"g.RO0m' ptrolflbll H‘ll‘lC Il.‘li1l)trut€l’1rf:l ldéllailltsbiil um"- l”l'-"C“l“g °Cmsm.n as 3 Lm:l§Lll"'c hcire of attention u‘ on the Cl; ”“'" Youngcrscl M“ Comma“ t 6.” Sll - l-tr number oil déb mm for there promises be (‘In unusua 3 x B utanizez

, . st [5 “H1 er. [fi{d!Cl§l:lrl[[lZlcflICS. we have so far heard‘of—_lanet Southam,diu; Hf Mr, and Mrs. Harry Soutliaizli. o;IR0ckcLi1lTe;slanett W'1lCs0n: dauiétf . . \‘oi-man F. Wilson an onora e ena or airine t- :l.ihet': sister, Olive, came out three years ago and took an £ICIl\i'C[‘q“ the work of the Young Liberals during the'last election. Annie andlr. Wilson, twin daughters of Mr. and Mrs. W . Foster V\-ils.on,’o tlirrli: Road, whose sisters Elizabctli and Margaret made their debuts nu‘.- three years ago respectively; Enid Palmer, daughter of Colonel.and. A. 7,, Palmer; Betty Toller, daughter of Mr. ancl.Mrs. lhillip Isabel Grant, daughter of Mr. J. Stuart Grant; Marian Gale, tlflutlis Mr. and Mrs. Gordon Gale; i\-lorna Peters, dauizhter of Mr. and.- F. H. Peters; Edith Baskerville. daughter of Mrs. W. I’. Bf|5l<9|'V‘ll':‘ has spent the last two years in school in Paris; jean Finrne, (lflll8l“i§ Mr. and Mrs. 0. S. Finnie; Frances Drury, daughter ol Mr. anal; H. A. K. Drury, who has just returned from Europe; l05Cll’“ H, daughter of Mr. and Mrs. Fred White; Luella Irvin, tlfluilhlcr l- l’. Gorman; Katherine Broph)’. daughter of Mrs. Arthur }3r0Pll,lh-F‘ Bums, daughter of Mrs. Cecil H. Burns; M.-=irian Coolidgcv ‘lmlg ".

Mr. and Mrs. john Coolidge; Estlier Plant. daughter of M1" ‘”“ll F. H. Plant. '

]'HE youngsters have ave at least one ent Pmfipficts for them for t P-H1)’ of recent memory the sense that it marked “°]15_C that it brought to distinguished group of B Fhe overseas clement fifty l°l’l’9fS. and one

la’ a 311)’ season to look forward to and tlr zlvr ertaining event to look hack tIP0"i “ll oéfl, he winter are little less intrlgUl"F5- _cW, was a welcome and successful eveflli “I: lit: an otlierivise listless season, and Succwlllis gether many hundreds of Ottaw-‘| l‘°"Pmi llllfill guests of the Canadian Bar Assocrai‘ introduced the Ascot touch. TWO "rt 1

' heiflfl “[3 . a complete grey outfit. Grel’ '5 nit‘ fillgllllnd "3 -1Pl’"3Priate lor summer and is being taken “P clatiaw‘ crlierggellfency looks very well in it; what he wears mil)’ bcc famgll 0 . (l . . - ' n i drmcd mcnfllieilé ‘ress. l'0r.llL has the reputation of bcingkickgwunli the myfmcksuhfialt fritain. Overcast skies dulleclthe ma fir; P “X and pmmh: l-1hVll':'sI:ll1(.l Ievlerimgorsciius tiger Iirlgds r-wen, iil ' COPE L‘ gar en ilppcn m . lack of sunshine; but the tnuumci I” T variety’ of masculine Cgzics. __ On: M . . f ' ' d'scrcP"‘ 5'; i;"il§Illerl""ni"°li.l'i (iifl-i'i;'i' upliiii clliizatlfeaihtr tiiv"l.v '1'”. U ' I . - ' U ; Ottniivne ML" Ml“ Guthrie, of complained of, for it in "I C 04:9‘ engnumenl i('“"lDl|. whose lcred with the plans {Of mg: , nntni Vllciirilrnuiiilced '0 and the rain that was ill cod‘ 0‘; Bli‘;"l§l:cle"(belaw), ,\.[;'_E'_l°ltlt; until it was all 0\’f-‘l’- Ifi"nOt' 19'}; i General . the Govei-m,,._ Snow observed. rain liflduri th‘ V Guards’ nd'°°" I“ he Si.-mg with a garden part)’ Cnmai' D ""1 at the late

five or six years. hundrgd 4 Kl . . __ f Upwards of sixteen ,, M! "R! Own Rllleii. Ignizlnlrilqe “ere presented t0 lls" N

iill ~

Mayfair, October, 1



m/rm as l"rencli as the Champs lzlysées . . fact setting for the pa Howard Spreckels, in «le sapphires and iliamoiiils

Mrs. Spreckels is one ers of this ilistingins Widely traveled, she is .1 ntlun and New York .1 cisco. /\ gifted hostess. : It her country estate, WI dens, at l<lurling.1me.

Chiseled, .t0igiu‘t', her t e enchanting coloringi Pastel . . . eyes of gray, in sunshine, skin tlelicnti

l’nnil's is proud to Ilmong the lieiiiitiltil sue

our famous prep:iriition WHY woman," she say