isolating myself in this way on an Alberta ranch. Followed days and days..- not weeks——-three long, unending weeks, in which I never left the house onece. ‘ah were enclosed in a. vast storm-—-e. storm that never ceased”.-th.9.t shut us in from all the world. I would look from my window and all sides of me I saw nothing but show, snow, snow. A world of it. firs Mounds and mounds, and unending sweeps of it-....a.nd. great towering ghostly hills, white as the dead, all shrouded inv—--thorgarrnent of snow .— ‘ 5 I - my children at school. .I:I.;c_ln1sha.nd.una.b1.en.eto.. _getjc_;o 1n§:.:§e_c5aA1se or .«’/ fc1_;e..1mp::§'a'ib1e re" ads. He himself ;uas""s.nowec1 in" on the other ranch. Even my cock chum stolid daughter of Scandinavia developed a. case of nerves. I found her rocking in the kitchen and moan ng: "Tis the end of the world!" Anna. vms homesick. I too was homesick. I was horse than homesick. 1 was starving. You may ask why then did I not write? Write? Inst 3% .?§f.°..i.I.1-9e.,e;:ea.t-...renehouee-~11v1ng room~-and written ' {'1?:'>Ar§1ances of far Jgoani No one oouId‘"'do’n’e 'th‘a't “in“1‘n.?“’i>laee. / ,9” f 3‘ ; I went up and do‘i'mi'stsirs, and around the house and in and out to; room and that room. I piled logs of wood in the gent wood stpvea that sdnt out a. tremendous heap. I sat in the kitchen with Anna, and I made bread and I churned butter and worked it, and I put down pork and I cut up venison and I took from her a. lot of the home tasks which she rather reluctantly relinqyish ed. I tried to read, but could'nt concentrate. he had a great living room wty 2.$OO books on the shelves, and fine Navaho rugs and wells of polished cedar and animal heads and a. big player -piano and everything possible to make life cosy, but I kept thinking of tee. in lI.Y. studios, and pretty vluttery things, and people who had wild aspirations and wanted to do things, and long haired poets who dreamed and sang or ccooned their poems and of girls with ideals and (god: Follies girls, kicking; around with their pretty toes and myself in e. taxicab and I thought of Jean '§iebste1'xr1 constantly, constantly. She had been the best friend I had ever had. New Yo;-1: was never the same to me after she died. And I thought of her while in in the Alberta storm.