311 Creating a Busines l\ ,. . 11..111..1 111.11 111.... R/I1 .\1"l'l1IN'l‘Il1\' 1..~....11.1 1.... .....~..«1 B l. B Y R O N B U R T O mm;1\In1{.H1)1\111ll)iunmn in “W my K.”.... 1.. .. ......~........ ...11.1.- ..1...~1. .1--in----I ----1 111111 \\*|1i11- 1111- 11-lI1r11.1 1111111111111 1“ 1"‘ " , . zine Il‘l11cl.1.-1111‘: 111111!“ 11.1‘.../1/1'. I/ll‘ "“"“"'I"""d "S" 11....-1.1.1.... 1..- ...-1 June 113, 1925 S Without Capita much “.1,,,..., Allur 1:1-1-1-r111 11.1.1111... .11 t K MW11 my 1..1.1i1i111. 11111. 911111111 111111-11 r \ II‘\' I'“"'-‘ "“'” 11.11.1111: 1..-.-.. 1..»-.. 11,, .. .. 1 .. ’ '~ ' - ly, - |-- -11-’ -11"‘-"" ""’“."“""“ "' “ ""“"“‘ §““""."‘ In /vm-.1.’ //111/ 1m1/1IILJ 1.‘ ""/' , . 1111*.-I11---‘-‘_"‘L“ "1 ,.......11.11.-.11.-.1 1... 11... .,, _ mum“‘Iwlmklml-$111.31]:.:":1..=":iJl1“?1113’ ~ 1 1/ /mm [111'I1l1‘I‘Il' .111 /‘:II,'.’ll-“/’ “”-Lt,” my ":..|.'1n1l1.r1-111.13.--1-I11"“.“"" “ """ ‘““‘ -111 .....-.......~.. .1... 1......‘ IV “I W ;w|‘“r“”M 1./mm. . I . W, 11...»... {mm u“““1d,..........1.1y1..1.........,. ""'1":‘.‘."".‘1".’_‘.l.‘;.I1'I1..:- "1 $1111.. .11 Z1111. ...-......“ ,,‘.(.,.,‘,,., ,1/1/yr.‘/I/lI‘1‘. 1*I.'.1r.'1/ 1111/ (If f"' . 'M:'.'.’.‘.‘'..1‘1..1..11.11.1 I11591-1111-:1\11[l11lIl1‘ 111'.-...-....‘ 1"" " "‘ ‘ 1’ ‘ ’ . ' ‘ 1 , H1" > 1 . ' 1 ...-.-1.11. 1.1.11 1 . , , , .. . v 1 ..1.x. .1... 11. 1 ._ V _, . . 11111/111,1 . .11 .1 .1 1....‘ 1...... 11.1.1211-'...'“111..1111."1|1.|.{h.§.'...‘.fly '1‘.'....11...'1u.- .....1 .1 II11..1u.-.._.- 1."/11./1 1.11/1 I-111 1.1 /I11 ,_.....11«11-1*" 1...y....:1..1.... 1.1-.......v1.......1 UH. 1,111,111.; 1111.... .1 ... .1 ..».—1.1.1...1 1...... 11- .1...—......1...1 1.. /‘”_y‘,, Hm] ,,,,,,-1 [.,,.f1'1,1/1/.'—.1II1/ 11 C01‘! /1112! W,1,..1.....11..1.1.,1.1.1..1.11.......11.1 1.1y..-.-......-.._. 11.1.11-1...... ... .1... 1.1.1.... .1. 111.1... 1... ...... ...... 11......1.1..1.,.«.1..-......11..-...-1.1..1.1..-...1.-........ 1. W//Hr”-L, M ‘./m./ I',_ [[11 _1-1.,-,v,.1,A’ 111“, M, “"1. ,...1....-.1 1.. .1 1,... 1......1....1 .1..11....-1 .1 ...... H 1 H, 1“... 1... .1......-...... ...-1.1.. ,... . . ‘. 1 .. . .1... 1.1.. .....1..1.1.1...-1. .1111... ......1.1..-.. 1.:.~ ' 1‘ r , .. ' '"‘,‘.' , , _.1,.......1-5 nl1'u111111.1111-_:-1-1-11.1111.... "mum “mm M II“ Iluhlm I Wm WM.“ "//l1‘I‘ lII1III 1 /-111]-1'1‘/1-111 1'1‘!!! "W/‘ I" "MIL -1.