tolls minette, that it is the custom of toe country to permit the men who can sliy his noose anfi brand upon a maverick to keep the beast. with o leer, he informs Minette that his lariet will be over her heaa ere long. Infiignantly she puts her key in the look. "As the door opens, Jay makes to enter also. Minette tries to hold him out, pushing on the door inside, while he pushes on the outsiae. Presently her fumbling hené, in Vthe dark, finde the bolt anfl she shoves it shut.
fleanwhile aofln Dayton, having seen Ninette, is determin ed to find nor. finmizgxxxmamstmfl He goes through the departments storee,.looking at every girl behind the counters, knowing that Kinotte hafl worked as a mofiel at Eilgrims, anfimight posSibIy take up some 3 uch employment. minette of course is in the millinery rooms and unseen by customers. Dayton unable to find Minette, finally seeks the police station, determined to leave no clue‘unturnod. There , of course, they hxxnxsnanxnnxxnnxnixxkhaznamnxnfixxmx are unable to helg him, but as he turns away, minette, who is known there ae4Goroan, end.mho comes flatly to inguine about her babies, anfi Koia come into the station. Dayton loaning over the flesk flees not-see minette, ti till she timialy touches his sleeve, anfi then, tL"ning, he sees her at his side.
"Perdonnex moi, m'sieur, I have see your face bgkore" says minette. ”ixgxxnmxnatxflhaixflxxxfimfitanxfififififiififixxixhaye
After a_momcnt,Dayton says with gxeat emotion:
I mmfiiwvfi _ 7‘ \ V "Ana I have seen nothing but yourieea.qnaa“%§fl%%*?