K- qfiflha Levitzshy, Q6fi1wI'm mflsum home for fiark uni firs. O'Rourke looks at him aémiringly saying: "Where Go ye live?“ "it the Hbnstar épfis". "Sure tis the granéest wlace in town.” "Come along. W '11 have to hurrz“. "Seeing ifis yea flearie, ané fihe @3120 bcinw miiflripht thinking ya can have the gracious chilaer for 3 loan, fiheir mofiger heisalf was after telling me SE‘'& not he fine flinner the night”. Dick pnya no utt—fition to her as She rrtfiles along, a fiwin mafia? either arm wriggling ané pyofiesiing ana % at each other hehiné him, he hurries along through be over to the Konster. ~ J. Great exciteumnt in apartaenfi on his névenu, but Birdie falls excifieély anfl relievedly in with his scheme. The aémiring firs. O'Rourke wanfiering about the agartmcnt comes in contact with tug mri%fi§§g Lilly Belle, who treafis her fio some , Vrsz-~4§=,+’ Vs» _.' Mrs. O'Rourke is now firmly convincefi that i ese aye fine granfl people aaé that she can safely trusi Kinetto‘s habies pith tLem. inxmxgxnuiihnynyxinzfia she hurries out to inanlge in her .. favorite anfi lens since éenied infialgenee’ vgérink. £4 She makea a line for & favorite iunt. Here she buys quantities of liquor, gets very crank, .25 sfiajgers out with a bottle in either hand, aypearing in Haflison Square Park tith a tearful, embrgeing farewell,