-1111.111.’-‘ IIlll.|-Ir“1"111- 3'1-.11~. .11 .1.1l11..ry 1.11., 11.1111... 1,,1..11,- 1.11.... 11 1..-11.... .11.».-.1 .111: 11.1 ...... 1n\1-.11- —? - .-11.1.. 1.. ...... ................; 1...... 11..- 1...-.-1..1....- ,,,,,,,.113- 1,. 1..~11.v. 1l1..n 1111- 11rul1:<1111111, ....1l 1.11.-1. .-1..-1. 1:. 111.1 1-.1-1» 11.1~.1- 11 1111111 1111~.v1.1.\.- 1... 111- .-11.-....u.1.g 1.1.111.-11...11..-1.-.1.....1..1 ..1.1.- ..1 1... 1111111.; 11.11. 11..- 1~..11.-:1-1...i.1.».1 1.1.11.-.... .1..-...1...11..... .. .-1.... ..-...~. .. 1..- 11.11..-.111. 11.... .1..- \11vrl1l 1-111111111111 111111 111 11111.11 k11.11\l1-1|x1~ .1111)‘. lm 1....1...~11; 1.. 11.. .~..I1.~.;.- 1....1...1...1.,. 1..-.11.; ... 1.-... 1...1.1l.~.1l \'11lu1- 111.111 11.111 .11 11..- 11-1...v..111~.- 1.. .~.-...— 1111-1.1.11 11:111.: \\'l.1l1- .1.-1.1.-.1111; 1111- 11..11|.-.1.1.11.- .-11.1.11». 1.11111 1... 111.-I.111- .-..1 ....-.1, 1... .- 1 ...1..- ......1...1 1...... .1... 1.......1.-.11~.- 11.... .1..-..- 1. .....- ........—1. ... .-............,~ 1...... .1. 1.11.... 11...-.- 1.1...1...1....1.11....1.-1.1.11 ..1...~...1..111.-........-1.-11......11.1.1 11.... 1. .1. 11..- 5.11.». .-...1 .11 11... 1111.111... 11... “s..1.~.-. 1111-111..." .11 ..».1... .. 11........1.1_.- .1 1.....11..1 .... 11......-... 111111-11 1111.1 ,\ .11-1..v...11.... 11.111 1.1- l1ur.l|,\' .-......-.1, 1.... 1.1.1. .1... 1...... 1111... ......1.....--: 1. 11......1..-1. ......-11..1l 1.11.11 1.-1- .1111. .->1.lI.1.g 1.11.1111 1.1.1.... .1 1... ............ 1.. 11...;1....1.1. 111- 11-11)‘ 1-1 .11-1-.111.» 1ll11s1...1..-.1 I 1.111 11.... 11.... 1.. .11. ...... .-11..-...-...-. .\ I‘11.<111111l I'.1111-1'11-1111‘ 1' '1-111: ...... ... 11.1.... 1 .-.11.-.... 1.1.1.; 1.1.1 1'........_. I...-11111111111‘ v«.1r1.>1 121 1111 11111-r\'11lI1‘1-. I1-r 11111111 ......1.-...» 11..- 1.11.... 1...... 1. ....-.....11.. ... ...... 1.1....1..».1 1-.......1.., '1‘..1.....1 11..- 11...... .1.1....1. ... 11..- 1111111111: 1l1m1~.1 .11 1111- 11-.'11111.~11l :111..11 1 xmlluulul 1111.. 1111- 1lr11ll11.g 1-Il11‘1- ul 1111 1.1111114 I11-(.1r11 1113* 11111111-11111-1-2111111 ...... .-...1...1.-1.11. 1.1.11 11».........«1 1... 111...... .1 _1-1»... 11.....-- ..I11. -.1. 11 1111111111111 1... .1 ml...) ..-.1u..l 1.- 111-... 1.‘.\11l 111 |IlI.\I.|IlL‘1I l11|>1111'r~.1 in 1111- 31111115. I 1111-11 :1-1'ur\'1l 11 1...1...... 