tells him of her purpose, Dr. Carpenter nods his head and pinches
on his pureed out lower lip. A very good idea he agrees with
Laurf, Whats more he Icnows the very man who will take Laura's—--a. man who wasat one time one or the greatest criminal lawyers in
tlrn Statem but who through a. tragic misfortune has been a recluse
for some time. When he mentions the name or Leno: Iblt, Laura“ exclairce: "But he is a. murderer! Every one has read of mm". The doctor says gentlirs . "You mean he is reputed to be a murderer".
He then goes over the case of the famous lawyer
‘with Laura.
Leno: Holt had married when very young a woman 1! 2' /:.'3/'»=“‘2...£’:..--*
'-'7' . .... ...,..... ,... r . . sweet appearance gives no hint of the -gs!-weakness and immorality of
mar character. Holt is very much in love with far and trusts her absolutely. "Me Doctor has been called in h: several times to
treat the womanfor "nerves". He knows that she is a drug addict
and that she is deceiving her husband in many ways.
11311: has gone steadily to the top of his profession.
His wife, upon the plea of going to Boston to nntamrxx see her sick moth.- er in reality goes to meet her lover. Bolt, unexpectedly is able
to join her, and not finding her at her mother's, he goes to the address where her mother tells him his wife has rooms. There he finds her with the other man and a. terrible fight ensues. During this fight
the woman's lover is i shot. Hobbit:
Dr. Carpenter in telling tln story to Laura says; "He has confessed to me that in desire at least he was
a murderer. ‘Such impulses come to us all at the cmcial moment. We
are all sons of Gain, but not all of us have the provocation and