May/at s.


zyfair, November, 1930


‘he Lieutenant-Governor. and Mrs. Ross arri\‘ccl much ostcntatiously. But the viceregal box. wliicli they Jpied, was soon the rende7.vous for their friends. and. etween races, there was much cheery visiting hacl. and h. His Honor was one of the few men in silk topper morning coat. I recall that Mr. A. E. Dyment. presi~ t of the O. J. C. was another . but with these er- zions I did not see another oh, yes, there was :i r good-looking young man, on Opening afternoon in 'eet dress and with the grey topper which has liecome Jpicuously smart among well-dressed men in London; :ieularly London’s younger set. Throughout this of .-inomalic :t, members strolled the enclosure in dark toned lounge Club. It Mil-ls; with bowlers and grey felts. Brown was .1 popular

gh days 0fl::ll€di.bination.

helm ‘ml ‘l0ed,“UCH as one may decry the swing to black and white

as something of a return to “uniform” among women, :rcd. Tl1e_i- im ._:'e can be no denying its smart popularity at the mom- the \l“oodhin“_: Here an in Paris, I presume! Personally I miss the- :)ur smart {Dir Ir. icd as the mmlhe black coat and the black trotteur, trimmed with t with its mum"of the white furs undeniably makes a chic combination. there is a danger of the fashionable assemblage he- le." Plm”"ll“'-"'4in " loamy" I do ho e and trust that thelllilacl 3|ne as tlicirfirill~ g‘ E I ' P ' -i \ f I = white vogue will not he carried too definitely into our 0“: the llllhllla‘-t life, this winter. Certain types of women . . the nlicrs Enclrnurelxuesque matron, for instance. appears at her best in it rain scttinizlmk and in white hut in the main give me the jewel benches, to _<¢el"S . to me they are Youth personified. :\nd that is isconceil with lllfi l _ . . _ e Opening was not without its thrills. There is always 1‘ strcssedtheiwthrill of waiting ones turn at the traflic junction, then I‘ and while \_M,.gxng one s motor into line . never quite l-znowintz '_ther one will he side-partner to Gordon Perry's Hispano

“:55 ‘llld CllK' nil’ a . . or with some trim little Bal)y :\ustin. Or wliether

l0l' lllc smll$t(f:\Vill be in luck and find a space near the gates , _ or l the ll“ll'°l'"“ .vaved on by unrelenting attendants to lose not-‘s ings Somewhere nmr llir Sm/1/rr. here in the thrill of reaching the hleniliers' l:.iiclr-.=.iire CUES ditl not ‘"5 and taking one's First look upon the gatlieriiie, criiivils f the sprlIlgiimtT~lie lawn and in the stand——-to see if the -:m:H'l crou (l is

_ I. nc_h0n0,¢do ‘e in its smartest costume-:. ' ll WSW, _V1d there are the thrills of win and lose, Hon tho-ac "tum" ' L [girl-‘ and post delis do love their liettingl But this i\leet it

cli . . 55"“: Sm P‘-.llnCd for the ninn uith $;o placetl on R117/_/(.'('/flu eel an arrira P‘j;~§||pl'Cll’1C tingle of all .1 $214 lrmu sllul.

. 5 » of law lw ,

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iiter. “llll ‘.

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Top group: “fl-I. Arthur King. “rs. Frank _ Bowman and Mrs. Murray Fleming. sunning . lhgflfllfi themselves on n bench in the members’ groull l" m. “it ' enclosure, before the rain came down on the His Ill“: willllll Opening day and drove all to shelter

trio: ‘‘ r‘iio!»‘~'J: s. i:;'~cl|)iit' Ill Ait leenlro. from left: Hr. Alfred B(‘¥I|"flmlI|I"C 5 l l ' Wt Mr. A. E. Dymenl. president of t e Ontario Jockey Club. Miss Pauline Ritchie ll no cars in back round. Second roii : Col. _ \[|‘-gs lwrlf Bisphop. Cnnadnfa famous wnr urge wilh Hr. . ieft- ‘,5 mil“; Arthur Miles and Lieut.-Col. N. I). Perry Luml" ‘rile 1' 'l“ wl.tll1‘t!lll‘llpl' Lower group: Mrs. G. R. Pirie, Mrs. R. .l. Mn” Christie. Mrs. T. A. Me:\uley nnd Mrs. C’ Nordhelmer In one of the front line boxes . 0' ii , F) ;-. Miss *‘llg¢,.lt‘l(;,ll lll:|t|1l;efr§' Mn.