1.» ...... 1. .....-..11.-. ........1... ... 1 11111111 luglu-1 sulury. \\'l111|1 I 111-111 l1»r .~«-11-r111 )1'.1r'.s 1. 1.... 1 1............-1.-1......11 .... .....»..~ lug Vlllll 11 |11111- 1~I1g111wr|11g 1-111111111113‘ \«lu1'l1 11111.11‘ :1 11n11'I11.\- ul 1-11:'.1n111g ,\11111.g 1-11111111-1-1: 111111 1r11111111g 1111-111 11.11.1111.-1.1y .11 11..- .-.-11.1.11 .-1.11 .11 11..-.. \\'.111... al»-11' 5.-1u.~ 111,1 1-:1n1l111( <'111111r11y 11:11! 1111111- 1111111 1n-blml, 111.1 1 ...... ....-1.1111.» ....1.1..1.... .......- ..-.,...........- 11.11.... 1 5-...... ..-.1....1 .11.... 111.1 1~..g.....-...1.- .11.-.-...... .1... ...... 111m» .1. 11.1.. 1111.1: .111 11\url1 .11 11..- 11wr.1.11- 1lr11Ils1u.111 ... 1.-c1.1...111 .1111. 1.1.1111.-1-.11 1.. .1... .1111... 1-.-1.11.1. ..1 11..- 1-111lss‘11>11 'I'l11-11- 1111- 1'\1\-1111111151. but 11. r1-111.1111: 11 [.111 ll'1111 1111- h1:l1Iy 1u1l1l 1-111-vly 111111111-.1I 1111-11 1111- anally 111 1111» 11111..-r11)‘. A11 1111 1-11:11.11... I 111111 11..- 211-11111 ..;11.>1u.1.1-11 111 11.1- ...- 11.1.1 11 .. lu1‘i11:11.111;:, 1..., 1.. 11...... .1. 1.1.... ... 11.-.1.....-.... 1.. 1.1.1 1.1.1‘, I-1-1-u vn 1-:1-e. 1.1.1 11..-1. .1u1n-r\'1:1- 11..- ......1..1.u11...1 .1 11..- ......1..11.- 11.111, 1...... 11..-......1...-1 ........-'1. 1...-......... 11.... 1.m11...u ..Iu1....1 .1 111 1.1g 111.11g .11 .1: 11.111-111-11 form 11111. .u11.111>..l 11.1.\-.-, 11.1: 1141- 1-1 1111- 1-».-1111,; 1111.-‘... 1......111; u..u...1.a111 A World «I Salt-111111-1| \,\flIEN all 1.1111111 and don.-, 11-‘. 1111 1“,-.,. 1., 3..11,.,m.. V ‘NM. 1.... 1.-.11......11y 1-runrunscauuslr. 11».-1.-11.1.1. 111.1112: 1.. 1...... lunu ... u1l1e.. The un1\'rrs11y 1.1.1115»). 1- -«llmx I-11 -...-.~1..1...\1 .....1 11.. 11.1111.’ 11. 11111-111 11 11. 1111- 1111...: g.~nm11.1m. lhouxh l 11»... he 11-11111 no! 111.1 .1 ... .1 11:1npl1m:‘11l .1 1.1- -..-.1- 1.1111 11.11 ... 1 1...-1-.-1.1.1 ...11.-..1......- $.11... .111-.1 1.11. -11.1 11..- .1.11...- .. .11. 11.11.. 1.. 1...»...1.- -.....1.s'..1..." .1ai.....1c.. 11.1 .1-.11 11.111111..." .1.-.111... 1.1-11..--~.....x1....~...1u" 1.11111...’ 1‘... .11.... -111. .11.... 1:11.11;-11urI11a .1...” 1, ,. ""5"-||“°l1 U1 ilk‘ sellmxl xlxue wry 11.11.11 11km lu 11.11 1..; '1-1... L. 1....1..1.11.1,- .... .1-1.... ..e11..... 