1932 May, LORD F BY GEORGE FREDERICK CLARKE When they had finished it they carefully wiped their laces and long whiskers, then, once more in single file, 'eached the lake shore, where they crouched, their sharp eyes roving over the snow-covered surface for aign of life—friendly or otherwise. There was nothing. The lake, at its widest part, was seven or eight hundred yards from shore to shore; an the west it narrowed to a few score feet: and here, Kewinnick remembered, was a small dead~water, which finally became a brook. And in the dead-water, if not n the lake itself, they would find a spring hole and trout n abundance. Suddenly, unheralded, the sun pushed its golden head wer the ridge to the east, swung upward, then stepped )fi' into the blue, like a radiant and eager god fresh from "llS ablutions in some golden sea. And, as though during he night some kindly geni had sprinkled star dust over he expanse of snow, it flung back multitudinous scintills if blue and amber and crimson. Kewinnick flung his sinuous body down the sloping sank, his mate following, out onto the centre of the ice lll(l. snow-clad lake, where they circled back and forth n search of an air hole. There was none, and the old rtter turned his course towards the outlet, :1 half mile listant. Corning now and then to places where the wind rad swept the ice clear of snow, they scouted on their iellies across its smooth surface. Then, on the other ay given a holiday, he was Sllll'lf tide, they would again plunge through the snow. Once, hind-quarters, rocking himscli ‘V cl his eyes dancing with mw me air pocket left hy tlw ‘~ ice had formed, he rearlirw here. to experience loss of ynllll going all and matinlzr fllli" id-falls. His provinw: H snppeared only two .\"'"l . But the discovery of (In eatures the fnllowim: (1113 i old otter that she hurl fa ;. He had become :1 \\‘r| never stopping for lam‘: a vast network of Ialzm, :m~. xx the Tobique. “iv “F”. exploring the valley “l ll t Nacquadoglzlm “V” 1"‘ ,, , it mistress. Many l’1'mflll - came, and they had If ‘ on the lake shnrr-. ‘ \' re they could rear t.ln~ir1_\_ February their hurrn\\'V “ ups. and, after his rrilglfld . e, Kewinnick had rlovw journey,und tirr-snnn- W J“ v with the ynunx: 9"" “'H, mz. But she had not‘ rswnmps. “V” '‘‘'W' 1‘i...~, h unerring scnsr‘ “I “mm. M the journey’ W“ T‘: , l-like hardwoods of IL.‘ H , expanse of Trot" l““.‘|\i:..' r {at trout had their lh‘ mine as they W""“'(14.i..~ lpruces and firs W U“: ('h,.,\~, led with the first re" p : hurled himself to on “W. sad about the neck nf “[1 H‘ roke the profound ‘”.‘n N“ .red but meagrely ‘1‘"f muaqunsh was very “‘ ll _| .|r-un- 1Ili< ‘ :nming to a huge. curled-up drift, like a wave frozen n the act of breaking, Kewinnick dove head-foremost “'5 H5 5l"“°|15 l3°dY '" l"‘ nto it. A moment and his mate followed. The snow mvcloped them, as, like swimmers bent on seeing how «mg they can remain submerged. the DREW bUT|‘0W‘3d 7l'|Wfll‘El. Finally KeWinnick’s head emerged. his Wt‘ rurhcs and whiskers sparkling with snowflakes, then ‘re sprang forward. A moment more and his mate followed. zhook herself and let her full black eyes rat on her lord. Like a small boy given a He had a death hold . . I hold that [he other could never break. CANADIAN Home ]ouaNAr_ holiday, he was sitting up on his tail and hind-quarters, rocking himself from side to side, twisting his sinuous body in lively contortions, and his eyes dancing with mischief. He was a beautiful creature, despite his one fore-shortened foot, on which the long hair now replaced the severed web. He was all of threeand-a—half feet in length, his coat thickly fun-ed, varying from dark brown to almost black. His head was small. the tiny ears low down on the sides; above his sharp, pointed nose velvety black eyes looked out on a world in which he feared no one save the two-legged creatura. He was a king of his race, as she was a queen. She watched him amuserlly as he reached out his forefeet and clasped her neck. Together they wrestled. standing up straight, like boxers. But suddenly, as * though she realized that such strenuous exercise were not good for her, she gave him a playful box on the ear, and slipping from his grasp, gave him to understand that the play was ended. He took the hint, once more sprang ahead of her and broke trail. Once, coming to where rounded, dog-like tracks led across the lake, Kewinnick paused, sniffed them, then proceeded onward. His mate, too, bent and nosed the tracks. She knew that they had been made by a fox, doubtless a male searching for a mate. A flock of pine grosbeaks flew over their heads to a mountain ash along the shore and began to feed on the red berries. Other than these the wilderness seemed bare of all life, the very trees motion- l ess—s n o w - clad spirits of trees epitomiz- ing theundying mystery that hovers over the winter forests. 11 TH E WATERWAYS Reaching the lower end of the lake, K-zwinnick paused again, and raising his hndy upright lr-t his gaze rove over the shores of the narrow dead»watcr. Then, with a backward glance at his mate, he again flung himself forward. They had not gone more than fifty yards when she saw him again pause, and gaze ahout with every evidcnm of concern. She hastened to his side, and what she saw caused her heart to heat a little more rapidly, For there, deeply indented in the snow, were the long, snow- shoe tracks of their age-old enemy—man. They came from the forest on the left, crossed the dead~watcr, and entered the woods again on the right. He had passed this way not this morning, nor during the night, but not later than yesterday, for only a few of the tracks were drifted in with snow. With a bound the two otters sprang across those hated evidences of man's all- pervading rlnminance.rounrl- ' . ed a bend and sped along the frozen dead- water. For a half mile (Cmrlinucd on raw’ Ml