. V ; ' 1 for VVinter DIIYS Perpetuntlng bummer Be Iutléb _.\rcl11’ Ivvwv $oulcA tlmlha DI:1cI.(=z111‘.~‘ Ludm: Slrpptr Ru-.1] flmvcre and .1 llulcurns ry, Llm i.~ nnlnnm upco{.1|— mu.~t .u\y0nc. gu to m.1kc llmc .1ur:1c1irc \J\,pl;1y~.'l‘|1L-y mu bu used In .1 xuulliludv-of \\.\y:~ as C.1lcml;1r.<, ‘ . md Great- 1ngCJrd:. They are cou-rul with d1-lic.m: Bru~:clsNu1 ln lllcw n‘pmdu(Ir1)u:~ 1111, lm:« bu-n ru11o\v.-dv A dc- «:ri]vu1>11 of ham Ilm J1-|IL.1n: hurl»: is dung _11ppcJrs on the Uypus. no page. 1\[ng:17.illC |,,1,,..1n, mg: ' Ottuwn lmlt sp1‘ln' that n T.,lm:;:v to M; °h"‘""-‘“ Emsl$ui{l1?:rlas|:1¥1?r‘:u:$l" nndwork v-'»g*,,“..'y“-‘*1-131. 1 hnvo m lists 1"” ““‘°.1 outhnd n'xn giving 1 owem -1’"“"’ "'2 emust or my fnanxln." D11. chl‘ 3”” 1'3 cnml! the reply "That is 1111 ¢°“°”'”““{’ no with plant or nluncy." van.’ “M ‘"5 "Why n\y car What on Irwlv W“ 1r1enn'l mm, .1 =‘"“‘ d" y"? bnrely mxlnnpzn to keep two’ "he" “Juan 1 the cullectur und same- '“'“"“ “-'“’" - ° 1 can [eul um uhnoxlnuu ¢'""”' I "'f1"1g'"° lmuk hm: " "VVIEU but ;j;,‘,;’?,“‘fi,e"§nm3irenurn11v ‘W.-n11v»'e at CW‘-""” ‘"“"’ n1“'i2§§‘.‘n‘"n".va i?.‘3§‘rn'fi’ "‘°"d l:|"'?)i$yo}vDpu|1L-rs 11nd mugnzlne); ‘f‘r‘§f{,‘g,n up er shelf mu: "Here Are my Chriutlznnsrowers.‘ d '1 I Lmmg up tllle fllralil pupur um. u‘:~l‘(é:mlh "I 1“ 121:1 "*n:::.:s:V Jim n, mvered WIN! c1n»‘bu¢«tn.n1 l1lu:«‘a12“rn:10‘frtJ1;rI: common buttenupt tmnm (()"‘nun the E“1¢l{."xc?£nm1e €§1?1der(l)y l‘:l1:"1’1sLIgl\t furth nor . , , , several lmlhnnt apeclnfins «I111 thobggegfg yellow Indy slnpper nn lfin V d [luff from the conmmn ml ( wee . ‘ h .13“; V‘/hnt on enrth can yarn: do Wlrfi those dngecl stalkflh Ems‘ l; uemr<1Lc1‘eflg; "Well-w1tl1 in few 5 :_2ets_ at w or chm pnper. water color 111115. mtm“ fine brushes {mm L 2 terhh “moat Ck some v_1elI Dressed but _er If: H ml’ mam gwen me by 1: Umvem y_b{le as twu ur three nrds ml’ narrow r11 Vane to mlny a11mlls1eets of glusa ns 1\\.ufi 0‘ make plutures or curdsé save]? rlghsmy pang pm-tcu_1t tnplg. Pm: e~nI W Chnstmus hat I w1l1he_rg_uK1ytU COMIUET the‘h1gh pnce of gwmg . _L yln out my already prepmed‘l;ki