1.11.11“ 1-Kr ----bin-cry. 1-11.... 1-1.... 11-cI1n1cal 1.11.11-1.-11;. .1 mauuv-I 1» 11.111 111.1111 11..- lullint 11.1111...-.11 11...; ‘-111 11.: .1... ‘111... 1.. «.1111 1111111111....; :11 :::1;::1i1:n11u 1-1111-11 11.. 11-111 hula won. 19.11,. 1..., II... 11 .1 r.-p1u1I111l1u11 ul .1 pI1u1a1.'rupl1 of 1111- n..... 1..I... 11-role 111.. urllcle. A1 111: 1.1.1 ...... mcnl. 1-ccuusc 01 new bnuncss w11n¢c11'on1 /11.11.1111. 11¢ roqu1‘.\l1'1l 111111 his a.11‘:l.- I71: ngncnl 1.1.11. .1 pc.H...n.:. b...1 he .o..m111-.1 lo 11.: .11: 11! I11: piclure. '1‘...-.1 .1-.1.- 1...... 11... years 1 1. xmnumhll. .1111. 111101111-r 1-nxlmzer 11111 1:‘otl'.1l11711{~l‘.m.‘11'f own b\1s1n1xs11 i. 1 w.-112.1. 1-.1ty, where wu opened ulr 3 ...-.-...... ........-.1-.. 11..- .1e1'eruI 1111.11 1.1 11111chl11ery ...... 1],“; 1... .1 sun“-1§lul 111...... .11. two 11..., ,,,.1, "1 1111- 11-11.. Our capital was 11.11.1211 but ..u1l.‘1L-111.1 X11 -0 11..-... 11.1.1 5.... .... w... 1.... 1.1....11c1 probably 1.111;" ‘F 1»...-.1 u111m1>e1l1-«I 1.1. ..1....y ynn. 1.1.1. .... . ,.,."":1"‘. .11.... ... aur territory 1.. .11. aummer .1 1511 ’ -.-.1.- broke on. 11. 1.‘ 1, 1 "M "h°" .1111 1.1.1 ..«.1-.-. 11:. T1531 1.33..“ ““‘ m d . 1 . » our :..“:.:“..1:.“"*“"“"--°-~-~- ---v-r -mm. 11.1.-1. 1.1.... 11.. 1-...... ,-_\F‘r1:R 11..- year: .11 .1c1'.v1.y .. . - xvmmed to the Pacific Con: 11. 1 11- 41-c11r> 1 1.1.11‘... ' 1,,“ .1 .1 .e.L.....11.11- “I112 .1.c1'.‘111‘.I..:n mm“ "“"‘ 1-11.1hem.ow. I had (nut ovum“ 1.11.1 ...»11......1 1.1.11 1. we 1.1.1 :11...‘ '3'? ""“ ““‘ .....1.11-.1. ...... mm 1111111111: ' " ° '‘“‘*° my Und 1 - » .....:.'.::.:."*...°"."'f.::‘:":.‘:..;‘*:..°1:. :-,-:_-;,-«- 1£‘1111a 11.1111... .-1..p1oy........ 1.. my 1, mm am 1:. from anrunl. um 1 111.11, ‘'0 line. but “ -re an-a..ed°°$ 1.-1.1-ll.-.1 :11 11.1111...’ 1.. 11.1. 1~1l.i1..1..1....; , 1,11. ..1 .11-1...; 1.. 1111'...1.111..- 11.11.1111... .11 11.1111... I “M _w,,,1)- ......1.1.~.I 1.. try 1... .1 1-1.11.111.-..~...1 l1|y\1111: .~11....1'...1., 11.1.1 .15 1111- hm 1111- 3'-‘--H 11. 1111- H.111...- 1111.11.11-n:1111-111nan1131111.:111s1r1111lur.’1_I11|1 111.11 mu hm.“ mm... .l.1l‘11'1111y 1.. ..l.1.11.1...u .1-11.1....-......,, 1-1..11l..y11.1-111 11. .1 511111111. .1111-BN1)’. 1”" "W =*\|R1:r~1...-1 1.1.. 111151111111-1y 11.-....-.1 1.. 1113' 11.1.-, 111... .11».v1....~.1 .1.... 