
': M¢_(9;2J/7»

vClL:3:m35y W-13 pccpinjz .1 rt-[Ind lhu LHl'|'l‘<'F y v ‘I 1 ma rhrrtrr. H \\'uuM he .1 Jul] Z‘:l:!:id;I:°;';hc little l’icrrc.’t.I1v n[:1nLIm: I1I.xrim1- a Crick ‘n h. Italrt C(‘mm/ur. I hr nn_\ Pu-rn unrh nnce‘wm|‘I cg whfch h:uI.<1mL LN m Il1<'l.l.~l a h‘l.f_~ O t_ one bright glsm’. '9} 1- j:(rI1{. and Inn slretchez: Ign moust'.'u'hc. (.41/, hm} hp had arm" n H Runes]hislnmcIcL:Ir-n-\'1\'c1I Inns [hue ‘)8 y‘P"BhtlIncss! But It \\';1<xm-l«c~'~ itlu‘ -. p‘"°"_lc8 hnid stuck fast.

"aRe'm"::' him nslflc," lmd lu-Ilmvml Ilw xru-i! our “tfle”l§’<_3|“hc1s but {it {fur thy wrqgv hr-.:;:. pomtarmf Ilcrrc was hurled lnln [hr mm:~. -HI-I

i . , 9 1 One of his bright Mm‘ L'I.|~:< HI ~ Hf again“ fhhad bcfifl so proud. .-\ml mm. A:lunI1*- J vary‘ te W3”: Just off tho slzyun‘. it \\.x.x HI I|1I~

linpol "VI tnfanu. that he L‘\'[‘l(‘\| [hr W

5 rcnch do". dnluzling lvmpI|nu|_\ Trnlll “Zing Chrisunnn l|’l‘C Ixpvrn III: ~I.lL"" k"“h¢ had been nnc uuv (Iraq in ]l|~’ «Ln. "9; the elegant‘, |;nM and \l.|\hil-l.L'

" nigh’-I,\'. by the pullim: H‘. '”1“""

3 ad dnnccd. minklcd am] Iuurlul )m

h'-' Capricious In‘.-url of mu lvllx l‘.nIl¢'l'I‘-

_:HR[STMAS—-the Sp.”lI‘Hin_L' _jc\ul-{rnmxl

«u Lumlx Imv lhr |:.nnIn—\\.|< -hr‘ nut <.1[vlI\'.l|uI

(~n'l|l'IH' !'|iwLII|Yl} ‘In Y]'lL‘F.lL|-I1k|H\\II.(lit.lllH|J\I)lLl‘\\Hrl'I- IN: ( 3.1:!-ml. u harm Iln ‘-H\l'lll‘I-I-I1!L'IIl.ll|‘l|!l’lhill! [hn~'L‘Il In w}»l.uw vlw Huh: x,.1~m\\.:r‘ |’iL-rrcf \|m|1\\l-xilv. wI.l|1L'I|ll_L' H'n1pHng|\ {rum llu‘ llI‘l~1'”4V.t|I)r.I|Hll(\xI{I|¥I,'}:rl,.IY.Hfllllljj (hri.=lm.1~. Irw \\.1« (hr Ll.I',I/film.’ I'r<'IIc|1 IJHH :\nLI Ihcrr. (-11. Im htllz -rmu .Il-n\':' her ;:lnrInu< rctl lmlr. line (in\ Purrv A\I'I(‘I! J lvunrh Hf t\\mL|mL' n”_‘,h ml. ,,,m,],,m,_y_1¢;..|m:,pr:-\*m;1Ii\'u. \h, vu/v ,~.-.'u.-'-'. nucr L]t‘L\’|\l }4lllrSC|\CF (,“,_‘.\.‘] m.m.m- H: uh--<1‘ I131»: \’X|ILl\ f.I<l. I115 hn.|rI\hm.x\1l xlml. Ln!‘ Hut nu, nu’ I.1mlILIn~ I-Hr‘\\:rr,-}l\I11u'<l| 1mlqu|<’L l«>I.1KrI|n1:-———\:«1| “HUM _,,‘,,, l.|\.m\x‘ Ihn unltrfwll flnuri.<|I unh “huh lhv L’.IH|IlI i'|:'|rL- raitvu .l mu’ lmnd In mu"! Il1I'\HLI-L'.Ill! \\‘:xL'J n1nl|~t.uhv. (.'H/. II I~ WW [mm |”.; “um umur lip‘ Hui \'.mil\ tl|1'~' ]|.1rdm Ill: |u.«rl ml Ilu nlnlu-n.\I'x‘n1.|h. (4-rImlh— inn: Llallnlu-I Yin‘ |\l’.l\l hlllv nmltvl/.ur L'.Hl_\ t-|r- (M-L‘-1|]. nI|1l‘l’}|.|H[-nI'VH-IIHI llw .~u ln.nm(|IH\ “|,,|,. A1“ A.‘ .lu x.::l~:.III|ur-«I1: \I|L'hl tn, tnu.nr-I the


