savings to defray the expemes of this trip. Time passes. Chambers continues to write to them that matters are slowly progressing and in the meamvhile, he states he has taken a. position. Laura waits for him for two more years, meanwhile continuing her work. Then a visitor from Greytown to New York learm of the the success of Jeff's invention and writes them tmt it is on display in Inndreds of shop windows. Laura communicates by wire with chanbers, and he replies that the "deal has gone through". He writes Laura that aid! it is true and that Jeff's invention is a. great success. Laura and her aunt rave given Powers of Attorney to chambers; and in their ignorance of legal and business methods have practically assigned. to him their interest. A correspondence ensues between Laura and chambers, and now that they can afford to do so sedate is said for their marriage. Laura, blissfully happy is dressed for the wedding, a. ceremony at the church to which chambers does not come. V The small town girl is wounded to the soul, humiliated before her friends and neighbors and in a distraught condition. An investigation reveals the fact that Chambers is already married, and by cunning legal trickery he now controls the invention of her brothe Chambers atbthis time is a rising and wealthy young politician. Laura suffers a. revulsion of feeling toward. him. Her love turns to the bitterest late. She realizes that her first flush of youth is gone. Sihe has thrown away the best years of her life and waited for one utterly worthless. Her aunt, impoverished ani heartbroke dies from the effect of the shock, and Laura. comes to New York to her uncle Dan. Dr. Dan takes tln broken girl into his home, but he find:

it a hopeless matter even by daily matching her ‘troubles with those of