Mayfair, flmuary,
DIAMOND Jewels by Ellis Bros. - - each a I
distinctive creation of the house and a suggestion of the outstanding excellence of the present collection which has never been excelled in the history of the establishment. Such are
these Christmas Gifts originating in a noble tradition. . . . ,
ItGNlFlCEN'l', yut extremely gncclul nrcklncs of dlnmnndn with Importnnt cnnnry dlnmotl ' pend-nu nmoch In modern dulnn tenunlnn. 4-“P mould: of ununull cutting: Bracelet 0! nurprlllnfi . nu aqunra and lmgunno dlnmnndlv L I M I 1. E D 5u‘[‘veI‘;hmh'iIrqull‘: Illurnlond rm: of outnl'IvId|£|%1"l:: In r unce; ether :2 d cnnn nn 0 T 0 D O N T O whu-dtnmnnd torm thlsyulllalunlnnd |I:!"'IctiV'0|’l“¢‘