2-11.: 1111-1.-11-1-.l .1 1111- 1.111.111-r 1.. 11 111-1111 11111111111. :11. 111.- .-1.......- .11 lunuly ....»1.1.1.~.I, ...... 1 .1»...-...-.1 1. . I1 ... 1.11.1111: 1 could 1.1.11. 11..- 1111...»... ... Succu.-ts I WAS .11 11111 .1...1-1ur.- 1111.1 .1 L‘lI11111'11_u1'L‘11rr1'111'1- 11..- 1.1.11. .1 111...].-.11 .1.....1..l 11-11.1-l._ I 1.....- 1....1.. .111 .1 5...-«....-11.1 ...... r1111i1l1y 11.1.1111... 1.11.... — .1...1.1..-.1 1n, ...... 1l11y.|lu 51-1-‘1111u ... 111y .1111 1:11-11‘. r.....«ul1.11.- - w .1. 1.1.1.. ......-1. 1-mu... y, 1.1 .....~ ..1 1... c1..-..... 1-.... 1.1 .1... 1... 1.11.... guml ...... w..111l-\\'11rk111g 111-.11.'11i1112ry 1.. 1111-11 11....I.e.l Lu 11..-. “\\'11.1l'.-‘1 111.-1 1111n1.-. J11117' I 121111111. 111- mm mu, "1'll 111111 11 for ynu." I pro111i.s'1-d, u111I witlmuv. hum ..l I1n11- mun-11 1111- user]-111uc11lnury dealers’ Vl'lll'L‘II0ll.\‘L‘-, 1.1.11 .11.... 111I\'1-rl1sed .11 11..- \\'111.1..11...-e.1111~..111.111 1.1.11 of some thirty n1nul11111'-‘. 'l‘1.1-11 I 1.11.1 1n lunch with 1111: 11rosp1-cti\'L- custovncr. 11111u ...-... 1.1.1. .1... 1.. 1.1.1.... 11...... 11.... 1... three 111.11 were 1u11..I1l1-. 11.111 1-nnblud mu to 111..-1..-1 1 c11111111l:1s1n11 of sixty 1Iul1a1<..—t111.- 111:: money I 11-111 earned s1n11- rc1.ur11i11g Lu 1'lvili1111 1111:. 1.. the 12011131: .11 ...y 1-...1......11 I 11.1.1 hm.-11 ......-1 1.,v 1110 1-Irate -1u11n11ty 111‘ used .11ncl.inery them mm 11.. 1.1.1.. 1... ....1y .1. 11.. 1121111514’ 11....e1.o....1. 1.111 111... ... .1... '------t «>1 1.11.... uwucrs. who 11-11111... 1.. dispuso ..1 11 1.11. 1.1.1.... .11.. necmnry unergy 1.. get. out ...... 5.... .1 '11.... 11.. 1.1.1. .._-y.1..11.m1 1.. my 11...... 111.11 11.»... 11- .1 .1.-n1.1y—111a1ln 1J1.1s1n1-s1. The short list alrcurly 111 my 1....._.u formed the nu:-11211.1 1.1 .1 ....e1..1 cat'.1l0g||P «-1 1111111111113 wood-wnrkinz machinery. Why not ex1.~.1.| 1'1!-1-"1;1ae.].J._ 11.... 11.11.1111. 1.11.... 1.5.5 embracing ..‘vu.y 1.1.... ‘ '""¥- 1-11 properly clasmfied 11.... 111.11.... 1... Nmlly .u1e.e..ce1 11 the .11.: 1 111.111.1211 11111-1111». 111- .15.. 1.. would m111pe11sate 1.... for 111111.111... ...1...11.e.1. =1---1 ""1 "-1‘ 1’-"Iv-I1-rly 11y 11... yrospect u ”n":"l|I|;IE‘dah1eco11dvhaad dealer. but I could not dt‘I|.“ ma 1‘ "9" Well 12.1111 1... my services up 1.: duh‘. mmh:n":r"“.