“HUI m4.x|:Im In L,||,"H., H»]n:llL'|1 111- HIWI


1&1 Mackiw

Hm Luluw .1r:' l1\L|x-. m.-w ru/rut/,r— x.nv.|~”\ \\un— I-H‘ nun nnu lI1ul’.nII-,Hx. llw

kl-‘l7.7“I)L' Jul]. dnmrlllu: an IrnI[vlinu[\ lr-vm the urcnt C'lri'iHll.'|< (rcv

H111 ulml \\u|IM \nu' 1111-I-1>1Il|<'| ]'1LrrL-must, Ilnirmnl. haw lwvn .1 \.IIu lllllc m- r.'rvr‘.' (‘Iq- hnu .~I1uuM hr hop: In l'.mm.II1-. In mlrlums. lu -1"“!-""h“" I“ ‘il‘L’«-lulhrmg-rn*nu1-:hrarvufthr In r /‘II/r I‘r-.'IILh dull’ Fhv uf Kht L'lnriIIllv: rcd l|.nr‘ lhn unlc lv.11v\-Hui: r\t‘<. lvrlllmm like mh.m1n|uJ=~ but hard. uh nu lllllc uhih I-nvzf ~hr uf Ihr =1-un ~'I]nr mmn. lhr |rm|_;q”,[\Ju] ~I1-u<—lhx, lvnulul p.:rliu1|.nr .<I.Ir‘nf vlu un.u ( |\rI=InI.Is Hm‘ [Eur uln. mrr r/xrrxrr, »hn-ulnl ~'hc flnl. an u\'vl.:-2|: mu .1 ,'*.I-rr Inariuncllr unh .1 I1'_L' ~.lIuL f.:~|. ml}: -In: In .nl\ ru .nuJ.1h.IH1w-rnx-u I1|~>I|.~l.|n|1L'?

\ml WI mrr tn/an.‘-~— llnrr hum: llu I\\InLl~ Inc I1I1<rlvl-m. (hr l.nnl.||I/In_|: Ilmllrvm Huh 1!: “Int: lurrn-< (.171:-hln: uummz. pr: \-u.mu. In-r it I~ null Lnnmn llml .1 mn bu uf xnn-Jlrlr-c lvruIL'< hnpr In lhr Inn~'l [mllrrul n-I’ ll|‘l*-\||l|lIL‘ Iu1rl~' .\ml<u|I\\.:<lh.nl lhrl1IlIrl‘nrn nnh hi< ‘EL’ HULL faxl, L\II1lll||lLd In H.171 .nn~‘rn\r:I\‘ Illrnuulu III: HIM‘ l‘(‘.I\I\ (M at lhv: (nut Hunng ( hrI~tInA< Inc. fr:-In nlm Ix «Lmu|rLI in lllll|'Ill||:]\' Iln «in//ling: |‘n'm|| uh-H. [NH at/_w ,Nu;r NI}