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Toronto Garrison MN. nt honored by the pr 1. _Excellcncics Lord - .

Canada ! Connaught

UT/11:1./'{:::l,‘ F fig .4:.ro:ia1z'an Dam l’g27S:a.ran

- :6)’ Club, Vvoodblne Park _ y 21 to May 28. ,rk Racing Association

1 ark jockey Club, O!- ' esday, June 8, to June 15. ,u,la»‘-n-5-L I Qckey Club, Blue Bonnm " ,lI‘- tojunc 24. x ockay Club, Hamilton» I :25, to July 2. 7' ting Association, l-‘r-rt 93)’. July 4. to July “- gckcy Club, Windsurf ,,-,I 1y 14, to July 21. gbkcy Club, 1\-'lontrc.1lA

-ll: key Club, Blue Bnnnt.-l~ : Aug. 3, to Aug. I0-

,_ > . ‘,Aug. 12, to Aug. 19- Hn-=;».-. .4! duke)’ Club; M°"‘“"‘I ' I oto Sept. 6. _ key Club, H.'ImIlmn/' 8, to Sept-_15; I‘ Y , L Icing Asnocmuon. "‘ ' 3°?" '7' "3 Sclw li'.;..._ .5“? C'“'’’ “Si. ;. any’ Sept.‘ 18’\w Cl'lll4Ill ark Racing “°

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