Mcccy , on account of his being a cowpuncher before entering West Point is picked out by his commanding officer at an Army outpost to go into the cattle country to discover where the trouble lies and if possible bring about order &o. Kognic believes with old Kemper out of the way it will be an easy matter to handle the "two kids". Polly and Sandy. Polly, who is an excellent cowgirl has been helping her men to take their cattle to the south side of the river. Shlxxntnxnnxnnnxnxnntng She is returning in the evening, and realizing she is at a considerable distance from home, decides to camp for the night inna certain cave rock with which she is well acquainted. As she climbs to the top of the eminence _she does not see Mocoy rolled in his blanket on the other side of rock. Polly curls up on a natural bed of pine and drops asleep. . In the morning---beautiful sunrise---Mocoy lights a fire, maketcoffee and fries bacon and potatoes. Polly ‘awakened by fragrant odors peers out of cave. She is both hungry and slightly fearfuly. Mocoy gee to a spring for water. Polly comes out, helps hersdlf to bread and seizes the fryi g pan, to get some bacon. Panoies she sees Mccoy returning and runs back into cave. _ Mccoy comes back annzed to find his breakfast gone, and sees the trail of grease to the cave. Roars for the "coyote" to come out. The coyote does so, both hands up and cheek bulged out with bacon and a plea: "Don't shoot please". 3After his first amazement, Mccoy is tickled pink and laughs uproariously. They breakfast, and theres the dawn_ of a love at first sight for both of them. When Polly rides away Mocoy realizes he is hard hit? Mocoy goes to the Barn dance at the T Bar T.