CAN — , /\"IAl\ lluui. )oun.N.«1. would have sovecl the DRESS she liked and the MAN who liked her . 1, 1:5: timeI'll take a chance with .1nytl1lng "5' {Gus is undcm-m pcrspirntionl Saswld 't imagine what was the mzltlfcr , , . T‘ ‘°" , " dress. Stained and need by the ucicls lnmllsiwtglzlin And worse still, Jim trying not to ‘ nfpmgffldlgd Ly perspiration odor. Well, it was lwljli Er: save Ibnt dress, but I saved my others ' Yomdjjml With Odorono." 'u lyomrter what else you are now using, you ml! and Oclorono. the one sure, s.u'e way to prevent nurlmrm perspiration and its ruinous effects upon ‘(rocks and friendships. Odorono is .1 doctor's prescription that h tliverts the needless perspiration of the underarm to other parts of the burly where it es- capes unnoticed. Soap and Water are not enough. Nothing can disguise it, Only Oclorono — .1 pure, non-greasy llquid—-c.m prevent it. With Oclorono, your frnzkr stay sweat and fresh. And so do yau. You may use the f,-unilmr ru|xy—colm-ctl Otlorono Regular that gives the longest protection of all prcprrntions ngnnst odor-— oryou m.ty prefer the colorless lns(.u1tOdorono, so convenient to use while dressing. Both Jilin//Z: . Odnrmm Regular mm .1 gm: W: ramp/rrr ,~m,.m,. 1” /U mg .1: 7 (1.191 1, [VII 1}): ,.,,»/.:..m M... m .1rmlcssl_v con fined MADE IN CANADA now come with the new exclusive Oilflrunn .c4‘”i[I|r" sponge .1ppllc.unr, cnnvcnxcntl_v zimtlxctl tn the lmlcclltc cap. The tlxrcz: slzcs rm: 356, 60:, and $1. k /M2//7?. . Inxlrnrf Odarmm M are Yl,‘.'VY1‘”XdV(1JHl[lI: , Mn}. in ,9 nv:rmnr:I, ,4 ms/, .,/,1.»/m, II! ,/,,.,;.t,»/,. INSTANT ODORONO (colorless) is rm mnvemcnl me .: anv limcol slayor night lr pucc 1 re 3 dam’ rwurccuan. cmm null the Sanitary A""llL.|l(Vh 5 nmnzwn m, (N; ‘L‘.'.IE“i.§-'.-"'.~"c‘~' B3.’ .'.\If‘. mun-nu I mlnke Inc Flu’: mm mt umrl.-I .t on ym mtylu, lnlunl n.Jmum ml i>¢.».|.um um» «».fiTm... Nmmr , .H:Jrnr , [GM ‘ Clmn’ |\'r1Hr;rr' ll 1 ‘ 1‘! l l Ilfi: W‘ l ‘ lfill ‘ m-Ia Roth» ‘ mu ‘ mu ; rm.» \\izllm»- r inn ‘ llrwrmv mun-, l mu ; mu H!"-.aIul\wll mm-u an-pun-M LGH dnla llodue The @111 me Rum ’ l=»:a,}(,/m ‘ Yomurvu sxmrrm m.nua_n ‘ Griwn TI 1 Miirvflelr l mu sum Qllllm C ‘ Twa Kim ' l‘.r)yvI'ulF ' sh» ma. 7711! /"TY ' nvv low ’i:arv.,.:1m« «mmi .- mm. _: T'J.u mw mni] Li l Tiwlilll ' Mrs Me: