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How I used to wish that I could sit down at the piano and pour out the golden syncopzition of American melody, like the jazz piano aycrs I had heard. How I used to wish that I could be the popular one in every crowd. But I could not play a note.

Niagara Method Showed Me The Way

Then somewhere—just as you are reading this—l read of the Niagara Method which makes piano playing wonderfully simple. I sent for Director Wright's book "The Niagara Secret." I read the book. and I knew it was right.

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Volume II.

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General Articles

The High Cost of Sickness—-By Anne Anderson Perry . -Jtlustrated by R. W. Macm-

As Seen From a Four—Poster—Edi'tori'al

Cookery and Entertaining A Buffet Supper for St. Valer~tine‘s——By Edythe Ann Palmer . Bride's Progress——By Ruth Davison Reid . . . . . . . Meals of the Month~By Margaret E. Read .

Interior Decoration The Decorative Goldfish——By Anne Elizabeth Wilson


Ideas for the Horn -Made Valentine-—By Ioan Dec . Make It'.—By Ruby Short McKim. . . .

Mothercrzift '

irregularities of Babyhood—By Stella E. Pines ~-ltluslriiled by Stella Grier

Music A Valentine-—(Song) , , , , , , , _ _ _ Words by Coral Birch; Music by Norman Sydney »-Illustrated by Elsie Dearw _ Art Maison de Montcalin——By W. F. G. Godfrey Canadian Art Album Fashions ParisPatter . . . . , . . , _ As Taken Down by Mary Wyndham Vogue Pattern Service

Berthas, Scallops and Ruffles . . .

Simple School Frocks Get High Marks

Shirred Draperies Coquet with Capes

Achieving the Slim Silhouette . . . . .

Gardening Floral Fashions for February——By Ada L. Potts , Fiction “To One I Love"-——By jean L. Hinds (Short Story) D ——AlFt'ustru.Led by Eileui it add ' °“”:‘m::i‘:;:.‘?3t.“‘;:m:‘:*:::i.C°'*"“" W M

Hands—By Beatrice Redpath (Serial) —-Illustrated by Harry Fisk

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Poetry The White Bride—-By Ronald Euerson. —Illustrated by Luella Williams

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The Chatelainifs Patchwork The Pam“ P Y urse

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The Domestic Workshop

ANNE Ei.izAsi7i-ri WILSON Editor

Number 2



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