lay; I937
11/Iayfair, May, 1927 .
0-‘Bearded ggcnllerflll “P93 /flee ban
l, Parix H In Paris one SEIVOTS the full significance
world, of the pl1ra<e “to be on the gut titer.“ L‘\pC-
1 ltnreium-r«-. ClZ1lly'lfOI1Cl.1t’C§lortlt afoot. Bttsittess and
the lltttxtl 1 social interceurze may he conducted slm\‘l}'.
0 1,“ C 1 ‘ httt n0lJt,>dy \\'z1ste~‘. time in transit. Truly, it
i< :1 wonder that any pedestrian ."’tt'r‘I at ‘
,’i§m1M,'\__ all, Even the traffic pnlicenten stand in the sltttdtrtv l
M, ,‘ of death all clay. There see1n.<tnl1e:1ht1t1t five M1"-/‘rt
%inH]1_“,‘_ tn every pedestrian. and no n1;ttt,er hnw clear tl1e
1-, _SIittt1l“‘1, rrsatlwzty 111:1}: he_wl1en one starts tn emu, nmmr-. 4
C in ‘I M 1 hate 11111lt1pl1ecl like aertttslluy the tnne one rtntcltex the middle. mm” H‘ llIC1’lLl1lUtl(‘ ml the Llt'l\‘L’l‘< 1:: net tr1g1\em1e .111)‘ 3-l11(lllt11_l\'."lI‘ttt\r2C
, that may arise, but rather are they lll(L‘ ~l1t11'pxl1nnte1‘< determint-tl
l'“‘_l" 1 [H ‘l’ tr» pick off tl1e greatest 11ttml)err»l the enemy.
“"““”l"“ The taxi horns are ah'<urd .'1ll11ir~—little trmtx .111d llfltilx and squawks.
‘~l1|'’‘l‘1‘l‘ “' ’ reminding one of the toy h111;le~ {mind in tl111~e erttelterc which are indispensable at Cltristtnas and Next" Yettrs’'llt.'2~. For tlayv. I used In rtt11 tn the window expect int: to seezt cr1111p.1t1_\'1\l<n1:1ll children pl.'t_\'it1_Lv xrvldier in the street.
get link! ”‘i The xarietyrrl 111r1tnr> i~ heuilderittg; tl1eu111t,rast i1111nen<e. Stepping briskly tl1e ll'1lllll in the \\'£ll\’L‘ of .1 111.1_g11iliet~11t lli~pt111o-S11i7.e, one ~eex .1 ditninntive vehicle tltat 1:1 lltlllt‘l'll lrmlis as tl1m11:l1 it tttight he.111 t1rm—el1;1ir tnuutttetl ran wheels and concealing an Hm M41111 engine snntewltere .1lmt1t its perv-11. l'lnw.'111_vt111e thtres drivetl1etltings,IsimfIly Ir,-\r‘m_Lr -,1. eztnnnt intztginel ‘ ‘ 1””-/'7.‘ “tun Along the Seine‘ which is ertwsed hy tltirty-cme l1rILl}_{C\', .1l'lI$t5 cetntinually
paitttt ‘he l"renel1111e11 hunk the part—in wlt green or blue or rme smocks and vclvct cam. “V1111 ,1” cngdging 1n1c111t<L‘i(vttSnC~‘~ rztrely :1r;|1ie\*ed by :1 foreigner. Below the level of the street, l'i»l1e1‘-full: nn111<e themselves. I h;1\'e not, so far. seettany lish t;1l.'e11,ht1tit must bC[7lL‘1l§£tnl tnretnttin,tIt1n1<7lested.z1llday, in the fresh air.
The sliops along the km‘ 11:‘ Riva/1' are fitrnngly sngge.~:ti\'e of 1\tl.’tntic City.
!1lILlt l-Allllll
,t._1’nt1.\““' home l‘l"‘ '1l<i11g i‘L""“‘ tit11z1tL‘1‘“‘
dm-l" I “iii and the Slmpplng section inclutling I’/arr /irtzzlomr, Rur rlr /u l’rIi.\'.'1nd L'0/zrm
V t might ennceiv;1l'»ly he Fifth /\ve1111e . with one or tun (.(VIH]1lL‘llOUS excep-
l"”"lC M H‘ ‘ tinns. l3ehind an exquisitely wrnugl1t-irn11 grille. on the far xide of :1 spotless
l1El“‘l:l‘lL':'lY,l‘, cmxrtyard, :1 fzt111ou< cr1st11mer'< nrtme \l(‘ill:x (\ll1;Oril furrier's.r1r:1n art dealer's. arr ’ ‘
There is no garn-ly display. T|1.'1t would he seer-11d class and \'tIlp.'1r. ln(lee(l. nne
- ~ 11 1 , . - . A - Hcll l“‘r‘ l1.l:~‘. to wenetrztte to ex lure. lhen, :1err1=.- .t ewellers \\’III(l(t\\’ \\'Ill be lmldlv I v P A
Mimi‘ “‘”U_ printed “ln1itatio11." Where else wr111lLl one <ee that? Its ttniqtte quality is ,Bu3 A
. tht‘ illllml scarcely tempered by kn<1win;_rtl1.'1t artiele'ant'gen11i11e m£|l(C ———gnld and silver»-— y ”5'l.}1¢-J3. g ’(,e 1i111:|t,'1“" [ll he:1rtl1e stamp ml the mint. [10 me,‘ a ' ,/;,~ \VltL‘n tn‘ 011 the other ltand, ;1 tlelieinttsly foreign flavor attaches to most sectiotts 0””! /for /uni‘/D". lot hrettd l’ of the l7r111bn11rgs~tl1e old suburbs of Paris. Not merely heeattse uf the
setl the tlflt" See n/_ro page -110
1 the 11tH"““