yfair, jamuzry’ ,9 J
_.4ayfair. January, 1930 I9
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"4l‘\O“4l‘O‘O-0-O-O~:D\0-O-boovo-10¢-O-0-.0-Oi»!-ovo«t~a~o-4v:~p-a-o»so-A avru 3-9»! «1.;,...‘‘,.,.,.,., _. ,- R ,. ,.... , 3'. ‘*1>«O»o~o~o~o-ooo~¢a¢-rrootano-¢ro«»~«+»eo»a«ou no «war M-M .2 u»: a ~.1 on-u . - ~I'G‘ 0*!‘ , rF'_,.¢§O #4,.“ if . Q! ".g~(
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OR the lover of fine and heauliful things, no substitute exists for real Pearls. From the Persian Gulf, fished since the golden age of the Macedonians, come the finest Ellis gems, which are now shown in an important collection of superb necklaces; also for additions to existing necklaces.
Y nrncclul necklncu nt cnnnry dlnmond
ulna (cntuxlng dln- IIBSE Orlumul Purl No.-cklnccn range In prlce
I ' . o sn.uoo‘oo. On llecvl nc -
.'.::::.:'.: :m::.::'..“.t . :l.‘n':":.*h*.:~:':'::'o.‘*;..,..o5... ..'.j."..,.l..uI:' ELLIS IBDOS. .o! om m 4| 1 c 527 name» - - an Peru-In n n I12: or ,
‘ed can:-ry :...i"'i.x'u:3 raldltlunn la necklaces. . . . . . . . - LINIITED. PO
kl Ind -ttmcuvn ring.