prairie roate, each helaing ta 3 twin. Eight or nine trunks

anfi boxes are 2133 lsnfica. Dickie ana Biraie look azout than for the car they expect to meet them. where is no vehicle uhutevbr

- driver's in sight but a bir farm wagon, an the high seat of which Bad:

3 Calhoun launges, with the reins looaoly in his hand. #9 van Dayfion's lock abant them, Budk leisurely cuts a big chunk of chewing tobacco from a plug, chuekw it into hifi moufih, takes 3 slaw chew, spifis anfl than, taking his time, descenfls from fine vagan. He 13 not a picturesque figure, though he lacks hazfiy and cayable. fiaxixy'3 Eis dress consistss of 3 flirty ana much patehea pair overals, wifih broken galluaes over the shoulficrs, ana 3 fiisrcputmblc aaa battcrea looking 01% hat on his head. Buck ia a chunky, huray looking man of about 25, with a ufiie humoraus face. capable, tough, flcpenaablo anc looveuble, anfl full o£'u quaint humor, which tmists across his face upon owary excuse. 5 Ha saunters over cheerfully to the Daytons. Lmfi adaressos them as: ”How&y lgdy and gent. Guess you're the ggys the‘ho5$ telephoned me to maefi. Eon're yourselves?" _ 1 He extends 2». big, xvoz-3': haraened anfi. soiled hamfi, ‘$2113.13 Biraie stares at with aversion, and which causes Dickie to wince as he grips his aelicate fingers with it. Each paints ta the trunks &e. and asks if they are theres. mhéy~noé, unfl he guys: "I'll give you a hanfi than 'bo”. Eiak as he realizes fihut Buck actually nnmns for axm


to help pufi the trunks aboara asks him if he figxns him for 3 coal