““ "F_l"°'¢“ni1y In «111 other peavlfl" ““w"“vl10|l1lt mvestlnz any of my own mu11L'.V 0 .....1......1iv1.., 1,y‘1'h;‘i'nd fl-11.1.1111. T111. .2111 1......‘ ..., mmmmm‘ K ousea and Ian: and sallmg 1 '- tlm name w1t11 should not nu engineer 0 A The Pmllmlnary S11.-pa VING ‘ m decided In Klva 11.: Ichorne a trial I renll’-I 1:111:11 V1.11“, qne .1 :1... 1.1. 1. 11d‘ , .1... ‘¢’!Dha1:°;1l1‘p“bl1I|¢ 1I1a11n¢flP1IEl'K.Bw11‘; 1.1T1.K:d.13"1: my -ynem1.c1e '' "‘ 1 “I out. and then started 1! ‘I-tr!-I 1:11.11: c11...uzh-2"‘ . ed on them in my old 2111-1910’ 11 “um 3 ‘-‘fllluirla for now maclalnvfyv "G W 1.11"‘ Y ‘he conversation onto “'9 1,111.1... 5,‘! J gvflgld ar 1111131111 aqulpmeat that Y0“ ' ..5‘I:31(. 1-11" I would 1-1.. '1'... ......111 wn-I 9‘! ' 1 '“’“‘"l 10: '1I.'.?:“:.I.1.}:; VI had a lot at old junk hanlllm 11”” W: |..m..' ""1 ‘i""" ““°" "W ‘° "W ::f.°'1-1111.191 u'n‘l‘“|v. and In the mum 111 my lraval‘ 1 "‘ “W1 "1311! old plant at machlaufi that 11.1 1.1111 1y1n¢1d1.. my--1" '“ "I m- 74 Animal 111-1111. 1.1 1. .1-1-.1......11y.11....-1.... I 1..-11.1111 1..-1,1...-.... 1...... 11.1.1 .1...- ..1..I.. .11 1... ...-.1...-1.111.111, 1.1.1 11 .11- 1111...... 111.1... 11.1 111.1... 1111y ....i.....I 1.1111 11:11.11 1.. .....1 .-.......1.-...11- 1......- .1111.-.1-...-.1 111-lw1-1111 11.11.... ...... 1.1 11.....- .1 11.1....-.... 11..- ....‘.....11 11. 11111-111. 1-11., 11.1.1 .1... 11.... 1.11.11.-1.1.1. 1...-1-.1 ,,,....., 11.1.1 .~....s.‘.1... 1...-1 ......1.1i.».., ...... 11.... .1111. 11.1.1 11..- 1.-v|| 1..-........-.. 1111...». I 111111 11 l|11.r11111:11l1rL-1l 11.17111-. S1 1 ... 1. 1....-.1- 11-. 1. wi11111-r, 11.1.1 1..- \v|111. 11111111111 111- wnu 011111-r l111- llrun‘ \V1L-11‘! 11111111 111 11 11ur.~11- 1-11.|1ur St. L. 1........ 1..-........- 1 ......-.111 1... |111y11i111 .1 I 111- 1111111 11111-11-1l i11 l|111L 111131; |11.- \\'.111 11., 1111111111-r 11111, 1|. i-1 111111111 111:1 L1-111111-1 'l'111- 1r111111-r “'1... Wm: l.r1111.l111,' 111111 1 1..-.... 11.... 1......-. 1....-.11.... 1... 1.1.11 1... 11.... 11..- 111.11..-4 1.11’ 11..- I..._v.~1 11111.. .~'11\11|:1-11 ..11111r 1111rs1-~ 111 1111- Nlurl M I 11111.... 11111111111111.1111 1.1«111 (11.1. .1 ........y 11.... .1111. .....1, 11..- .1 y11r1l. 111- 11.1.. .1 1.1.1, 1......1.1..n..= .111».- 1111 1-1111111 11111141111. 111- w1111|1l L1-11r ..11uu11li111.: 111111 I.I\‘liIIIg, 11111] d11r1111: 1.111- 10 1'01111-1111 111111 |11;l1L. 111:4 1.1111101. 11111 I rmwr 111111 11 w11I1> on 111111. Thu 11 11-11..-111211 \\'|Is um.-. 1.-1.1.11. L111.ru11g11 r111 l111111ll1- 111' I1 lurk fnr l111vI111z 11l121Ju1| m1 11111111 111 1115 2111111. ll1- 1,vuL 111111 with 11 11uiLu In-1-. I1-ll. 1-111111-ly l.msL- Lu dL‘IL‘|IlI il 111- F|IIII(l, 111111 I 11111111 1111 111111100111 11..-. 1111.1 .1 11.1.1 1..-1-1. .1 1.... ..e1-La. lli. .41-11111111111: wns 911.1111...-11111 11lon1 1.1.1-.1; .11. 11.... w|11.-n I 111-111 down 1.. 11 Lo .111uo 111111 i11L11 1111- 51111111: hu 1.1111 111 1111111|11|11t1- 1111:; he 11-111111! nn his 1111 11.11.11. 1.... 1..-.111, 1.1.. 11-1-11.. 1.1111 mm mound and 11111111111, unrl (11.-1'11.-Ll ma 1111...- 1y, 1 1.... .1 .1111. .11 ....m:...1d .~1l1c11ve(l to 111m. but he 1.11u1,:1111d in dorisi1m—11a was well (1111. All right. I closed the 1I1.nl1l1.- dour: I went dawn 1.1.1.... uhoul. nix o‘claI:k. 1.1.2..- .11 11.1 111.11.... 1.11.1 11112.1, .11. before, clrlvierl him about .1... yardAnn ..-...11. 1 1 111...... 11... 111...... 111.11.... .....1 -' . 1111.111 1... 1.‘.-...... 11.... 1.11.111 / ~11 1...... .-..1.1. 1.0-1 heard ‘ 111... .1111 1.. 11.. yard c1.111...; tu me to come dawn and let him In to his nice w11rn1 stall. I almwed myself .1. 1111: back 1111 lmgllt light. to lot 111m see I how comfortable I Was. I let him call for nearly an lmur. 111.... I wane down with .1 , lantern. opened the stable ~ and 11..- w1111..-.1 1... as ’: 1.11.11. 1... ..1....11.. 1 ...... 1.1.1. .- 1111. onts. rubbed my 111111115 over M5 hack and quarters, 111.11 1.1. 1.1.... '11.... one ...pe..e..e.a cured 1...... 11 1.. d1.'In't II1i_11k anma curluu: 1...... or _1m11.inct conveyed to 11111 m1n1:I 1119 n1Iva11t1.11es _ al bung 11 zand lullaw. v’ Alter that all I had to :11: ’ wan 12112.1 the stable duaru, _ -up my "filers. «.111 1.» 1.1.11. and. Perhaps with a plnylul ' tanslnx rnund ur two. 1.1. $- wuuld camn In. I IIIWIIYI currlarl down a couple 1:! apples in my pocket. and 111: would coma up to me, giva 11113 :1 Ilttln bunt 011 the -1111: of my iaw 11.11. I111 velvnty munla. as much as to In)’. “Cams an. Inn have 1:11: 11111119-, you've gut It." Now this was all 11 mattar between St. Luann: and mo, 1'" 1" Ifill‘ r-1.1111911 ‘his. ‘ '-