Illayfai/', [Way H 1 ‘/ 1|/Iayfair, Mi Ann 4:.’ ';'(:.'t\‘a-at .:‘ I — Va v.. ;f i l i 9 give "'9sz ‘E i W‘ i it £ea'd‘“ ‘ an amiaii,/i,',’;,;;§ or 0 M” °“Pes //A EFORE t\lziry l’icl;i0rv;li Parit- the sweetliezirt of the \\fil'll judging by the hirt lii Paris on (ii the plirzi‘-e ‘ ciiilly llrH1(‘i.|I S0 I P"°P3TC‘l {OT 1110 Pilymeiit (ii :iii C\’ll’I\ jmiir/miiri “l“‘ "\l‘”‘F' ll” ‘K 3 who live here, not to l'11Clll.lI>I1 the i'li«~il wciztl iiitn-mm! ' tourists, there are those \\li(t liil\t i W1 ”"l‘“‘l." W“ ii swerved in their allegiance. H‘ il \\'(IIitlt‘[' l ‘ No wonder! ln PEt1'lS£ltlV'CI1[llI't.‘l<1liiit\ — *“l- 15”“ 'l‘“‘ ‘ll able even to the UnE1(l\'Cl1I1ll'i'.tllS. Nt ' "f ‘["“l E‘ “H ‘I‘‘3 it atrophiecl . Cl'I1f!llUI1S are :»". l“ "]"‘_"r.‘: l“:‘l'“‘ ‘ Smiling becomes a habit; lniigliier. .~iiiiii1.. ‘ }r‘““‘,“‘1'l]:‘.“V'1}.‘ .- ous. Politeness is nzitional and leisure lnC>C£l[V£ll1iC iii .1 7. .I";‘\C[ |TI1‘l:H:1l(_"('; L.‘ where the busy business man takes two hours for his hiiith.‘ ll‘ mg! ‘WW MM 3 can scarcely imagine zi Frenchman cumplziiiiing that he li:itiii'i ll’ IH"M\”'1-H1!“ I’: ‘ to eat. Athoiisand thtinders, no! He InIll\C.\ time, l‘IlUllL1‘ili‘1i Tho ‘Mi 1“ ii chooses his food and enjoys it. He has little dyspepsizi, rzire iiiis:iiitlii'ripi.1. -i m,,,m1,,,L, “M, i‘ practically no ennui. ill Cl1ri.\li11.1H (I E This is the life! uxiieeiiiiu in wt E I lfifldcd at Hitvre. argued pleasziiitly (and siiccesiv ‘L ‘3"P'_=writer through the custmis and made my way by zitiinbiiq [H the lllll" i in the \\'.ll{L‘ ni ln:ilrri‘sn.c;/\f:lieti'hr:I l’(l:JiE:t;lL'c0£Z1ff)D7'lElL'l:£1tt(lCllE(l himself tniiie. figliiiiig iii zi il.llli‘l'li l‘lHl'l‘\$ :l\ lliritlilgl 3, he confided in P_ 8 U cflfrllllg my luggage. \\Z\1i|l1]_{ili[‘Ilit‘ _i_'.iii>~, in ‘‘l' ““t»'”l ‘_“"l<‘f 1: , . PWLUTCSQUC Idiom that he felt extremely .»\\;iiil\\= eiii'i‘\‘iii,1—’ "L “‘”“"l 'l"“L'”H hi beautiful valises. ' ' fit » lnL'l‘CCCll'l1C demzintlecl. Said he, “You have much liigmge md ] h.l\«c miith hiiiii I“1"”lu llu‘ VII ziii ' ‘ —‘ ‘ ‘ V . .. . I pa:.L’l’1l'S relationsliip between us seems to call for c.\'ce.-'..sive }{Cl1CF(!\’|l_\' (ill 3‘ “|“'l ml“ “ . or words to that effect. ”“l"“' ll“ 1"" I only hope he did nut gm hiiiiie ltl‘ Wm my {Ml H thunk on the proceeds of his holtl—up. Of course, every l€:l]g1iq1‘_\I‘C£l|‘iI)u [it'| , I? presumed tube an Ainerican and Sprfltltllig the moi of m H“ I L-‘L:ili”1‘l|L_1Vll‘ in-sh ziir. tierefore Theother da I i t I ' A ' l The ar ' . K 7/ t l . . their arms and men in “Owing E C, Wlicrc W0l"n(.ll \\lTll .1 ).irtl of lHL‘ til lllt l1'lUl)()ll C», E . , . 7 _ _ V i NOW, * P99; lfjtl an :Vr1lIHTc‘I‘AZ1‘w:sLtl ilit Ll‘ “ C, II taxi a minute wliizzes tliroiigh ilie llill'l“ sinn of raucous noises. ‘bl’ Cunservative estimat lane filling the air with a coiifu