\ ‘fl/layfair, October, 1930


-—is all this splendid

table service For eight costs (80 PlECE$)

((00 many it will come as a surprise

' t at one can purchase so com-

plete a suite of Birl<s Sterling Silver For

so small a sum For the traditional

appreciation for sterling has created

Made in in the minds of many the leeling that Elrksown sterling tableware is costly

C"’ll5h°'” The list includes eight each of large

and small teaspoons, dessert spoons, dessert lorl<s, dessert l<nives, dinner forks, inner l<nives, soup spoons, salad forks and butter spreaders

In Birlcs massively heavy Georgian pat- tern Otl-ier patterns, Saxon and Devonshire, For instance, cost even ess.

i foutsk‘: as muc ixPacl<artl Fort and distinction was delivered. 3.119 art! c rs——St dardl ndi idual Custom xceptio'1s. M0” impr0V°‘l e finest C9“ ‘offe ed. But as 115‘”l

)1’ dical change‘